Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Phylloicus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae) Author PRATHER, AYSHA L. text Zootaxa 2003 2003-08-29 275 1 1 214 journal article 5618 10.11646/zootaxa.275.1.1 9322f2b2-a384-40bf-9d57-d789c76ce5c4 1175­5334 5019235 89BC39FD-ABCC-4634-876D-8C1F4337C325 Phylloicus aculeatus (Blanchard) Figs. 11 , 12 Phylloicus aculeatus ( Blanchard, 1851:138 ) [Type locality: Chile ; MNHNP; female; in Macronema ]. — Flint 1974a:84 [female lectotype , not Hydropsychidae , but Phylloicus ]; 1990:119 [distribution]. Phylloicus distans Navás, 1918:226 [ Type locality: Chile , Marga­Marga, Los Perales; MZB; male]. — Flint 1974a:84 [to synonymy]. Phylloicus aculeatus is easily recognized. It is the only calamoceratid known from the Chilean subregion. The long, paired digitate processes of tergum X ( Fig. 11A, B ) are plainly visible even in uncleared specimens. The inferior appendages appear one­segmented, with the harpago large, not distinct from the coxopodite, and with numerous peglike setae on the mesoventral surface. Adult. Forewing length 10.3­12.5 mm, n = 147. Head dark brown. Maxillary palps dark brown. Antenna twice forewing length; chestnut brown. Dorsal pterothorax dark brown; ventrolateral thorax golden brown. Legs golden brown. Metathoracic leg of male with posterior fringe of long setae. Tibial spur formula — 2,4,4. Forewing flat; chestnut brown; without colored markings. Male. Preterminalic abdominal terga without anteromesal notches. Corematic structures absent, terga III­V unmodified, without membranous lobes or sclerotized processes. Sternum VII without anteromesal process. Sternum VIII similar to anterior sterna, sternum IX not elongate. Tergum IX without mesal ridge; posterior margin with irregular mesal projection; dorsomesal lobe covered with fine ridged sculpturing ( Fig. 11B ); lateral ridge absent; dorsal pleural setae approximately 15, ventral pleural setae absent ( Fig. 11A ); sternum IX without mesolateral ridges; sternum IX ( Fig. 11C ). Preanal appendage less than 2/ 3 length of tergum X, widest near base, setae long, but not filamentous or longer than appendage ( Fig. 11A, B ). Tergum X without basal lobes; basodorsal process absent; basolateral processes long, length at least twice diameter; apex, in lateral view, with ventral projection, in dorsal view, notched, notch deep and triangular; with small setose mesal lobe at mid­length; with longitudinal row of short setae sublaterally; lateral margins extending over bases of paired, truncate apical processes ( Fig. 11A, B ). Harpago large, nearly equal to coxopodite and with base indistinct from coxopodite; peglike setae many, mesoventral ( Fig. 11A, C ). Phallic endotheca with paired apicolateral lobes and paired basolateral lobes, basolateral lobes large and round, apicolateral lobes large and rounded; phallotremal sclerites average size, longest dimension less than diameter of phallobase; dorsal sclerite ovoid, in dorsal view horseshoe­shaped ( Fig. 11D, E ). Female. Preterminal abdominal terga without anteromesal notches. Sternum VII without anteromesal process. Tergum VIII without posterolateral brush; sternum VIII cleft posteromesally to anterior ridge; sternum VIII ( Fig. 12C ). Tergum IX without mesal ridge ( Fig. 12B ). Sternum IX anterior and posterior lobes darkly sclerotized and striate, without distinct area of thin cuticle or invagination ( Fig. 12A ). Tergum X appendage shorter than mesal lobe, base marked by faint suture line, apex rounded; mesal lobe lightly sclerotized; digitate lateral processes long, at least twice diameter, or absent ( Fig. 12B ). Sternum X without setae in membrane ( Fig. 12A ). Vaginal apparatus anterior and posterior sclerites equal in length; anterior sclerite truncate anteriorly, posterolateral projections rounded; posterior sclerite ovoid; posterior end of spermatheca membranous ( Fig. 12A ). Material examined. ARGENTINA : Neuquen : 13 km E Quila Quina , 27.i.1974 , Flint2 males ( NMNH ) ; 3 km S Va. La Angostura , 4.ii.1974 , Flint1 male ( NMNH ) ; 3 km W Estación Forestal Pucara , 30.i.1974 , Flint1 male , 1 female ( NMNH ); — 1 male ( UMSP ) ; Estación Forestal Pucara , Canal , 28­29.i.1974 , Flint1 male , 1 female ( NMNH ); — 1 male ( UMSP ) ; Río Negro : El Bolson , 27.ii.1961 , Kovacs1 male , 1 female ( NMNH ) ; CHILE : 16.xi.1933 , Stuardo1 female ( DEI ) ; Calbuco , Faz1 male ( DEI ) ; 1843, Gay P. aculeatus lectotype female ( MNHNP ) ; Comudes , 17.i.1902 , Schönemann5 males , 3 adults ( ZMHU ) ; 28.i.1902 , Schönemann1 adult ( ZMHU ) ; 16.ii.1902 , Schönemann1 male ( ZMHU ) ; Manguehue , 28.xii.1932 , Stuardo1 male ( DEI ) ; Aisén : Puerto Puyuguapi , 44°21'03”S , 72°34'27"W , 5.ii.1940 , Schwabe1 male ( DEI ) ; Araucania : near Los Gringos Camp , 1300 m , 29.i.­5.ii.1979 , D & M Davis ; Akerbergs2 males , 2 females ( NMNH ) ; 6­11.i.1982 , Davis2 males , 2 females ( NMNH ) ; 5­9.i.1989 , Peña G. — 1 male ( NMNH ) ; Bío­Bío : Caledonia , E Mulchén , 700­900 m , 6­ 15.ii.1981 , Peña G.1 male ( NMNH ) ; Contulmo ( El Peral ), 15.i.1967 1 female ( NMNH ) ; Contulmo , 1.viii.1904 , Schönemann1 adult ( ZMHU ) ; Ralco / Trafa­Trafa , 400 m , 19­22.xi.1994 , Peña G.1 female ( NMNH ) ; Río Duqueco , Río Duqueco , Hacienda San Lorenzo , E Los Angeles , 1000 m , 20­23.i.1991 , Peña G.2 males ( NMNH ) ; Arauco , Butamalal , 23­31.i.1954 , Peña G.1 female ( DEI ) ; Caramavida , 25­31.xii.1953 , Peña G.2 males ( DEI ) ; Ñuble Province , Alto Tregualemu , ca. 20 km SE Chovellen , 500 m , 26­27.i.1979 , D & M Davis ; Akerbergs2 females ( UMSP ) ; Ñuble , Recinto , 36°48'00”S , 71°44'00"W2 males , 1 female ( BMNH ) ; 30.xi.1951 , Peña G. — 1 male ( CNC ) ; Cauquenes : Tregualemu , 35°56'00”S , 72°43'00"W , 11­12.xii.1993 , C & O Flint1 female ( UMSP ) ; De los Lagos : brook in Fdo. Walper , 16.ii.1958 , Illies3 males ( NMNH ) ; Pte. La Caldera , 42°40'00”S , 74°00'00"W , 26.xii.1993 , C & O Flint2 males ( NMNH ) ; Rincon de Piedra , ca. 23 km SE Valdivia , 200 m , 23.ii.1979 , D & M Davis ; Akerbergs2 males , 1 female ( NMNH ) ; Chiloé , 13­15.i.1981 , Marin13 males , 1 female ( NMNH ); — 1 female ( UMSP ) ; 1 km E Lago Tepuhueco ca. 40 air km SW Castro , 100 m , 23­25.xii.1981 , Davis1 male ( NMNH ) ; Ahoni Alto , 42°47'00”S , 72°35'00"W , 24.xii.1993 , C & O Flint2 males ( NMNH ) ; Ahoni , 30 km SE Chonchi , xi.1988 , Peña G.4 females ( NMNH ) ; i.­ii.1989 , Peña G. — 2 males , 1 female ( UMSP ) ; Aucar , 6.i.1952 , Peña G.5 males ( CNC ) ; Puntra , ca. 30 air km S. Ancud , 50 m , 21­22.xii.1981 , Davis1 male ( NMNH ) ; Terao , W end, 42°42'00”S , 73°40'00"W , 23­27.xii.1993 , C & O Flint1 male ( NMNH ) ; Llanquihue , Casa Pangue , 4­10.xii.1926 , Edwards, F & M — 2 males ( BMNH ) ; Peulla , 41°06'00”S , 72°02'00"W , 12­13.xii.1926 , Edwards, F & M — 1 male ( BMNH ) ; Osorno , brook at L. Puyhue , 17.xii.1957 , Illies1 male ( NMNH ) ; Maicolpué , 40°34'00”S , 73°44'00"W , 21.xii.1993 , C & O Flint2 males ( NMNH ) ; Pucatrihue , 26­ 31.i.1980 , Peña G.1 male ( UMSP ); — 7 adults ( NMNH ) ; 1­12.ii.1980 , Peña G. — 5 males , 5 females ( NMNH ) ; 12­26.ii.1985 , Peña G. — 2 adults ( NMNH ) ; P. N. Puyehue , Ag. Calientes to 3 km W Osorno , 600 m , 12­20.xii.1981 , Davis1 male ( NMNH ) ; Valdivia , Enco , 26.ii.1955 , Peña G.1 male ( DEI ) ; Pellaifa , mtn. brook, 12.ii.1958 , Illies1 male ( NMNH ) ; Del Maule : Forel Carrizalillo , 250 m , 30.i.­5.ii.1981 , Peña G.1 male ( NMNH ) ; Las Tablas , E Curico , ii.1985 , Peña G.4 adults ( NMNH ) ; Curico , Coigual , 13.i.1955 , Peña G.1 male ( DEI ) ; Linares , Emb. Bullileo , 36°18'00”S , 71°25'00"W , 11­12.i.1994 , C & O Flint1 male ( NMNH ) ; Región Metropolitana : Santiago , El Manzano , 9.ii.1952 , Peña G.1 female ( CNC ) ; Santiago : San Juan de Pirque , 33°38'00”S , 70°30'00"W , 11.xi.1927 1 male , 1 female ( MZB ) ; Valdivia : Las Trancas , W La Union , 23­29.i.1995 , Peña G.1 male ( NMNH ) ; Valparaiso : Cuesta El Melon , 14­ 16.xi.1985 , Peña G.5 males , 5 females ( NMNH ) ; Quillota , Los Perales , Estero Marga­ Marga , 33°01'14”S , 71°33'41"W ,. iii.1925 2 males ( MZB ) ; i.1927 1 male ( MZB ) ; ii.1927 1 male ( MZB ) ; VIII Región del Bío­Bío : small trib. to Río Queuco , 5 km E Ralco , 37°51'36”S , 71°36'14"W , 500 m , 16.i.2000 , Holzenthal & Muñoz2 males ( UMSP ) . Distribution. Argentina , Chile .