Molecular phylogeny of the riffle beetle genus Hexanchorus revealed a presence of a new genus (Coleoptera: Elmidae) Author Linsky, Marek Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Du ́ bravska ́ cesta 9, SK- 84523, Bratislava, Slovakia & Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Mlynska ́ dolina B- 1, SK- 84215 Bratislava, Slovakia Author Ciamporova-Zatovicova, Zuzana Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Du ́ bravska ́ cesta 9, SK- 84523, Bratislava, Slovakia & Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Mlynska ́ dolina B- 1, SK- 84215 Bratislava, Slovakia Author Lassova, Kristina Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Du ́ bravska ́ cesta 9, SK- 84523, Bratislava, Slovakia Author Ciampor Jr, Fedor Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Du ́ bravska ́ cesta 9, SK- 84523, Bratislava, Slovakia & Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Mlynska ́ dolina B- 1, SK- 84215 Bratislava, Slovakia text Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 2022 2022-11-18 80 575 602 journal article 1864-8312-80-575 4A6669D57DDD4AE0A8B455724B9C594A 81B59BA932BC5DAF90815FD08F5820A6 3.2.5. Rumilara riberai sp. nov. Figs 2c , 3c , 5c , 6c , 7c , 8c , 9c , 10f , 13 Material examined. Type material : Holotype (PUCE) " Ecuador , Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas prov. , Otongachi env., tributary of Rio Toachi , 00°19′59.7″ S , 78°56′26.6″ W , 917m a.s.l. , 11.8.2013 , stream ca 10m wide, with sand, gravel, boulders, Ciampor Jr & Ciamporova-Zatovicova lgt." ; Paratypes 6♂♂ , 1♀ (CCB), 3 ex with the same data as the holotype ; 4♀♀ , 6 ex " Ecuador , Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas prov. , Otongachi env., next to the tributary of Rio Toachi , 00°19′50.5″ S , 78°56′41.6″ W , 914m a.s.l. , 11.8.2013 , very shallow stream running along a rock covered by periphyton, Ciampor Jr & Ciamporova-Zatovicova lgt." Other material : 13 larvae with the same data as the holotype ; 6 larvae " Ecuador , Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas prov. , Otongachi env., next to the tributary of Rio Toachi , 00°19′50.5″ S , 78°56′41.6″ W , 914m a.s.l. , 11.8.2013 , very shallow stream running along a rock covered by periphyton, Ciampor Jr & Ciamporova-Zatovicova lgt." ; 1 larva " Ecuador , Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas prov. , Otongachi env., tributary of Rio Toachi , 00°19′34.0″ S , 78°56′59.1″ W , 852m a.s.l. , 11.8.2013 , wild river ca 20m wide, fast flowing, with large boulders, Ciampor Jr & Ciamporova-Zatovicova lgt." . Figure 15. Rumilara leleupi comb. nov. : a aedeagus, left lateral view; b aedeagus, ventral view; c aedeagus, right lateral view; d male sternite VIII. Scale: 0.1mm . Adult diagnosis. The species can be distinguished by a combination of following characters: 1) head only partially clothed by pubescence, clypeus bare; 2) femora bare or with a row of dark, long hairs on dorsal margin; 3) elytra without dense pubescence; 4) aedeagus with rod-like sclerite; 5) parameres only feebly asymmetrical. Adult diagnostic description. Male. Colour : Body (Figs 2c , 3c ) black; lateral sides of femora and tibiae brown; tarsal claws pale brown with reddish tincture. Pubescence : Head behind eyes clothed with short, prone pubescence. Elytra very readily covered by short, recumbent pubescence, and with numerous moderately long, curved, semi-erect, hair-like setae. Femora with long, dark, densely set, hair-like setae near dorsal margin; pro- and metatibiae apically with a fringe of long, dark, hair-like setae on inner margin; mesotibiae without pubescence. Metaventrite readily clothed with short, prone pubescence. Surface : Head, clypeus and pronotum densely punctate. Elytra with rows of punctures moderately deeply impressed; third interval slightly elevated in anterior 1/5; remaining intervals nearly flat. Prosternal process (Fig. 7c ) moderately wide, concave between procoxae, then subtriangular with rounded apex. Aedeagus (Figs 13a-c ) with long, dorsal, rod-like sclerite on penis; parameres asymmetrical, left one slightly longer. - Female externally similar to male, except slightly larger. Measurements. ♂ - CL: 2.16-2.53 mm; PL: 0.56-0.65 mm; PW: 0.71-0.79 mm; EL: 1.60-1.88 mm; EW: 0.83-0.97 mm. ♀ - CL: 2.68-2.69 mm; PL: 0.68-0.70 mm; PW: 0.82-0.85 mm; EL: 1.99-2.00 mm; EW: 1.04-1.06 mm. Variation. The greatest differences were observed in distribution of pubescence (mainly on legs, around eyes, partly on pronotum and elytra) due to its often removal. Etymology. Named after Ignacio Ribera Galan a great expert on systematics, phylogeny, evolution, biogeography, and conservation of water beetles, who untimely passed away. Larva (Fig. 9c ) with length 2.92-2.96 mm, greatest width 0.96-0.99 mm. Pleurites on abdominal segments 1-5. Abdominal segments 1-6 explanate. Surface around the frontal pair of pronotal gibbosities of the same colour as the rest of pronotum. Tergum of abdominal segments 1-7 with a pair of distinct, longitudinally arranged small gibbosities. Distribution. Known from three localities in Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas Province (Figs 16c-d ). Remarks. Several paratypes are markedly smaller than the rest (including holotype), however, they agree in all diagnostic characters.