Pheidole in the New World. A dominant, hyperdiverse ant genus. Author Wilson, E. O. text 2003 Harvard University Press Cambridge, MA book 20017 Pheidole aculifera new species Types Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard. Etymology L aculifera , needle-bearing, referring to the long, very thin propodeal spine of the major and minor. Diagnosis A small, yellow member of the fallax group (but close to the diligens group) distinguished by the exceptionally thin propodeal spines of the major and minor, as well as the very low mesonotal convexity in side view in both castes; and, in the major, the exceptionally large spiracle. Similar to prostrata of Costa Rica, but easily distinguished in the major by the large spiracle, low mesonotal convexity, and presence of a rugoreticulum mesad to the eyes, as well as yellow coloration. See also the less similar boruca, variegata , and violacea . Measurements (mm) Holotype major: HW 0.96, HL 1.00, SL 0.78, EL 0.14, PW 0.42. Paratype minor: HW 0.44, HL 0.54, SL 0.72, EL 0.10, PW 0.28. Color Major: body light reddish yellow, appendages yellow. Minor: concolorous yellow. 1 Range Known only from the type series. Biology Unknown. Figure Upper: holotype, major. Lower: paratype, minor. PANAMA: Nusagandi, San Bias (Leeanne E. Tennant-Alonso). Scale bars = 1 mm.