The Crevice Weaver Spider Genus Kukulcania (Araneae: Filistatidae) Author Magalhaes, Ivan L. F. Author Ramírez, Martín J. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2019 2019-02-15 426 1 153 journal article 26370 10.1206/00030090-426.1.1 ed64cd3a-2478-45f1-a0e6-ae0384f6c740 3259018 Kukulcania tequila , sp. nov. Figures 4B , 9B , 27F , 28F , 29F , 31 F–G, 73–76 TYPE MATERIAL: HOLOTYPE : MEXICO . Jalisco : 3 miles W of Ocotlán on Rt. 35 [ N20.34175° , W102.76523° ], F.A. Coyle , 28.v.1982 , 1♂ , in the same vial as 1 imm. ( MCZ 39921 ). PARATYPES: MEXICO. Jalisco: 3 miles W of Ocotlán on Rt. 35 [N20.34175°, W102.76523°], F.A. Coyle, 28.v.1982, 1♀ 2 imm. (MCZ 39920); 7 miles NW Tequila [N20.91283°, W103.86832°], P.H. Arnaud, E.S. Ross and D.C. Rentz, 17.viii.1960, 1♀ (CAS 9060656); 8 km E Tequila [N20.82118°, W103.71831°, 1219m], E.S. Ross, 5.xi.1976, 1♀ (CAS 9060640); Ajijic, mtn. slope just behind town [N20.29955°, W103.26344°], F.A. Coyle, 19.v.1982, 3♀ 1 imm. (MCZ 39032); Chapala [N20.30516°, W103.1846°], W.J. Gertsch, 1♂ (AMNH IFM-1549); La Floresta, Lago de Chapala, E.I. Schlinger, 4–5.ix.1977, 1♀ (UCB); near Tequila [N20.88195°, W103.8325°], V. Roth and W.J. Gertsch, 11. viii.1956, 4♀ 10 imm. (AMNH). Michoacán: 5 miles E Cojumatlán [N20.1159°, W102.85436°], W.J. Gertsch, 2.viii.1954, 1♂ 3♀ 3 imm. (AMNH); 6 km NW Sahuayo, near S shore Lago Chapala [N20.09193°, W102.80417°, 1707m], E.S. Ross, 4.xi.1976, 1♀ (CAS 9060638); Apatzingán, in houses [N19.08373°, W102.35367°], M. Cárdenas and M. Correa, 20.iv.1943, 1♂ (AMNH); Tepaltepec, Las Cañas, Balsas depression [N18.54578°, W101.97977°], R. Seib, 2.ix.1977, 1♀ (CAS 9060622). Nayarit: 15.6 miles W Compostela [N21.1926°, W105.10437°], S.C. Williams, K.B. Blair and C.L. Mullinex, 19.x.1973, 1♀ (CAS 9060653); 25 miles SE Tepic [N21.2239°, W105.00338°], 23.xi.1948, 2♀ (CAS 9060630); 3 km SE Ixtán del Río [N21.03627°, W104.37192°, 1280m], E.S. Ross, 20.viii.1976, 3♀ (CAS 9060626); Tepic [N21.50417°, W104.89459°], xi.1894, 2♀ (MCZ 40226). Sinaloa: 50 miles N Culiacán [N25.52693°, W107.4121°], V. Roth and W. Gertsch, 6. viii.1956, 1♂ 2♀ 1 imm. (AMNH IFM-1650, IFM-1666); 6 miles S Culiacán [N24.6439°, W107.44357°], W.J. Gertsch, 22.vii.1954, 3♀ (AMNH); 6.1 miles E of Villa Union on Rt. 40 [N23.16761°, W106.11538°], F.A. Coyle, 23.v.1982, 1♀ (MCZ 39034). FIGURE 73. Kukulcania tequila , males. A. Holotype from Mexico, Jalisco, W of Ocotlán (MCZ 39921) habitus, subanterior. B–H. Paratype from Mexico, Jalisco, Lake Chapala (AMNH IFM-1549). B. Carapace, dorsal. C. Eye region, anterior. D. Habitus, dorsal. E. Same, lateral. F. Abdomen, ventral. G. Left leg I, prolateral. H. Sternum, ventral. Scale bars = 1 mm except where noted. FIGURE 74. Kukulcania tequila , male genitalia. A–E. Male paratype from Mexico, Jalisco, Lake Chapala (AMNH IFM-1549), right palp. mirrorred. A. Bulb, dorsal. B. Prolateral. C. Complete palp, retrolateral. D. Anterior. E. Bulb, retrolateral. F–H. Male holotype from Mexico, Jalisco, W of Ocotlán (MCZ 39921), left bulb. F. Anterior. G. Prolateral. H. Retrolateral. Scale bars = 0.1 mm except where noted. FIGURE 75. Kukulcania tequila , female paratype