New records of two cladoceran species (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda) from Northeastern Brazil: the importance of studies in temporary ponds Author Júnior, Íttalo Luã Silva Medeiros Felipe Antonio dos Santos Ralf Tarciso Silva Cordeiro Mauro de Melo text Nauplius 2021 e 2021038 2021-09-06 29 1 10 journal article 10.1590/2358-2936e2021038 2358-2936 14668386 Moina dumonti Kotov, Elías-Gutiérrez and Granado-Ramírez, 2005 ( Fig. 2 ) Material examined. 1 ind. ( CZ-UFRPE 18010 ), Camucim Forest Protected Area , São Lourenço da Mata , Pernambuco , 8°02’18.2’’S 35°12’2.97’’W ( WGS84 ), 09 May 2018 , colls. R.F. de Oliveira and F.A. Santos ; 7 ind. ( CZ-UFRPE 18011 ), 4 ind. ( CZ-UFRPE 18029 ), Camucim Forest Protected Area , São Lourenço da Mata , Pernambuco , 8°02’14’’S 35°12’01’’W , 09–10 May 2018 , colls. R.F. de Oliveira and F.A. Santos ; 1ind. ( CZ-UFRPE 18019 ), Camucim Forest Protected Area , São Lourenço da Mata , Pernambuco , 8°01’59.8”S 35°12’03.8”W , 10 May 2018 , colls. R.F. de Oliveira and F.A. Santos . Specimens . All M. dumonti specimens have morphological characters corresponding to the original description ( Kotov et al. , 2005 ) ( Fig. 2 ); with body structures of parthenogenetic females ( Fig. 2a ) and males( Fig. 2b ), although it was not possible to observe the presence of ocellae at the base of the first antenna. Females show short and practically cylindrical antennae, with an aesthetasc tip of similar size ( Fig. 2c ); whereas males showed long and slightly curved antennae, distally with four similar hook-like setae ( Fig. 2d ). Postabdomen with terminal claw showing basal pecten with five spines in females ( Fig. 2e ) and four in males ( Fig. 2f ). All males showed the same set of spines on the basal pecten. This morphological character easily distinguishes this species from its congeners. The setulated hook in the dorsal portion of the posterior valve observed by Farias et al. (2017) does not exist in females ( Fig. 2g ) or males ( Fig. 2h ) sampled in the present study. Figure 2. Specimens of female ( a, c, e, g ) and male ( b, d, f, h ) of Moina dumonti Kotov, Elías-Gutiérrez and Granado-Ramírez, 2005 from Camucim Forest Protected Area, Pernambuco, Brazil. a , Parthenogenetic female; b , male; c , antenna I, aesthetasc of similar size (Arrow-2 setae); d , antenna I, Arrow-1 points to four hook-like setae; e , postabdomen (Arrow-3: set of teeth - n: 5); f , postabdomen (Arrow-4: set of teeth - n: 4); g, h , back of the dorsal valve of female and male, respectively. Ecology and habitat . Parthenogenetic females, ephippials and males were collected in two distinct environments: two ponds with riparian vegetation and a predominance of the macrophyte Lemna on the waterline; and one pond without riparian vegetation and a predominance of the macrophyte Azolla . These environments showed population densities of 27,208 ind/m³ and 833 ind/m³,respectively.The influence of riparian vegetation on the zooplanktonic communities of these ponds was described by Medeiros et al. (2019) , who associated the occurrence of M. dumonti with low water turbidity (45.81 ± 27.84 NTU), high oxygenation (5.17 ± 2.10 mg L- 1 ), and variable a- chlorophyll concentrations (23.31 ± 28.07 µg L- 1 ). Distribution . Since its description, M. dumonti has been recorded in three environments in the world: two temporary habitats in Mexico and Cuba ( Kotov et al. , 2005 ) and one perennial lagoon in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil ( Farias et al. , 2017 ). In this study, the specimens were recorded in a habitat similar to its type-locality, temporary ponds, for the first time in the Brazilian Northeast region ( Fig. 1 ). Thus, this species is now recorded in Southeast Atlantic (SE) and Oriental Northeast Atlantic (NOr) hydrographic regions of Brazil .