A revision of Dissochaeta (Melastomataceae, Dissochaeteae) Author Kartonegoro, Abdulrokhman Author Veldkamp, Jan Frits Author Hovenkamp, Peter Author Welzen, Peter van text PhytoKeys 2018 107 1 178 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.107.26548 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.107.26548 1314-2003-107-1 686CFF85FFADFFEAC033443CF54BFFFC 1346433 32. Dissochaeta leprosa (Blume) Blume, Flora 14: 494. 1831. Fig. 20 , Map 19 Melastoma leprosum Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind 17: 1068. 1826. Omphalopus leprosus (Blume) Naudin, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser . 3, 15: 278. 1851. Dissochaeta calothyrsa Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 523. 1855. Type: Indonesia. West Java: Pengalengan, F.W. Junghuhn 13 (lectotype, designated here: U [U0004009]!; isotype: L [L0822682, L0822683, L0822684]!). Dissochaeta intermedia Blume var. leprosa (Blume) J.F.Maxwell, Gard. Bull. Singapore 33: 315. 1980. Type. Indonesia. West Java: Mount Gede, H. Kuhl & J.C. van Hasselt s.n. (lectotype, designated here: L [L0008890]!; isolectotype: K [K000859492]!, L [L0822675, L0822676]!). Figure 20. Dissochaeta leprosa a habit b branchlet c hypanthium d flower. Photographs by C. Bravard. Description. Climbing up to 25 m in height. Branchlets terete, 4-6 mm in diameter, densely stellate-furfuraceous to stellate-tomentose; nodes swollen, with interpetiolar ridge; internodes 11-13 cm long. Leaves: petioles flattened, 12-18 mm long, densely stellate-furfuraceous; blades ovate-elliptic or elliptic, 8-17 x 4.8-8 cm, membranous, base rounded or subcordate, margin entire, apex acuminate, tip 0.5-1.5 cm long; nervation with 1 or 2 pairs of lateral nerves and 1 pair of intramarginal nerves; adaxially glabrous, abaxially densely stellate-tomentose. Inflorescences terminal, up to 27 cm long, many-flowered; main axis angular, densely stellate-tomentose; primary axes up to 22 cm long with 3 or 4 nodes, secondary axes 4-5 cm long with 2 nodes, tertiary axes 1.2-1.5 cm long with 1 node; bracts lanceolate, ca. 10 x 2 mm, densely stellate-tomentose, caducous; bracteoles linear or lanceolate, 1-6 mm long, densely stellate-pubescent; pedicels densely stellate-tomentose, 7-8 mm in central flowers, 3-5 mm long in lateral flowers. Hypanthium campanulate or suburceolate, 5-8 x 3-4 mm, slightly angular, covered with densely stellate-tomentose hairs; calyx lobes truncate with distinctly triangular tips, 3-4 mm long, erect, densely stellate-tomentose; petal buds conical, 7-10 mm long, apex acute; mature petals obovate or ovate, 6-10 x 3-8 mm, base clawed, apex obtuse, glabrous or hairy at base inside, pink or white purplish. Stamens 4, equal, alternipetalous, filaments flat, 4-8 mm long, straight, apex bent, anthers glabrous, linear or lanceolate, falcate or S-shaped, thecae 8-12 mm long, pedoconnective 1-2 mm long, basal crests distinctly triangular, 1-1.5 mm long, narrow with acute apex, lateral appendages paired, flat, filiform, 4-7 mm long, sometimes divided at the apex. Ovary half or ⅔ of hypanthium in length, apex pubescent; style 8-15 mm long, apex curved, glabrous; stigma capitate; extra-ovarial chambers 4, alternipetalous, extending to the base of the ovary. Fruits ovoid or urceolate, 7-12 x 5-6 mm, stellate-puberulous or nearly stellate-tomentose, greenish when unripe, with 4 distinct vertical ridges; calyx lobe remnants persistent, 2-3 mm long; stalks