Fig. 4 in Fig. 4 in Fig. 3 in Fig. 21. Sesarmops mora n in Paralbunea dayriti Author Jouladeh-Roudbar, Arash Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Alborz, Iran. E-mail: jouladehroudbar @ ut. ac. ir Author Ghanavi, Hamid Reza Department of Biology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. * Correspondence: E-mail: hamid. ghanavi @ gmail. com (Ghanavi) Author Doadrio, Ignacio Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology Department, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales-CSIC, Madrid, Spain. E-mail: doadrio @ mncn. csic. es text Zoological Studies 2020 2020-06-29 59 21 1 303 journal article 10.6620/ZS.2020.59-21 1810-522X Squalius latus Keyserling, 1861 – Native ( Fig. 268 ) Squalius latus Keyserling [ E. Von ] 1861: 21 [24]; Type locality: Heri-rud River near Herat , Afghanistan . Holotype (unique): No types saved. Squalius transcaspiensis Berg [L. S.] 1898: 16 [3]; Type locality: Apparently Ashgabat , Turkmenistan , not Ashgabat on the Tedschent River. Syntypes : (many) ZMMU (not found in 2002). Common name : Pr: Aroos Mahi-e Harirud, En: Transcaspian dace. Diagnosis : Low count of lateral line scale (fewer than 45) and distribution identify this species in northeastern Iran . Meristic characters : D: III 7–8 (7), A: III 9–10 (9), P: 13–15, V: 9–10 (9), GR: 8–11, LL: 43–44, TV: 39–41. Distribution : Hari basin ( Fig. 269 ). Only found in Hari River . Taxonomy : Berg (1949) placed in Leuciscus but our unpublished work (molecular and morphology) showed this species belong to Squalius . Conservation : IUCN: Not Evaluated, PC: Data Deficient. This species is distributed in Afghanistan and Iran . There is no information available about the distribution and the conservation status of the species in Afghanistan . In Iran it is found only in Hari River. We believe more data are needed to objectively assess its conservation status; therefore, we classified it as Data Deficient.