Notes on the genus Barcinus Stål 1873 (Heteroptera: Aradidae) from China, with the description of a new species Author Bai, Xiaoshuan Author Heiss, Ernst Author Cai, Wanzhi text Zootaxa 2006 1317 49 56 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.173964 df43a1ed-4bb6-4fed-bf3d-54b162c77f7a 1175­5326 173964 2. Barcinus kormilevi Bai, Heiss & Cai , sp. nov. ( Figs. 2–13 ) Diagnosis: This species is most similar to B . bhoutanensis Usinger & Matsuda. But the pronota of two species are different ( Figs. 1 , 2 ). Description. Color: General coloration of body dark brownish to black. Rostrum, apex of fourth antennal segment, most of ventral surface of abdomen yellowish brown to light brown. Annulation on tibia and eyes reddish brown. Deltg II–IV black, V–VII light brown. Glabrous regions of abdomen yellowish, inner lateral margins with black stripe. Lateral side of third to seventh abdominal sterna and eighth abdominal segment blackish. Structure: Head, pronotum, first antennal segment, scutellum covered with long adpressed setae ( Figs. 2 , 3 ). Head longer than wide across eyes; genae relatively short, just reaching basal one­third of first antennal segment; clypeus narrow, reaching posteriorly to a horizontal line across middle of eyes. Antenniferous tubercles short, apices acute, divergent anteriorly. Head above with 2 (1+1) longitudinal patches of setae; vertex defined laterally by narrow smooth impression, posterior part of vertex with shallow transverse furrow. Preocular spines absent; postocular spines directed posterolaterally, densely clothed with setae, with conspicuous bundle of setae arising from tip. Eyes semiglobate, protruding laterally. Antenna about 3.7 times as long as head width; first segment cylindrical, feebly bent at middle; second and third slender, constricted at middle, third pendunculate at base; fourth fusiform with pilose at apex. Pronotum about 2.6 times as wide as long; collar narrow, distinct; anterior lamellae bilobed, anteriormost lobe with inner margin nearly straight, acute at tip, subrectangularly incised between anteriormost and next lobe, this produced anterolaterally; paranota slightly reflexed laterally, converging posteriorly to humeral angles; posterior margin of pronotum nearly straight; disk with 8 (4+4) small callosities on anterior part, surrounded by short brown setae; posterior part covered with small tubercles, elevated posteriorly, deeply depressed behind median callosities. Scutellum wider than long, with elevated lateral margins, sinuate behind middle, apex feebly notched at middle; disk longitudinally elevated at middle, clothed with short setae along basal half of elevation; posterior part of disk with distinct transverse impressions. Hemelytron with clavus well exposed on either side of scutellum; corium with outer margins elevated with setae, reaching anterior margin of deltg III; veins of corium clothed with short setae; membrane fully developed, with distinct veins. Apex of each femur with dentiform projection; tibia slender, slightly curved; claws with setiform pulvilli. Posterolateral angles of deltg II–V progressively projecting, deltg VI–VII expanded posterolaterally into broad lobes ( Figs. 2 , 6 ); lateral margins of deltg III–IV slightly sinuate; paratergite VIII large, rhombic ( Figs. 2 , 6 ). Spiracle II absent, III–VII ventral, remote from lateral margin, VIII lateral and visible from above. Pygophore subglobose, longitudinally elevated at middle, protruding posteriorly ( Figs. 7, 8 ). Parameres as in Figs. 9–10 . Basal plate thick ( Figs. 11–13 ). Capitate process ovate ( Figs. 11, 13 ). Strut large ( Fig. 11 ). Terminal part of abdomen of female as in Figs. 4–5 . Measurements [in mm, % (n=2)/Ψ (n=1), holotype in parentheses]. Body length 12.85/13.0 (12.85); maximum width of abdomen 6.78–7.0/7.71 (6.78). Head length 2.08/ 2.08 (2.08); head width 1.77–1.82/1.87 (1.82). Pronotum length 1.98–2.08 /2.18 (1.98); pronotum width 5.40–5.50/5.60 (5.50). Scutellum length 1.66–1.72/1.82 (1.66); scutellum width 2.44–2.60/2.70 (2.44). Length of antennal segments I–IV = 2.08–2.13, 1.09, 2.34–2.39, 0.83–0.99/2.13, 1.04, 2.39, 0.88 (2.13, 1.09, 2.34, 0.83). Type material: Holotype : %, China , Hainan, Jianfengling, 21.VII. 2004 , J. Wu & Y . J. Chen leg. ( CAU ). Paratype : 1 %, 1 Ψ, same data as for holotype ( CAU ). FIGURE 2. Barcinus kormilevi sp. nov. , %, holotype. Habitus. Scale bar = 1.67 mm. FIGURES 3–13. Barcinus kormilevi sp. nov. , 3, 6–13 %, 4, 5 Ψ. 3, Head, antennae partly removed; 4, 5, 6, abdominal segments V–VIII; 7, 8, pygophore; 9, 10, right paramere; 11, 12, 13, phallus and basal structures. 3, 8, 10, 11, lateral view; 4, 7, 9, 12, dorsal view; 5, 6, 13, ventral view. Scale bar of 3, 7, 8 = 0.5 mm; of 4–6 = 1.67 mm; of 9–13 = 0.25 mm. Etymology: We dedicate this interesting species to the late Dr. N. A. Kormilev for his excellent contributions to our knowledge of world aradids. Distribution: China (Hainan).