Taxonomic and nomenclatural changes in Cassidinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Author Sekerka, Lukáš text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2016 2016-07-15 56 1 275 344 journal article 56063 10.5281/zenodo.5305725 31cb15bf-28f5-4b27-86df-6a1b28cbce41 0374-1036 5305725 E24F1028-C6AC-4323-9ED5-C9B7FF3434ACD Orexita justini ( Boheman, 1855 ) Coptocycla Justini Boheman, 1855: 93 (original description). Physonota breviuscula Boheman, 1857: 99 (original description), syn. nov. Type localities. Coptocycla justini : ‘Bogota’; Physonota breviuscula : not given. Type material examined. Physonota breviuscula : HOLOTYPE : , pinned (teneral specimen), ‘Type [w, p, s, c, rf] || ____? [hw] | ex Deyrolle [hw] | Baly Coll. | 1905—54. [w, p, cb] || Physonota | breviuscula | Boh | ____? [w, hw by Baly, cb] || Type | Boh | Col: Deyrolle [hw by Baly on underside of preceding label]’ ( BMNH ). Remarks. BOHEMAN (1857) described Physonota breviuscula presumably from a single specimen because he described its artificial colouration and other characters resulting from the unusual condition of the specimen. The taxon remained unknown to subsequent authors. The type was purchased by J. S. Baly and is nowadays deposited in the BMNH. It is a teneral specimen with discoloured and fully sclerotized elytra but perfectly matching specimens of O. justini . I have not studied type material of the latter species but additional specimens from Colombia compared to its type (deposited at MMUE) and therefore I synonymize P. breviuscula with the O. justini . Distribution. Colombia ( BOHEMAN 1855 ) and Bolivia ( BOROWIEC 2009c ).