There’s gold in them thar hills! Morphology and molecules delimit species in Xerochrysum (Asteraceae; Gnaphalieae) and reveal many new taxa Author Collins, Timothy L. Author Schmidt-Lebuhn, Alexander N. Author Andrew, Rose L. Author Telford, Ian R. H. Author Bruhl, Jeremy J. text Australian Systematic Botany 2022 2022-06-09 35 2 120 185 journal article 10.1071/SB21014 1446-5701 10903939 Xerochrysum subundulatum (Sch.Bip.) R.J.Bayer , Kew Bull. 56(4): 1015 (2001) Helichrysum acuminatum DC., Prodr . 6: 188 (1838), nom. illeg., non (Link) Sweet (1826) ; Gnaphalium subundulatum Sch.Bip., Bot. Zeitung 3: 171 (1845) , nom. nov. ; Bracteantha acuminata Anderb. & Haegi, Op. Bot. 104: 105 (1991) , nom. illeg., nom. superfl. ; Bracteantha subundulata (Sch.Bip.) Paul G.Wilson , Muelleria 7(4): 519 (1992) . Type citation : ‘ad terram Van-Diemen legit cl. Gunn’. Type : Van-diemen [ Tasmania ], R.C. Gunn 244 (syn: G-DC G00470677*); Van Diemensland, leg. ign., s. dat. (possible syn: MEL 61149*). Procumbent or erect, rhizomatous, perennial herb. Stems and branches cobwebby, woolly, or glabrescent, and with glands; internode length 10–30 mm . Basal leaf rosette present or absent at flowering. Basal leaves obovate to spathulate, 20–60 mm long and 6–20 mm wide, base amplexicaul, margin cobwebby or villous, apex apiculate; abaxial indumentum with glands, midvein indumentum cobwebby or villous; adaxial indumentum cobwebby, hispid, and with glands. Cauline leaves oblanceolate to obovate, 25–90 mm long and 5–20 mm wide, base attenuate and amplexicaul, margin cobwebby or hispid, apex apiculate and mucronate; abaxial indumentum hirsute, glabrescent and with glands; abaxial midvein indumentum cobwebby, hispid, and with glands; adaxial indumentum hispid, scabrid, and with glands. Foliaceous bracts subtending capitula 12–15 mm long, margin cobwebby, hispid and with glands. Capitula 35–50 mm wide, terminal, solitary. Outer phyllaries ovate to broad-ovate, orange, brown, or straw-coloured; basal margin hispid, abaxial surface scabridulous, apex acute. Medial phyllaries narrow ovate to lanceolate, abaxially yellow, apex acute. Stylar appendages ovate. Cypsela ~ 3 mm long and 1 mm wide, cross-section with oblique angles; pericarp brown, idioblasts present. Pappus persistent, ~ 7.5 mm long. Fig. 51. Distribution of Xerochrysum subundulatum . Distribution Occurs in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania , in the South Eastern Highlands , Australian Alps, and Central Highlands and Ben Lomond bioregions respectively ( Fig. 51 ). Phenology Recorded flowering January–March and fruiting in March. Habitat Alpine and subalpine herblands, shrublands and woodlands with good moisture availability. Notes See notes above for X . sp. Blackfellows Gap collections from Namadgi National Park and Kosciuszko National Park that may represent hybrids between X. subundulatum and X. viscosum . Conservation status Occurs over a wide geographical area, including in several conservation reserves, and is not considered to be rare or threatened. We recommend a status of ‘ Least Concern ’ ( IUCN 2019 ). Notes The common names ‘orange paperdaisy’ or ‘orange everlasting’ are in use in Tasmania (‘Natural Values Atlas’, see and ‘alpine everlasting’ is in use in New South Wales and Victoria ( New South Wales Flora Online, see au/floraonline.htm; VicFlora, see https://vicflora.rbg.vic. Selected specimens examined AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: Namadgi National Park , Cotter Hut Road , 3 Jan. 2007 , J.J. Bruhl 2595 & I.L. Crawford ( CANB !, NE !, NSW !). NEW SOUTH WALES: Southern Tablelands : Kosciuszko National Park , alongside Tooma Road, 25 Mar. 2014 , J.R. Hosking 3746 ( CANB , MEL , NE !, NSW , US ). VICTORIA: unincorporated: Panorama Hill, Falls Creek , near the top of the Panorama Poma, 11 Mar. 1984 , D.E. Albrecht 263 ( MEL !) . Alpine : Mount Buffalo National Park , 19 Jan. 1988 , A.C. Beauglehole 92582 ( MEL !) . East Gippsland : Bogong High Plains , Buckety Plain , 20 Jan. 1988 , N.G. Walsh 2021 ( MEL !) . TASMANIA: Ben Lomond : Ben Lomond National Park , 5 Mar. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1035 & R.L. Andrew ( CANB !, HO !, NE !) . Central Highlands : Central Highlands Highway , Little Pine Lagoon , 1 Mar. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1020 & R.L. Andrew ( CANB !, HO !, NE !); Liaweeni, 1 Mar. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1021 & R.L. Andrew ( CANB !, HO !, NE !); Lake Augusta , 1 Mar. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1022 & R.L. Andrew ( CANB !, HO !, NE !); Cradle Mountain National Park , Face Track, 3 Mar. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1031 & R.L. Andrew ( CANB !, HO !, NE !) .