from 50 miles N of Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico (AMNH IFM-1650). A. Habitus, dorsal. B. Ventral. C. Lateral. D. Left calamistrum, dorsal. Scale bars = 1 mm except where noted. FIGURE 76. Kukulcania tequila , female spermathecae, ventral view except for B, anterior. A–B. Mexico, Nayarit, La Mesa de Nayarit (AMNH IFM-1513). Notice ventrally curved spermathecae heads in B. C–D. Mexico, Jalisco, Volcán de Tequila (CAS 9057638) E. Mexico, Nayarit, Ixtlán del Río (AMNH IFM-1542). F. Mexico, Sinaloa, 5 miles southwest of Culiacán (AMNH IFM-1542). Abbreviations: IF, interpulmonary fold; MB, membranous base; RH, receptacle head; UE, uterus externus. ETYMOLOGY: Tequila is one of the localities where the species is known to occur. The name is to be treated as a noun in apposition. DESCRIPTION: Gertsch recognized this species under the manuscript name “ Filistata hespera .” DIAGNOSIS: Males are easily distinguished from all Kukulcania by the distinct twisted shape of the palpal bulb, more easily seen in apical view (fig. 74D, F). Females are similar to K. tractans in having spermathecae with a short membranous stalk and a large, sclerotized glandular portion of the spermathecae, lacking a membranous portion of the spermathecae. K. tequila can be distinguished by the longer membranous stalk and by the more slender and ventrally curved glandular receptacle portion of the spermathecae (figs. 31F– G, 76). The legs and sternum of K. tequila are also less hirsute than those of K. tractans , lacking the characteristic dense fringe of the latter species. DESCRIPTION: Male paratype from Lake Chapala, Ajijic, Jalisco (AMNH IFM-1549). Coloration brownish yellow. Carapace finely stippled with light brown. Abdomen dorsum light brown; venter with light markings alongside spinnerets. Clypeus short. Sternum oval, with two pairs of sigillae. Total length 7.78. Carapace length 3.39, width 2.8, clypeus length 0.26. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.2; PME‰.21; ALE 0.25; PLE 0.25; AME–AME 0.09; PME–PME 0.28. Sternum length 1.6, width 1.47. Palp: femur length 4.38, height 0.46; tibia length 4.6, height 0.52. Leg I: femur (fe) 6.32; patella (pa) 1.36; tibia (ti) 6.62; metatarsus (mt) 6.41; tarsus (ta) 2.62. II: fe 5.04; pa 1.26; ti 4.62; mt 5.01; ta 1.94. III: fe 4.53; pa 1.12; ti 3.77; mt 4.69; ta 1.95. IV: fe 5.96; pa 1.48; ti 5.52; mt 6.53; ta 2.7. Abdomen: length 5.04, width 2.72. Palp macrosetae long, in several rows along femur ventral face. Leg macrosetae: fe I 18d, 10v, 14r, all very short; ti I 1p, 8v; mt I 2p, 10v, 1r; ta I 4v; fe II 12d, 7v; ti II 2p, 7v; mt II 3p, 14v, 3r; ta II 7v; fe III 7d, 14v; ti III 1d, 2p, 3v, 2r; mt III 2d, 3p, 9v, 2r; ta III 4v; fe IV 9d, 12v; ti IV 1p, 3v; mt IV 3p, 14v, 2r. Palp: cymbium long, bearing a brush of strong setae on the retrolateral face; bulb oddly shaped, twisted, and curved retrolaterally; sperm duct with four coils, distally sinuous; embolus long, curved but uncoiled. Female paratype from 50 miles north of Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico (AMNH IFM-1650). Coloration very dark, reddish brown. Carapace with median area and borders more densely stippled with brown. Sternum and legs not particularly hirsute. Leg coxae and femora with longitudinal, brown stripes. Abdomen dorsum grayish brown. Anterior margin of the carapace unmodified. Sternum oval, with two pairs of sigillae. Total length 9.9. Carapace length 4.33, width 3.18, clypeus length 0.68. