Catalogue of Texas spiders Author Dean, David Allen Department of Entomology, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, United States of America text ZooKeys 2016 2016-03-02 570 1 703 journal article 1313-2970-570-1 CE0DA439F6F64DCF82255700A3C50098 E376FF8EFFF1F22C326D1E0DFF8BFFDF 579094 Philodromus minutus Banks, 1892 Philodromus minutus Agnew et al. 1985 : 5; Cokendolpher et al. 1979 : 727; Dean and Eger 1986 : 142; Dean and Sterling 1990 : 403, 405; Dondale and Redner 1968 : 54, mf, desc. (figs 78-80, 193-198, 208, 218); Dondale and Redner 1978b : 84, mf, desc. (figs 260-270); Jackman 1997 : 166; Kaston 1978 : 238, desc. (fig. 608); Rydzak and Killebrew 1982 : 7; Vogel 1970b : 27; Young and Edwards 1990 : 21 Distribution. Brazos, Comal, Dallas, Denton, Erath, Fannin, Jack, Kerr, Leon, Montague, Smith, Travis, Walker, Wichita Locality. Ellis Prison Unit, Lick Creek Park Time of activity. Male (March - April, June, October); female (March - June) Habitat. (crops: peanuts); (plants: bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush); (soil/woodland: juniper, oak, Quercus buckleyi , Quercus virginiana , Ulmus crassifolia ) Method. Beating [f]; beating/sweeping [f]; boll weevil pheromone trap [m]; suction trap [mf]; sweeping [mf] Type. New York, Ithaca Etymology. Latin, size Collection. MSU, TAMU