There’s gold in them thar hills! Morphology and molecules delimit species in Xerochrysum (Asteraceae; Gnaphalieae) and reveal many new taxa Author Collins, Timothy L. Author Schmidt-Lebuhn, Alexander N. Author Andrew, Rose L. Author Telford, Ian R. H. Author Bruhl, Jeremy J. text Australian Systematic Botany 2022 2022-06-09 35 2 120 185 journal article 10.1071/SB21014 1446-5701 10903939 Xerochrysum papillosum (Labill.) R.J.Bayer , Kew Bull. 56(4): 1015 (2001) Helichrysum papillosum Labill. , Nov. Holl. pl. 2: 46 t . 192 (1806); Bracteantha papillosa (Labill.) Anderb. & Haegi, Opera Bot . 104: 105 (1991) . Type citation : ‘in capite Van-Diemen.’ Type : In capite Van-Diemen [ Tasmania ], s. dat. , J.J.H. de Labillardière s.n. ( lecto , here designated: FI 006315 *; probable isolecto : FI 006314 *, MEL 61392 *, G-DC G00470570 *) . Erect, taprooted, perennial herb. Stems and branches cobwebby, hirsute, hispid, or glabrescent, and with glands; internode length 1–40 mm . Basal leaf rosette absent at flowering. Basal leaves spathulate, 50–120 mm long and 10–20 mm wide, base amplexicaul, margin cobwebby or hispid, apex apiculate and mucronate; basal leaf abaxial indumentum with glands, midvein glabrous (occasionally with scattered septate trichomes); adaxial indumentum hispid and with glands. Cauline leaves oblanceolate to lanceolate, 35–150 mm long and 3–10 mm wide, base subauriculate, margin cobwebby, hispid, scabrid, and with glands, apex apiculate and mucronate; abaxial indumentum with scattered septate trichomes and glands, midvein indumentum cobwebby, hispid, and with glands; adaxial indumentum hispid and with glands. Foliaceous bracts subtending capitula 10–35 mm long, margin cobwebby, hispid and with glands. Capitula 35–55 mm wide, terminal, in panicles or solitary. Outer phyllaries broad-ovate, pink, brown, or straw-coloured, basal margin fimbriate and hispid, abaxial surface smooth, apex acuminate to apiculate. Medial phyllaries narrow ovate to lanceolate, abaxially white or yellow, apex cuspidate or apiculate. Stylar appendages clavate to ovate. Cypsela ~ 2.8 mm long and 1 mm wide, cross-section squarish or circular; pericarp brown, idioblasts present. Pappus deciduous, ~ 7 mm long. Distribution Occurs sporadically in Tasmania , the Bass Strait islands and on Wilsons Promontory, Victoria , in the Tasmanian South East , Furneaux and South East Coastal Plain bioregions ( Fig. 39 ). Fig. 39. Distribution of Xerochrysum papillosum . Phenology Flowering recorded August–March. Habitat Occurs in coastal heath and margins of eucalypt forests on sandy soils from sea level to ~650-m altitude. Conservation status Many populations occur in conservation reserves; however, there are no data on population sizes. Currently considered ‘ Not Threatened ’ (‘Natural Values Atlas’, see www. We recommend a status of ‘ Least Concern ’ ( IUCN 2019 ). Notes Labillardière’s specimen at FI (006315) is here selected as the lectotype , because it is the most complete of the available specimens here considered to comprise original material, and has been extensively annotated by Labillardière. Material at FI, G-DC and MEL , here treated as probable isolectotypes , appear to have been collected on the same voyage as the isolectotype to judge from annotations on the specimens. The common names ‘cliff paperdaisy’ and ‘cliff everlasting’ are used for X. papillosum in Tasmania (‘Natural Values Atlas’, see Selected specimens examined VICTORIA : South Gippsland : Wilsons Promontory National Park , 10 Nov. 1983 , A.C. Beauglehole 75352 ( MEL !) ; South Cape Bay , 6 Apr. 1930 , H.F. Comber 2278 (E 00231983!, HO ) . TASMANIA : Little Dog Island , Furneaux Group , 28 Aug. 1973 , J.S. Whinray 186 ( CANB !) ; Mount Chappell Island , Furneaux Group , 8 Feb. 1972 , J.S. Whinray 222 ( CANB !) ; Sea Lion Island , near its centre, 29 Aug. 1985 , J.S. Whinray 8758 ( CANB !) ; Flinders Island , slopes of Strzelecki Peaks , 28 Feb. 1977 , B.C. Crisp 460 ( CANB !) ; Mount Chappell Island , S end, 1 Nov. 1992 , R. Burns 444 ( CANB !) ; Mount Chappell Island , Mount Chappell, N face, 1 Nov. 1992 , R. Burns 436 ( CANB !) ; St Patricks Head State Reserve , upper slopes and summit, 6 Mar. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1037 & R.L. Andrew ( CANB !, HO !, NE !) ; Eaglehawk Neck , Tessellated Pavement , 28 Feb. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1018 & R.L. Andrew ( CANB !, HO !, NE !) .