The ants collected by the American Museum Congo Expedition. Author Wheeler, W. M. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 1922 45 39 269 journal article 20597 Bothroponera pachyderma variety funerea , new variety Female (dealated).- Length more than 13 mm. Differing from the typical form in its somewhat greater size and in color, being coal black, with only a slight brownish tinge to the legs. Even the frontal carina' and antennae are black and there is no red on the gastric segments. The erect hairs on the dorsal surface are also black, at least in certain lights, not fulvous as in the typical form, but the hairs and pubescence on the tibiae and tarsi are of the latter color. The foveolae on the gastric segments, especially behind the anterior portion of the first segment, seem to be shallower and both they and the spaces between them to be less distinctly striated than in the typical pachyderma . A single specimen from Medje (Lang and Chapin) taken from the stomach of a toad (Bufo polycercus).