3284 Author Henrard, Arnaud Author Jocqué, Rudy text Zootaxa 2012 2012-04-30 3284 1 104 journal article 1175­5334 Orchestina probosciformis new species Figures 529–572 , 608 TYPE: Holotype female: Democratic Republic of the Congo : Luki Forest Reserve , primary forest, canopy, - 5.63333°, 13.06666°, Nov. 13, 2006 , De Bakker D. , Michiels J.P. ( MRAC 228810 PBI _ OON 9029 ). ETYMOLOGY: The species name is a combination of “proboscis” (trunk) and “forma” (shape) and refers to the shape of the extension of the female abdomen. DIAGNOSIS: The male of O. probosciformis is recognized by the heart-shaped labium ( Fig. 545 ) and the long median projections of the endites ( Fig. 532 ). The female is similar to O. debakkeri with which it shares the trunk-shaped extension of the abdomen and the form of the genital area, including the small posterior recptaculum ( Fig. 542–544 ). Note: It is worth noting that a species from Sri Lanka described on a single female and a juvenile by Simon (1893) and reviewed by Dalmas (1917), Orchestina tubifera , also possesses an abdomen with a long trunk-shaped extension. Even though typical individuals of O. tubifera Simon, 1893 have been examined (MNHN AR 6039/ 15249), it is impossible to attribute one of our species to it. These individuals are bleached by the long conservation period, impeding observation of characters with the stereomicroscope and their conservational status did not allow us to study them with SEM. FIGURES 529–534. Orchestina probosciformis , new species . 529. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00009026), habitus, dorsal view. 530. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00009025), habitus, ventral view. 531. Same, lateral view. 532. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00009025), prosoma, ventral view. 533. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00009014), carapace, anterior view. 534. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00009026), abdomen, dorsal view. MALE (PBI_OON 9026). Total length 1.07. CEPHALOTHORAX: Carapace ( Figs. 529–531, 533 ) yellow, ovoid in dorsal view (CW/CL ≈ 0.72), pars cephalica strongly elevated in lateral view, anteriorly narrowed to between 0.5 and 0.75 times its maximum width; non-marginal pars cephalica setae absent from lateral side. Clypeus sloping forward in lateral view. Eyes ALE-PME touching, PME oval; PLE-PME separated by less than PME radius. Sternum ( Fig. 530, 532 ) as long as wide, heart-shaped, yellowish white with dark stripes radiating from anterior half, anterior margin with semicircular depression in the middle half, posterior margin not extending posteriorly of coxae IV; anterior corner slightly elevated, with group of setae; setae abundant, densest laterally. Mouthparts ( Figs. 532, 533 , 545–549 ): Chelicerae, endites and labium yellow. Chelicerae ( Figs. 533 , 547–549 ) straight; retromargin with row of teeth; fang base with two pairs of modified setae covered with barbs over more than half their length. Labium ( Fig. 532 , 545 ) anterior margin slightly indented at middle, same as sternum in sclerotization, rounded, heart shaped; margins of posterior half sclerotized; with 6 or more setae on anterior margin, anteriorly with three subdistal setae, medially with one pair of setae, posteriorly with one seta. Endites ( Figs. 532 , 546 ) serrula present in single row, anteromedian tip with one strong, tooth-like projection, with large frontal extension, broad and parallel-sided at base, curved inwards and tapered towards blunt, strongly sclerotized tip, pointing forward; posterior part provided with diagonal furrow; anterior part divided into two prongs, one bearing sclerotized tip and one provided with flattened, pectinate setae. ABDOMEN ( Fig. 534 ): ovoid; dorsum soft portions pale orange, with gray netlike pattern, with two parts clearly divided by large pale chevron spanning entire width; paler in front than at back which is sepia due to thin longitudinal stripes, provided with a second chevron (a third one in some specimens). Book lung covers small, round. Pedicel with fringe of setae. Spinnerets: ALS ( Fig. 567 ) with four spigots, PMS with