Revisiting the genus Tulipa (Liliaceae) in Kazakhstan, the country with the richest tulip diversity worldwideAuthorKubentayev, Serik A.0000-0002-0369-0591Astana Botanical Garden, Astana 010016, KazakhstanAuthorBaasanmunkh, Shukherdorj0000-0003-4224-9376Department of Biology and Chemistry, Changwon National University, Changwon 51140, Republic of KoreaAuthorAlibekov, Daniyar T.0000-0003-1555-1430Astana Botanical Garden, Astana 010016, KazakhstanAuthorTojibaev, Komiljon Sh.0000-0003-2846-5777Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent 100125, UzbekistanAuthorNyamgerel, Nudkhuu0000-0002-9110-423XDepartment of Biology and Chemistry, Changwon National University, Changwon 51140, Republic of KoreaAuthorIvashchenko, Anna A.0000-0002-8526-4296Institute of Zoology, Almaty 050000, KazakhstanAuthorTsegmed, Zagarjav0000-0002-6024-4918Department of Biology and Chemistry, Changwon National University, Changwon 51140, Republic of KoreaAuthorEpiktetov, Vladimir G.0000-0001-5406-0568Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction, Almaty 050000, KazakhstanAuthorSitpayeva, Gulnara T.0000-0003-4614-6155Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction, Almaty 050000, KazakhstanAuthorIzbastina, Klara S.0000-0002-6418-1950Astana Botanical Garden, Astana 010016, KazakhstanAuthorIdrissova, Zhansaya T.0000-0003-3231-8518Astana Botanical Garden, Astana 010016, KazakhstanAuthorMukhtubayeva, Saule K.0000-0001-5921-3113Astana Botanical Garden, Astana 010016, KazakhstanAuthorAbubakirova, Nurganym B.0000-0002-7503-0955Astana Botanical Garden, Astana 010016, KazakhstanAuthorGil, Hee-Young0000-0003-3714-0827Department of Forest Biodiversity and Herbarium, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon, Republic of KoreaAuthorChoi, Hyeok Jae0000-0001-6315-0071Department of Biology and Chemistry, Changwon National University, Changwon 51140, Republic of KoreatextPhytoKeys20242024-12-2325095163journal article10.3897/phytokeys.250.136736Tulipa tetraphylla
Regel, Trudy Imp. S. Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada
3: 296 (1875)
Fig. 41Type
• Turkestaniae in valle Kotschkura, Kaulbars,
LE, not located).
General distribution.Kazakhstan
, and
) (
POWO 2024
Distribution in
and habitat.
Ketmen Terskey Alatau, and Trans-Ili Kungey Alatau. This species grows on stony slopes, and steppe areas in the lower and middle zones of the mountains.Conservation status.Tulipa tetraphylla
is a least concern species at the global level (
IUCN 2024
Phenology.Flowering in April – May; fruiting in June – July.Note.Tulipa tetraphylla
was described by E. L. Regel in 1875 from collections from Central Tian Shan (Kochkur River basin,
). Spontaneous hybrids with
T. kolpakowskiana
have also been reported (
Ivashchenko and Belyalov 2019
Vvedensky 1935
Tulipa tetraphylla
is often found in its autotetraploid form (
Wilson 2023
), although it also has a diploid form (
Botschantzeva 1962
). The new species
T. toktogulica
B. D. Wilson & Lazkov
from Jalal-Abad province was described in 2022. It is morphologically similar to
T. tetraphylla
but differs by fewer leaves (3 leaves) and weakly fragrant flowers.
Tulipa tetraphylla
in Kazakhstan
general habits
flowers. (Photos:
A, B
by S. Mukhtubayeva).