New and unusual host records for North American and South American spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) Author Kurczewski, Frank E. Author West, Rick C. Author Waichert, Cecilia Author Kissane, Kelly C. Author Ubick, Darrell Author Pitts, James P. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-12-07 4891 1 1 112 journal article 9376 10.11646/zootaxa.4891.1.1 8cd88652-1627-4fbe-891d-062b3e02e511 1175-5326 4309249 6B0E1135-8C4E-4341-9793-AB970FBCD10B Tachypompilus spp. (unidentified) ARGENTINA : Buenos Aires ; 2 January 2016 ; J. Darwin. Host: Polybetes cf pythagoricus , adult female. The wasp dragged the paralyzed huntsman spider backwards through grass, dorsal side upward, grasping its right pedipalp with her mandibles ( Darwin 2016 ). ARGENTINA : Misiones Province , 20 km before Moconá Falls , Tekorendá Reserve ; 27 November 2008 ; R . Moyano. Host: Phoneutria nigriventer , adult or subadult female. The wasp dragged the paralyzed wandering spider backwards on the ground, dorsal side upward, grasping its right pedipalp with her mandibles ( Moyano 2008 ) . BOLIVIA : Beni Department , Betania ; 3 February 2009 ; V . Valou. Host: Polybetes sp., adult female. The wasp dragged the immobilized huntsman spider backwards on the ground, dorsal side upward, grasping its left pedipalp with her mandibles ( Valou 2009 ) . BRAZIL : State of Mato Grosso , Novo Mundo , Cristalino Jungle Lodge ; 5 October 2011 ; R . Hoyer (birdernaturalist). Host: Unidentified species ( Ctenidae ), juvenile male. The wasp dragged the paralyzed wandering spider on leaf litter, dorsal side upwards, by its right pedipalp with her mandibles ( Hoyer 2011 ) . BRAZIL : State of Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro , Vargem Grande, Pedra Branca State Park; 18 November 2017 ; E. A. Ferreira. Host: Polybetes cf pythagoricus , adult female. The wasp examined the paralyzed huntsman spider as it laid, dorsal side upward, on the ground ( Ferreira 2017 ). BRAZIL : State of Rio Grande do Sul , Viam „o; 1 February 2017 ; L. F. Corullon. Host : Lycosa erythrognatha , adult female (gravid). The wasp pulled the paralyzed wolf spider backwards on the ground, dorsal side upward, grasping its left pedipalp ( Corullon 2017 ) . BRAZIL : State of Santa Catarina , Florianópolis , Armaç „o Beach ; 27 November 2010 ; P. Moura. Host : Unidentified species ( Ctenidae ), adult or subadult female. The wasp grasped the paralyzed wandering spider with her mandibles by its left pedipalp as it laid on the ground, ventral side upward, and turned it over. She released her grasp, walked around the immobilized spider, and examined it with her antennae ( Moura 2010 ) . BRAZIL : State of Santa Catarina , Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí; 14 April 2009 ; H. Moli. Host:? Phoneutria sp. ( Ctenidae ), juvenile female. The wasp maneuvered around and under the wandering spider, as it repeatedly lunged at the wasp on the ground ( Moli 2009 ). BRAZIL : State of Santa Catarina , Santo Amaro , tropical woodland; 4 March 2015 ; D. da Cruz Pereira. Host : Unidentified species ( Ctenidae ), adult or subadult female. The wasp pulled the paralyzed wandering spider across large dead leaves, dorsal side upward, grasping its left pedipalp with her mandibles, then up a steep bare incline, across level ground, and over large dead leaves ( da Cruz Pereira 2015 ) . ECUADOR : Azuay Province , Cuenca ; 2 February 2019 ; J. Garcia (jorgearturogd). Host: Cupiennius coccineus , adult female. The wasp dragged the paralyzed banana spider through low vegetation on the ground, dorsal side upward, grasping its left pedipalp with her mandibles ( Garcia 2019 ) .