one spigot, PLS with two spigots. LEGS: white; patella plus tibia I shorter than carapace (TL/CL ≈ 0,81) patellae crossed dorsally by two longitudinal and parallel rows of smooth platelets, tibiae provided posteriorly with one row of smooth platelets on dorso-prolateral side, metatarsi provided dorsally with three smooth platelets on anterior part; anterior smooth platelet longitudinally oval, central one circular and posterior one transversally oval; apical part provided with group of small broom shaped setae ( Fig. 559 ) on prolateral side of leg I, II and III; Tarsus I superior claws ( Fig. 564 ) with four teeth on lateral surface of proclaw, three teeth on median surface of proclaw, four teeth on lateral surface of retroclaw, three teeth on median surface of retroclaw; tarsus II superior claws with four teeth on lateral surface of proclaw, four teeth on lateral surface of retroclaw; tarsus IV superior claws with four teeth on lateral surface of proclaw, four teeth on lateral surface of retroclaw. Trichobothria ( Fig. 562, 563 ): three on all tibiae; one near distal tip on metatarsi I, II and III, one at 3/5 length on metatarsus IV; base rounded, aperture internal texture not grate-like, hood covered by numerous low, closely spaced ridges; hood incomplete, interrupted in front by plate at level of aperture margin. Tarsal organ ( Figs. 550–552 ) pear shaped, situated distally in front of setae on tarsi I, II and III, isolated in middle of segment on tarsus IV. GENITALIA: Palp ( Figs. 532 , 539–541 , 566 ) proximal segments yellow; attachment of patella to tibia basal; tibia enlarged, one to two times as wide as femur; cymbium yellow, without distal patch of setae; bulb yellow, stout, tapering apically; embolus dark, tapered apically, with unmodified tip. FIGURES 535–538. Orchestina probosciformis , new species . 535. Female (Ht, PBI_OON 00009029), habitus, dorsal view. 536. Same, lateral view. 537. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00009028), habitus, lateral view. 538. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00009028), prosoma, ventral view. FIGURES 539–544. Orchestina probosciformis , new species . 539. Male Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00009024) palp, retrolateral view. 540. Same, dorsal view. 541. Same, prolateral view. 542. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00009003) abdomen, ventral view. 543. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00033890) genitalia, cleared, ventral view. 544. Same, anterior view. AUS: anterior uterine sclerite; ARe: anterior receptaculum; Pp: posterior plate; Pr: lateral protrusion of AUS: PRe: posterior receptaculum. FEMALE (PBI_OON 9031). As in male except as noted. Total length 1.31. CEPHALOTHORAX: Carapace ( Figs. 535–537 ) yellow-brown; Sternum ( Fig. 538 ) yellow-brown, anterior margin unmodified, posterior margin extending posteriorly beyond anterior edges of coxae IV as single extension, heart-shaped with dark stripes radiating from anterior half of sternum. Mouthparts: Chelicerae, endites and labium yellow-brown; retromargin not examined; Labium rounded; margins of posterior half sclerotized; anteriorly with three subdistal setae, medially with three setae and posteriorly with one seta. ABDOMEN ( Figs. 535–537 ): rounded posteriorly, with long trunk shaped posterior extension (of variable length; from as long as abdomen, but often shorter or rarely not apparent); dorsum soft portions white, pattern with two parts clearly divided by large pale chevron spanning entire width; paler in front than at back which is sepia due to thin longitudinal stripes, provided with a second chevron (a third one in some specimens). Epigastric area setae uniform, with long setae on anterior part. Spinnerets: PMS with two spigots, PLS with three spigots. LEGS: yellow; patellae dorsally by two longitudinal and parallel rows of smooth platelets ( Figs. 557, 558 ), tibiae posteriorly with one row of smooth platelets on dorso-prolateral side, metatarsi dorsally with three smooth platelets on anterior part; anterior smooth platelet longitudinally oval, central one circular, posterior one transversally