Bats of the Sangkulirang limestone karst formations, East Kalimantan - a priority region for Bornean bat conservation Author Suyanto, Agustinus Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Widyasatwaloka Building, Jl. Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong 16911, Indonesia Author Struebig, Matthew J. School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, London, E 1 4 NS, United Kingdom & Corresponding author: E-mail: m. struebig @ qmul. ac. uk text Acta Chiropterologica 2007 2007-04-01 9 1 67 95 journal article 21493 10.3161/1733-5329(2007)9[67:botslk];2 d40d94a8-75f5-486c-a377-6c1c7ba067dc 1733-5329 3944605 Miniopterus magnater Sanborn, 1931 Large bent-winged bat New material 6♂♂ ( MZB M26371 / 26736 / 26737 / 26787 / 26788 / 26855 ); 1♀ ( MZB M26738 ). Records from Borneo Sabah : Batu Ponggul, Gomantong, Gua Liang, Madai, Poring, Pulau Balembangan, Upper Sungai Kuamat ( Payne et al ., 2000 ). EastKal: Bantol cave ( Yasuma, 1994 ). Comments Nine individuals were captured in a harp-trap as they emerged from Gua Kelelawar at Tintang. This is the second re- cord in Kalimantan . Otherwise it is only confirmed in Sabah. M. magnater is the largest of the known Bornean Miniopterus (FA in Tintang 48.1–50.5 mm ), but is often confused with M. schreibersii . The seven individuals taken as specimens from Tin- tang were confirmed as M. magnater by palatal width, M3–M3 ( 7.35–7.60 mm cf. 6.6–7.0 mm for M. schreibersii in Sabah — Payne et al ., 2000 ), but it is possible that both species may be present at this formation as there is considerable overlap in external measurements.