Flora of the Guianas, Series C, fascicle 2.
J. Florschutz-de Waard
H. R. Zielman
M. A. Bruggeman- Nannenga
Kew Publishing
, Muscol. Recent. Suppl. 4: 71. 1818.
C. flexuosus (Hedw.) Brid.
Dicranum flexuosum Hedw.
Description see Musci I in Fl. Suriname 6: 70. 1964.
Distribution: Worldwide; in the Guianas 13 species.
1 Basal laminal cells above the auricles with strongly incrassate and pitted walls. 2
Basal laminal cells thin-walled or slightly thickened but not pitted. 7
2 Leaves with a conspicuous hyaline hairpoint. 9
C. richardii
Leaves without hyaline hairpoint or with only a few hyaline cells at end of costa. 3
3 Costa ribbed, with conspicuous lamellae at back. 4
Costa without lamellae at back. 5
4 Stems equally foliate. Leaves to 15 mm long. 6
C. lamellinervis
Stems often interruptedly foliate. Leaves to 7 mm long. 13
C. trachyblepharon
5 Robust plants with leaves 8 -13 mm long, costa in cross- section with dorsal stereids only. 11.
C. subcuspidatus
Leaves not over 9 mm long, costa with dorsal and ventral stereids. 6
6 Upper laminal cells quadrate to rhomboid; costa short-excurrent. 2.
C. arctocarpus
Upper laminal cells more elongate, oval-oblong; costa long-excurrent, coarsely serrate. 4.
C. cubensis
7 Basal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular, along the margin smaller, subquadrate. 8
Basal laminal Cells more elongate, towards margin narrower. 9
8 Leaves 3-5 mm long, costa narrower (1/3 of leaf base), ending in or just beyond apex. 5.
C. dichrostis
Leaves 3-9 mm long, costa strong and excurrent, serrate and sometimes hyaline at apex. 10.
9 Leaves to 12 mm long with a broad basal lamina, abruptly contracted to a long, narrow subula, longer than the basal lamina. 7.
C. luteus
Leaves to 7 mm long, lamina gradually narrowing to the apex. 10
Costa slender, ca. 1/3 of leaf width at base. 11
Costa broad, more than 1/2 of leaf width at base. 13
11 Plants usually interruptedly foliate. Costa at back with 2-3 cell high lamellae, in cross-section with stereids at ventral and dorsal side. 13.
C. trachyblepharon
Plants equally foliate or with only a comal tuft. Costa at back not lamellose, at most ridged, in cross-section with hyalocysts at ventral and stereids at dorsal side. 12
12 Plants equally foliate, leaves wide-spreading. Upper laminal cells more elongate, oblong, incrassate. 1.
C. angustiretis
Full grown plants with appressed stem leaves and a comal tuft of spreading leaves at the end. Upper laminal cells short-rectangular or rhomboidal, little incrassate. 12.
C. surinamensis
13 Costa short-excurrent, only dentate at the tip, sometimes hyaline; lamina gradually narrowed in the tubulose apex. 3.
C. bryotropii
Costa long-excurrent in a serrate, hyaline hairpoint; lamina abruptly narrowed and involute at apex. 8.
C. pilifer