oval; apical part with group of small broom shaped setae ( Fig. 560 ) on prolateral side of leg I, II and III; tarsi bearing claws with proximal tooth divided itself in three smaller teeth; provided with small, finely divided 'star' setae at base of claws II and IV. Tarsus IV superior claws ( Fig. 565 ) with five teeth on lateral surface of proclaw, five teeth on lateral surface of retroclaw. Trichobothria ( Fig. 561 ) as in male. Tarsal organ ( Figs. 550–556 ) pear shaped. GENITALIA ( Figs. 542–544 , 568–572 ): Ventral view: genital region eye- shaped with rounded, iris-shaped central plate (ARe); dark, inverted triangular spot present in centre of posterior half; longitudinal dark stripe (AUS) running from front to back of plate visible through cuticle. Dorsal view: anterior receptaculum (ARe) disk-shaped, fairly thick; AUS crossbow-shaped; posterior plate (Pp) as large as ARe; lateral protrusions (Pr) recurved and distally frayed along posterior margin; posterior receptaculum present, small, spherical to pear-shaped (collapsed in SEM figures). FIGURES 545–556. Orchestina probosciformis , new species . 545. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00008989) mouthparts, ventral view. 546. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00008989) endites, distal part, ventral view. 547. Male (PBI_OON 00033266) chelicerae, ventral view. 548. Same, detail, arrows indicate mesal denticles. 549. Same, ventrolateral view, arrows indicate denticles. 550. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00008989), tarsal organ I, dorsal view. 551. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00008989), tarsal organ II, dorsal view. 552. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00008989), tarsal organ IV, dorsal view. 553. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00008990), tarsal organ I, dorsal view. 554. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00008990), tarsal organ II, dorsal view. 555. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00008990), tarsal organ III, dorsal view. 556. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00008990), tarsal organ IV, dorsal view. MATERIAL EXAMINED: DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO : Bandundu : Basoko , Old palm plantation, 60 years old, 1.23333°, 23.60000°, Mar. 07, 2009 , De Bakker D. , 1♂ ( MRAC 228676 PBI _OON 33913); as previous, 6♂ ( MRAC 228669 PBI _OON 33919); as previous, 8♀ ( MRAC 228668 PBI _OON 33921);as previous, 8♂ ( MRAC 228667 PBI _OON 33922); Yaekama, young secondary forest, canopy, 0.78333°, 23.30000°, June 24, 2009 , De Bakker D. , 1♀ ( MRAC 228685 PBI _OON 33931); as previous June 07, 2009 , 1♀ ( MRAC 228684 PBI _OON 33932); as previous, 3♀ ( MRAC 228675 PBI _OON 33914); Equateur: Mbangi, Old secondary forest, canopy, 2.11666°, 21.73333°, June 23, 2009 , De Bakker D. , 1♀ ( MRAC PBI _OON 33271) ; as previous, 4♀ ( MRAC 228673 PBI _OON 33916); as previous, June 23, 2009 , 4♀ ( MRAC 228678 PBI _OON 33911); as previous, 18♂ ( MRAC 228672 PBI _OON 33918); as previous, 2♂ ( MRAC 228686 PBI _OON 33930); as previous, 4♀ ( MRAC 228680 PBI _OON 33909); as previous, 3♀ ( MRAC 228679 PBI _OON 33910); as previous, 5♂ ( MRAC 228671 PBI _OON 33917); as previous, 4♂ ( MRAC 228677 PBI _OON 33912); as previous, June 24, 2009 , 5♀ ( MRAC 228683 PBI _OON 33933); 5♀ ( MRAC 228683 PBI _OON 33933); as previous, 4♂ ( MRAC 228682 PBI _OON 33934); as previous, 3♂ 1♀ ( MRAC 228681 PBI _OON 33935); Monzé (Engengele), Old secondary forest, canopy, 2.03333°, 22.73333°, June 29, 2009 , De Bakker D. , 5♀ ( MRAC 228674 PBI _OON 33915); as previous, 1♂ ( MRAC 228670 PBI _OON 33920); as previous, June 23, 2009 , 2♀ ( MRAC 228687 PBI _OON 33929); Kongo Central : Luki Forest Reserve , Old secondary forest, canopy, -5.63333°, 13.06666°, Sept. 18, 2007 , De Bakker D. , Michiels J.P. , 1♂ paratype ( MRAC PBI _ OON 8989 ) ; as previous June 10, 2006 , 1♀ ( MRAC 228811 PBI _OON 33289); as previous, old secondary forest, canopy, Sept. 18, 2007 , 1♂ paratype ( MRAC PBI _ OON 8989 ) ; as previous, 1♂ paratype ( MRAC 228957 PBI _OON 33696); as previous, 1♀ paratype ( MRAC PBI _ OON 8990 ) ; as previous, Nov. 