Deronectes kabilcevz sp. n. and D. propedoriae sp. n. from south-eastern Anatolia (Turkey) (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae)
Aykut, Medený
Yildirim, Ýbrahým Halýl
Tusun, Sadreddýn
Fery, Hans
journal article
Deronectes kabilcevz
sp. n.
Batman province
Sason district
Dereiçi village
, ca.
10 km
SW Sason
, ca.
Type material:
, “
Batman prov.
Sason distr.
Dereiçi village
, ca. /
10 km
SW Sason
, slowly / running brooklet, ca.
735 m
leg.” [printed], “
Deronectes kabilcevz
sp. n.
/ Aykut &
det.” [red, printed] (
first three authors tried several times to collect more specimens—their efforts failed, however (the same applies to
D. propedoriae
sp. n.
, see below).
Description: Habitus
narrowly elongate oval, sides of elytra posterior to rounded shoulders in first two thirds weakly and more or less evenly rounded, further back more strongly curved (
Fig. 1
). Maximum width shortly before mid-length. Pronotum distinctly narrower than body (MW/PMW: 1.38) and weakly cordiform, thus discontinuity of body outline at shoulders distinct. Except head dorsal surface with silky shine, covered with short transparent setae, but some parts lacking setae (most probably mechanically removed).
of dorsal surfaces black; only clypeus above antennal insertion, vertex of head and posterior margin of pronotum narrowly shining through brownish. Ventral surface predominantly black; mouthparts, gula, hypomeron, parts of prosternal column, prosternal process, epipleura, lobes of metacoxal processes, and hind margins of third to fifth abdominal ventrites brownish. Legs generally dark brownish; pro- and mesocoxae, all trochanter, femora basally and distally, and tibiae basally lighter brownish. Fifth tarsomeres of pro-and mesotarsi and all metatarsomeres lighter brownish, but darkened distally. Antennae and palpi brownish, antennomeres IV to X progressively darkened distally, last antennomere almost totally darkened. Labial and maxillary palpomeres also darkened distally.
Entire surface distinctly reticulate, meshes small, polygonal. Punctation sparse, irregular, double. Small punctures smaller than meshes, distance between punctures about that of four meshes on clypeus, about that of five meshes on frons. Diameter of larger punctures on clypeus about twice that of smaller ones, on frons still larger; irregularly interspersed between smaller punctures. Clypeal grooves large, elongate, with punctation considerably denser. Alongside inner margin of eyes with deeply impressed sharply delimited furrow, including several large punctures. Anterior margin of head very weakly emarginated. A very few setae in clypeal grooves, elsewhere setae absent. Antennomere I long; antennomere II thinner and only half as long as I, slightly longer than III and IV; antennomeres V–XI more or less as long as II.
Shape weakly cordiform, broadest short before mid-length (PMW/PBW: 1.07); sides almost evenly curved over large part, short before anterior angles somewhat more straight, before posterior angles shortly concavely sinuate, posterior angles more or less rectangular. In posterior third parallel to lateral margin with narrow impression, especially deeply impressed near posterior angles. Weakly impressed behind anterior margin right and left of middle, more strongly impressed before posterior margin; thus, disc of pronotum appearing bulged. Lateral margins with shiny rim, short before anterior angles rim becoming rather thin. Entire surface reticulate, polygonal meshes only little smaller than on head. Punctation uniform, punctures as small as smaller punctures on head, distance between punctures more or less equal to that of two or three meshes. Centre of disk with deeply impressed large puncture; behind anterior margin and before posterior margin with very irregularly arranged large punctures; near side margins a more regular line of larger punctures. Setae present on entire surface, sparser on disc, denser laterally.
Rounded shoulders prominent; sides behind shoulders evenly curved until short before apex; here very indistinctly sinuate and then stronger curved to apex; elytra without longitudinal swellings, pre-apically with very distinct and large impression. Margin of elytra over entire length with distinct shiny rim, only short before apex becoming thinner. In perpendicular view on upper surface elytral margin not perceptible except directly at shoulders and near apex, because sides of elytra projecting over margin and obscuring it. In lateral view side margin strongly ascending to shoulders; epipleuron visible until shoulders.
