Contribution to the AIrotropical Ɨchneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ɨchneumonidae) Irom Gabon and Sierra Leone, with descriptions oI Iive new species and two new subspecies Author Riedel, Matthias Zoologische Staatssammlung München Author Pos, Davide Dal Departament of Biology, University of Central Florida, 4110 text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2019 2019-07-26 51 1 419 436 journal article 22916 10.5281/zenodo.3758387 407f0772-182b-45da-bd20-40da56f96867 0253-116X 3758387 CA36578C-5271-449A-A221-88D8781BD9B4 Adelotropis gabonense nov.sp. (figs 4, 15, 17, 19 ) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Holotypus : ( ) Gabon - prov. Ogooué-Ivindo , Parc National de ĺ Ivindo , station de Ipassa , 0°30́45́́N 12°48́10́́ E , 20/29.II. 2012, leg. M. Pavesi ( MSNM , Milan ). R e m a r k: This new taxon is closely related to A. farquharsoni WATERSTON, 1922 . It can be differentiated from the latter species by its wider and sickle-shaped area superomedia, less extended red coloration of mesosoma, ivory spots on fore and middle coxae and dark spurs of hind tibia. D e s c r i p t i o n: : Body length 8.5 mm . Flagellum with 28 flagellomeres, short, filiform; 1 st flagellomere 1.4x longer than wide, 2 nd flagellomere 2.1x longer than wide and 1.5x longer than the 1 st flagellomere, combined length 0.4x eye length. Head transverse, temple parallel behind eye and moderately narrowed apically, c.0.75x as wide as the eye. Distance of lateral ocellus to eye c.1.6x its diameter. Frons and temple with very scattered fine punctures and scattered short pale hairs. Face and clypeus confluent, with coarse dense punctures and long dense pilosity. Malar space 1.1x longer than the width of mandibular base. Gena with scattered fine punctures ventrally. Genal carina reaching the mandibular base. Mandible very large and wide, with wide gap between the teeth; lower tooth wider but shorter than the upper one. Mesosoma with pale hairs. Epomia strong. Side of pronotum with coarse punctures dorsally, largely smooth with some rugae ventrally. Mesoscutum with scattered and coarse punctures, shining, partly distributed in longitudinal rows; notaulus weakly impressed frontally. Subtegular ridge sharp and strongly developed. Mesopleuron with coarse dense punctures, partly rugose, speculum large, smooth. Sternauli distinctly impressed in frontal 0.4 of mesopleuron, with fine transversal ribs; epicnemial carina narrow, reaching the frontal margin of mesopleuron. Scutellum wider than long, with strong lamelliform lateral carina over the whole length, surface with some coarse transversal rugae and a strong central tooth-like extension. Propodeum and metapleuron with very coarse reticulo-rugose punctures. Juxtacoxal carina present. Propodeal spiracles oval, c.2x longer than wide. Area basalis trapezoid, wider than long. Area superomedia sickleshaped, 2.7x wider than long, costula reaching the area petiolaris shortly behind the area superomedia. Area petiolaris strongly impressed medially, without lateral carina, coarsely rugose. Hind coxa with dense coarse punctures, without scopa. Hind femur with coarse dense punctures, almost smooth ventrally, c.3.6x longer than wide. Claws not pectinate. Areolet pentagonal, frontal distance of intercubiti c.3x their widths, 2nd recurrent vein in its middle; nervulus antefurcal by 1x its width; nervellus of hind wing intercepted in its apical 0.8. Metasoma amblypygous, short-oval, with dense pale pilosity. Petiolus slightly wider than high; postpetiolus strongly widened, without dorsal carina, but slightly elevated median field; lateral field with fine punctures laterally and with smooth surface medially, median field with coarse rugose punctures. Gastrocoelus rectangularly impressed, with longitudinal ridges. Thyridium transverse, c.0.8x as wide as the interval. 2 nd tergite 1.4x wider than long, 3 rd tergite 2.1x wider than long; both tergites with coarse and dense rugose punctures; following tergites with smooth surface and scattered fine hairpunctures. Ovipositor sheath not surpassing the metasomal apex. Color: Black. Ivory are spot on mandibular base, facial and frontal orbits, stripe on upper outer orbit, frontal spots on fore and middle coxae, narrow apical margin of hind coxa and apical bands on 4 th to 7 th tergites. Red areas are located on pronotum (except frontal margin), mesopleuron, mesoscutum and scutellum. Fore leg except coxa reddish, middle leg except coxa brown. Wings slightly infuscate, pterostigma blackish. Male and hosts unknown.