There’s gold in them thar hills! Morphology and molecules delimit species in Xerochrysum (Asteraceae; Gnaphalieae) and reveal many new taxa Author Collins, Timothy L. Author Schmidt-Lebuhn, Alexander N. Author Andrew, Rose L. Author Telford, Ian R. H. Author Bruhl, Jeremy J. text Australian Systematic Botany 2022 2022-06-09 35 2 120 185 journal article 10.1071/SB21014 1446-5701 10903939 Xerochrysum andrewiae T.L.Collins & J.J.Bruhl , sp. nov. Type : AUSTRALIA : Tasmania : Ansons Bay Road , ~ 4.5 km N of Reids Road , SW side of road, ~ 70 m from road edge, 6 Mar. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1036 & R.L. Andrew , (holo: HO !; iso: CANB !, NE 106812 !) . [ Xerochrysum subundulatum auct . non (Sch.Bip.) R.J.Bayer: R.J. Bayer, Kew Bull. 56(4): 1015 (2001) p.p. , only populations with stipitate glands on cauline leaves adaxially]. [ Bracteantha palustris auct . non Flann: C. Flann, Muelleria 11: 97 (1998) , p.p. , populations with smooth outer phyllaries only; Xerochrysum palustre auct . non (Flann) R.J.Bayer: R.J. Bayer, Kew Bulletin 56(4): 1014 (2001) , p.p. , populations with smooth outer phyllaries only]. 150°0 ̍ 0 ̎ E 150°0 ̍ 0 ̎ E Diagnosis Distinguished by the sessile glands on the adaxial leaf surface ( v. stipitate glands in X. subundulatum ; absent in X. palustre ), foliaceous bracts subtending capitula up to 15 mm long ( v. 5–10 mm long on X. palustre ), leaves 2–10 mm wide ( v. 5–20 mm in X. subundulatum ), outer phyllary abaxial surface scabridulous ( v. smooth in X. palustre ). Erect, rhizomatous, perennial herb, 30–60 cm tall. Stems and branches cobwebby to glabrescent, internode length 10–20 mm . Basal leaf rosette absent at flowering. Seedling and basal leaves not seen. Cauline leaves oblanceolate to lanceolate, 20–60 mm long and 2–10 mm wide, base attenuate, margin cobwebby, hispid, or glabrous, apex acute and apiculate; abaxial indumentum with glands, midvein glabrous or indumentum hispid; adaxial indumentum cobwebby, scattered hispid, and with glands. Foliaceous bracts subtending capitula 15 mm long, margin cobwebby. Capitula 35–40 mm wide, terminal, solitary. Outer phyllaries ovate, orange, brown, or straw-coloured; basal margin fimbriate and hispid, abaxial surface scabridulous, apex acuminate to apiculate. Medial phyllaries narrow ovate to lanceolate, abaxially yellow, apex cuspidate or apiculate. Stylar appendages ovate. Cypsela oblong, 2.3 mm long and 0.8 mm wide, cross-section squarish to circular; pericarp brass-coloured, idioblasts present. Pappus persistent. Distribution Recorded from New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania , occurring in the Sydney Basin, South East Corner, Australian Alps, and Ben Lomond bioregions ( Fig. 46 ). Fig. 47. Isotype of Xerochrysum andrewiae (T.L.Collins 1036 & R.L.Andrew , NE 106812). Phenology Flowering February–April and fruiting March ( Fig. 47 ). Habitat Lowland wetlands in Tasmania to wetlands up to ~1400-m altitude on the mainland in New South Wales and Victoria . Conservation status Population sizes in Tasmania have been estimated in the hundreds to thousands. Ongoing threats associated with anthropogenic climate change; in particular, extreme drought, and intense wildfire, potentially threaten X. andrewiae across the distribution. Given the past taxonomic confusion, we recommend a status of ‘ Data Deficient ’ ( IUCN 2019 ) and suggest that a detailed analysis of the area of extent, population sizes and health be conducted to determine appropriate conservation status. Notes At Tantawangalo State Forest populations of X. palustre sens . str. and X. andrewiae are sympatric and mixed collections have been made (e.g.: D.L. Jones 17164 , MEL 2101319!, CANB 616790). The informal phrase name Xerochrysum aff. palustre has been used at NE for curatorial purposes and this study. Etymology The specific epithet recognises the significant contributions of botanist, supervisor and co-collector of the type , Rose Lorien Andrew (1978–), of the University of New England Armidale , New South Wales . Selected specimens examined NEW SOUTH WALES : Central Tablelands : Kanangra Walls , 22 Mar. 2011 , R. Johnstone 2906 ( BRI , CANB , MEL !, NSW !) ; Kanangra Boyd National Park , 19 Apr. 2015 , J. Miles 15–50 ( NSW !) ; Kanangra Walls Road , 12 Jan. 2001 , D.L. Jones 17798 ( CANB *, MEL , NSW ) ; Jensens Swamp , 1 Mar. 1985 , D.H. Benson 2330 ( NSW !) . South Coast : Coolumbooka Nature Reserve , 30 Apr. 2002 , I. Crawford 7018 ( CANB !) ; on Outskirt Creek tributary arm in NW corner of Bondi or Mountain Top Travelling Stock Reserve , 16 Feb. 2015 , J. Miles 15–27 ( NSW !) ; Bega Swamp at the head of Brogo River , 6 May 1976 , R. Pullen 10268 ( CANB !, NSW ) ; ~ 9.8 km E of Cathcart towards Pambula , 8 Feb. 2000 , D.L. Jones 17157 ( MEL !) ; Badja State Forest , 12 Feb. 2004 , N.G. Walsh 6006 ( MEL !) ; 17.8 km E of Braidwood Clyde Mountain , 19 Mar. 2006 , D.L. Jones 19352 ( CANB , MEL !) . VICTORIA : East Gippsland : Alpine National Park , Playgrounds , 10 Feb. 2005 , N.G. Walsh 6260 ( MEL !) ; Alpine National Park , Cowombat Flat Track , 10 Feb. 2005 , N.G. Walsh 6258 ( MEL !) ; Snowy River National Park , 11 Jan. 1993 , I.R. Telford 11782 ( CANB *, MEL ) ; Bidwell , Upper Delegate River , 19 Jan. 1953 , R. Melville 2959 ( MEL !, NSW ) . TASMANIA : North East : Break O’Day : Bells Marsh , 13 Apr. 2009 , M. Wapstra 714 ( HO !) ; Powers Rivulet Marsh , 12 May 2009 , M. Wapstra 717 ( HO !) ; unnamed marsh, W of Ansons Bay Road , 13 Apr. 2009 , M. Wapstra 715 ( HO !) .