Large parts of surface without reticulation, only near sides and in posterior third some mesh lines perceptible. Surface more or less evenly covered with small punctures; punctures smaller than on centre of pronotum; distance between punctures about that of their diameter or somewhat more. In posterior half of each elytron one indistinct sutural puncture line perceptible; additionally one discal and two lateral puncture lines present. Except these puncture lines surface without larger punctures. Entire surface more or less evenly covered with quite long setae, except some parts lacking setae (most probably mechanically removed).
Ventral surface:
Generally matt because metaventrite, metacoxae and abdomen almost totally densely punctate; large punctures absent (
Fig. 5
). Head with genae in anterior half not reticulate, densely covered with fine punctures, behind anterior margin lengthwise with several distinct wrinkles; more centrally with transverse irregular line of larger punctures, behind reticulate. Anterior angles of hypomeron (next to eyes) with triangular flat area, beside with strong impression.
Prosternum before procoxae very strongly sculptured and somewhat elevated. Prosternal process slightly inclined against prosternal column, tip of process somewhat turned up. Prosternal column narrow; prosternal process lanceolate, tip broadly rounded; process without carina, but distinctly vaulted; laterally with puncture lines parallel to side margin; margin not rimmed. Process reaching anteromedial process of metaventrite.
Antero-medial process of metaventrite very narrow, not reaching mesosternal fork; anteriorly (where prosternal process contacting) with very small shiny area; behind with distinct impressed longitudinal furrow. Mesocoxae contiguous (most probably; not checked by removing a mid-leg). Posterior margin of metaventrite from mid-line until short before metepisternum almost straight, then relatively shortly curved backwards; metaventral wing not reaching epipleuron. Metaventrite between punctures with traces of reticulation; centrally punctation sparser and surface smooth between punctures (
Fig. 5
). Metacoxae almost without any traces of reticulation. Metacoxal lines more or less parallel in anterior two thirds, reaching until short before hind margin of metaventrite; distance between lines small (
Fig. 5
). Metacoxal processes incised, obliquely cut; centrally prolonged backwards (continuation of interlaminary bridge) and gradually descending to second abdominal ventrite; here transformed into a more or less triangular (or wing-likely shaped) elevation (
Fig. 5
). Epipleuron becoming narrower near level of first abdominal ventrite, but not abruptly so. Carina on inner surface of elytra distinct, reaching until apex of elytra; before apex somewhat elevated, without ligula. Apex of last abdominal ventrite with relatively sharply indented notch (
Fig. 9
Shape of femora and tibiae normal; generally, similar to that of related
-subgroup species, such as
D. schuberti
D. evelynae
etc. Anterior protarsal claw somewhat thickened, curved near base, then almost straight, apically curved again. Anterior mesotarsal claw also somewhat thickened, more or less evenly curved. Apex of metafemur posteriorly lobed backwards (
Fig. 13
). First metatarsomere as long as second to fourth together.
: Median lobe in ventral and lateral view as in
Fig. 15
, parameres as in
Fig. 16
: Unknown.
4.2 mm
, TL-h:
3.5 mm
, MW: 2.0 mm, PMW:
1.45 mm
, PBW:
1.35 mm
TL/MW: 2.1, TL-h/MW: 1.83, PMW/PBW: 1.07, MW/PMW: 1.38.
: Only known from the
was collected in a slow flowing brooklet with sandy ground and without vegetation, at an altitude of ca.
735 m
Figs. 23 and 24
). It was found together with
D. propedoriae
sp. n.
and a few
Deronectes evelynae
Fery & Hosseinie, 1998
The new species is named after Kabilcevz, the ancient name of the Sason district and its surroundings. It is a noun in the singular case standing in apposition.