densely stellate-furfuraceous, 4-11 mm long. Seeds ca. 0.75 mm long. Distribution. Sumatra, Java and Lesser Sunda Islands (Bali). Ecology and habitat. Primary or secondary montane forest, rarely near crater, at 1000-1700 m elevation. Vernacular names. Java: harendong cai (Sunda); kramas madu (Java). Note. Dissochaeta leprosa resembles D. intermedia , but differs in the larger hypanthium and distinctly triangular calyx lobe tips. Otherwise, D. leprosa has a more tomentose indumentum than D. intermedia . The similarity in shape of the alternipetalous stamens between both species made Maxwell (1980b) regard D. leprosa as a variety of D. intermedia , but because of the differences in size and shape of the hypanthium, the calyx lobe tips and the alternipetalous stamens, it is considered to be a distinct species ( Kartonegoro and Veldkamp 2010 ). Specimens examined. INDONESIA. West Sumatra : Mt. Singgalang, O. Beccari PS 369 (BM, L). Central Java : Pekalongan, Mt. Praboto, 1350 m, 12 Sep 1914, C.A. Backer 15983 (BO); Ibid. , Petung Kriono, 1400 m, 9 Sep 1914, C.A. Backer 15787 (BO); Semarang, Mt.Telomoyo, 1500 m, 14 Jun 1892, S.H. Koorders 27844β (BO); Ibid. , 12 May 1899, S.H. Koorders 35840β (BO); Ibid. , S.H. Koorders 35841β (BO); Magelang, Mt. Andong, 19 Jun 1897, S.H. Koorders 27846β (BO). East Java : Ponorogo, Mt.Wilis, Sikandang, 15 Aug 1897, S.H. Koorders 29308β (BO); Malang, Punten, 1200 m, 25 Dec 1928, C.G.G.J. van Steenis 2486 (BO); Mt.Kawi, 1160 m, 13 May 1982, Anon. FS 48 (L). West Java : Bogor, Puncak Pass, 1 Sep 1896, Sapiin 1115 (BO); Ibid. , Mt. Pancar, 20 Dec 1893, V.F. Schiffner 2291 (BO, L); Ibid. , Gunung Melati, F. Went s.n. (L); Mt.Halimun, H. Uchida 20 (BO); Ibid. , Mt. Botol, 4 Mar 2000, W.S. Hoover et al. 32663 (BO); Ibid. , Nirmala Estate, 1300 m, 10 Jun 1980, M.M.J. van Balgooy & H. Wiriadinata 2922 (BO, L); Cianjur, Mt. Gede, H. Kuhl & J.C. van Hasselt s.n. (L); Ibid. , Cibodas, 1400 m, 10 Dec 1925, B.H. Danser 5955 (L); Ibid. , 24 Oct 1898, S.H. Koorders 31506β (BO); Ibid. , 16 Oct 1898, S.H. Koorders 31523β (BO); Ibid. , 18 Oct 1896, S.H. Koorders 25949β (BO); Ibid. , Geger Bentang, 1600 m, 2 Jun 1948, Kakah 92 (BO, L); Ibid. , 20 Jul 1914, C.A. Backer 14714 (BO); Ibid. , 27 Mar 1924, M.L.A. Bruggeman 48 (BO); Ibid. , 4 Aug 1924, M.L.A. Bruggeman 211 (BO); Ibid. , 11 Sep 1927, M.L.A. Bruggeman 839 (BO); Ibid. , R.H.C.C. Scheffer s.n. (BO); Ibid. , 1 May 1950, S.J. van Ooststroom 13840 (L, PNH); Ibid. , 3 Jul 1896, H. Raap 667 (L); Ibid. , J.G. Boerlage s.n. (L); Ibid. , 10 Feb 1895, J.G. Hallier 626a (BO); Cibeber, Mt. Beser, 1000 m, 27 Jun 1917, J.J. Smith 719 (BO, L, U); Bandung, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu, 1600 m, 26 Dec 1919, W.A. Horst 2 (BO); Ibid. , 26 Jul 1927, W.M. Docters van Leeuwen 11487 (BO); Ibid. , 18 Jul 1916, W.M. Docters van Leeuwen 2301 (BO); Ibid. , J.G. Boerlage s.n. (L); Ibid. , W.H. de Vriese 149 (L); Ibid. , Oct 1903, C.A. Backer s.n. (BO); Ibid. , 4 Mar 1912, C.A. Backer 2386 (BO); Ibid. , 28 May 1908, H.H. Zeijlstra 19 (L); Cibeureum, 1550 m, 3 Apr 1911, J.J. Smith & A. Rant 125 (BO, U); Mt. Malabar, R.H.C.C. Scheffer s.n.(BO); Pengalengan, F.W. Junghuhn 13 (L, U); Mt.Rendang, F.W. Junghuhn s.n. (L); Garut, Mt.Guntur, 1500 m, 1937, B.J. Karsten 66 (L); Pagencongan, Jan 1909, C.A. Backer s.n. (BO); Cianjur, Cireungas, Gunung Malang, 14 Mar 1909, C.A. Backer s.n. (BO). Bali : Mt. Patas, 1015 m, 20 Nov 1918, Sarip 465 (BO).