20, 2007 , 19♂ 24♀ ( MRAC 228774 PBI _OON 16673); Luki Forest Reserve , primary forest, canopy, -5.63333°, 13.06666°, July 11, 2006 , 1♀ paratype ( MRAC 228803 PBI _ OON 9003 ); as previous, Nov. 05, 2006 , 6♀ ( MRAC 228772 PBI _OON 16771); as previous, Nov. 05, 2006 , 1♂ ( MRAC 228777 PBI _OON 16772); as previous, Nov. 12, 2006 , 1♂ paratype ( MRAC 228813 PBI _ OON 9024 ); as previous, Nov. 12, 2006 , 30♀ ( MRAC 228816 PBI _OON 33292);as previous, Nov. 12, 2006 , 1♂ paratype ( MRAC 228802 PBI _ OON 9026 ); as previous, Nov. 12, 2006 , 10♀ paratypes ( MRAC 228807 PBI _ OON 9028 ); as previous, Nov. 13, 2006 , 10♀ paratypes ( MRAC 228804 PBI _ OON 9030 ); as previous, Nov. 13, 2006 , 1♀ paratype ( MRAC 228809 PBI _ OON 9031 ); as previous, Dec. 12, 2006 , 1♂ paratypes ( MRAC 228806 PBI _ OON 9025 );as previous, Dec. 11, 2006 , 25♂ paratypes ( MRAC 228808 PBI _ OON 9027 );as previous, Oct. 04, 2007 , 1♀ ( MRAC PBI _OON 33265) ; as previous, Oct. 04, 2007 , 1♂ ( MRAC PBI _OON 33266) ; as previous, Oct. 04, 2007 , 16♂ 11♀ ( MRAC 228948 PBI _OON 33593); as previous, Nov. 04, 2006 , 1♀ ( MRAC 228812 PBI _OON 33290); as previous, Nov. 04, 2006 , 1♂ ( MRAC 228819 PBI _OON 33295); as previous, Nov. 07, 2006 , 2♂ ( MRAC 228814 PBI _OON 33291);as previous, Nov. 10, 2006 , 10♂ ( MRAC 228818 PBI _OON 33294); as previous, Oct. 01, 2007 , 3♂ 5♀ ( MRAC 228951 PBI _OON 33590); as previous, Oct. 03, 2007 , 12♂ 9♀ ( MRAC 228950 PBI _OON 33591); as previous, Sept. 30, 2007 , 4♀ ( MRAC 228949 PBI _OON 33592);as previous, Sept. 29, 2007 , 5♂ 11♀ ( MRAC 228943 PBI _OON 33598); as previous, Nov. 07, 2006 , 1♀ paratype ( MRAC 228964 PBI _OON 33890); UGANDA : Budongo forest , 1.65000°, 31.58333°, July 11, 2005 to July 20, 2005 , swamp forest, canopy, Wagner T. , 1♀ ( MRAC 228796 PBI _OON 16790); as previous, 1♂ ( MRAC 228775 PBI _OON 16791); as previous, 1♀ ( ZFMK PBI _OON 33615) ; as previous, July 21, 1995 to July 31, 1995 , 2♀ ( ZFMK PBI _OON 33617) ; as previous, Jan. 15, 1997 to Jan. 25, 1997 , 1♂ ( ZFMK PBI _OON 33619) ; as previous, July 01, 1995 to July 10, 1995 , 1♀ ( ZFMK PBI _OON 33620) ; as previous, Jan. 05, 1997 to Jan. 15, 1997 , 2♀ ( ZFMK PBI _OON 33628) ; as previous, Jan. 05, 1997 to Jan. 15, 1997 , 1♀ ( ZFMK PBI _OON 33667) ; as previous, Jan. 15, 1997 to Jan. 25, 1997 , 1♂ ( ZFMK PBI _OON 33657) ; as previous, 1♀ ( ZFMK PBI _OON 33666) ; as previous, 1♂ ( ZFMK PBI _OON 33669) ; as previous, 3♀ ( ZFMK PBI _OON 33670) . FIGURES 557–565. Orchestina probosciformis , new species . 557. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00008990) patella I, dorsal view. 558. Same, detail of smooth platelets. 559. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00008989) metatarsus I, distal part, prolateral view, arrows indicate modified broom-shaped setae. 560. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00008990) metatarsus I, distal part, close up of broom shaped setae, prolateral view. 561. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00008990), trichobotrium on tibia I, dorsal view. 562: Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00008989) trichobotrium on metatarsus II, dorsal view. 563. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00008989) trichobotrium on metatarsus IV, lateral view. 564. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00008989), tarsal claws I, lateral view. 565. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00008990), tarsal claws IV, lateral view. FIGURES 566–572. Orchestina probosciformis , new species . 566. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00008989) palp, prolateral view. 567. Male (Pt, PBI_OON 00008989) spinnerets, posterior view. 568. Female (Pt, PBI_OON 00008990) genital area, ventral, slightly posterior view. 569. Female (PBI_OON 00033931) genitalia, internal structure, dorsal view. 570. Same, anterior view. 571. Same, lateral view. 572. Same, detail of lateral protrusion, dorsal view. AUS: anterior uterine sclerite; ARe: anterior receptaculum; Pp: posterior plate; Pr: lateral protrusion of AUS: Pre: posterior receptaculum. DISTRIBUTION: Known from Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda ( Fig. 608 ).