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.22; PME 0.234; ALE 0.301; PLE 0.284; AME– AME 0.014; PME–PME 0.287. Sternum length 1.94, width 1.76. Palp: femur length 2.16, height 0.87; tibia length 1.2, height 0.82. Leg I: femur (fe) 4.7; patella (pa) 1.5; tibia (ti) 4.2; metatarsus (mt) 3.8; tarsus (ta) 1.9. II: fe 3.5; pa 1.4; ti 2.8; mt 2.7; ta 1.4. III: fe 2.9; pa 1.3; ti 2.2; mt 2.4; ta 1.5. IV: fe 4; pa 1.4; ti 3.3; mt 3.1; ta 1.6. Abdomen: length 6.27, width 4.23. Palp macrosetae on ventral surface of tibia and tarsus. Leg macrosetae present on ventral surfaces of tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi; fourth femora with two dorsal macrosetae. Calamistrum with three rows of 9–11 setae each. Interpulmonary fold large, rounded, covering the spermathecae dorsally. Spermathecae with a single pair of receptacles, each with a membranous stalk and a sclerotized apex gently curved ventrally, sclerotized lateral bars absent. State of the specimen: good. INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION: Females ( N = 7): total length 8.03–13.04 (10.18), carapace length 2.76–5.76 (4.06), femur I length 2.99–5.87 (4.28), tibia I length 3.01–5.33 (4.1), femur/carapace ratio 0.96–1.13 (1.06). The shape of the palpal bulb is slightly variable (fig. 74). Spermathecae vary in the length of the membranous stalks and the sclerotized receptacle apices (fig. 76). Some specimens have the receptacle apices only slightly curved ventrally (fig. 76E–F). NATURAL HISTORY: A male specimen has been collected in a house. DISTRIBUTION: Western coastal states of Mexico, from Sinaloa to Guerrero (fig. 4B). ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED: MEXICO . Colima: 10 miles N Colima [N19.34514°, W103.58016°], W.J. Gertsch, 7.vii.1954, 1♀ (AMNH); 7 miles S Colima [N19.10288°, W103.77457°], W.J. Gertsch and R. Hastings, 28. viii.1965, 1♀ (AMNH); 8 miles SW Colima (N19.1°, W103.45°), W.J. Gertsch and W. Ivie, 10.v.1963, 1♀ 1 imm. (AMNH). Jalisco: 1.5 mile N Tuxcueca, south shore of Lake Chapala [N20.06667°, W103.36667°], W.J. Gertsch and J. Woods, 29.vii.1964, 4♀ 3 imm. (AMNH); 10 miles N Ciudad Guzmán [N19.83489°, W103.50178°], W.J. Gertsch and R.H. Hastings, 28.viii.1965, 3♀ 4 imm. (AMNH); 2 miles N La Quemada [N20.97202°, W104.04962°], W.J. Gertsch, 28. vii.1954, 2♀ 4 imm. (AMNH); 20 miles N La Quemada [N21.04154°, W104.24158°], 2♀ 4 imm. (AMNH); 25 miles E Guadalajara [N20.71721°, W102.94644°], J.A. Beatty, 16.vii.1963, 1♀ (AMNH); 3.5 miles S Zocoalco [N20.22505°, W103.56972°], C.M. Bogert, 18.viii.1959, 5♀ (AMNH); 5 miles SE Jocotepec, Lago de Chapala [N20.23454°, W103.42216°], Griswold and Jackson, 18.ix.1976, 2♀ (UCB); 5–8 miles E Magdalena [N20.91283°, W103.86832°], W.J. Gertsch and J. Woods, 31.vii.1964, 8♀ 8 imm. (AMNH); 5–8 miles W Magdalena, 1♂ 9♀ 4 imm. (AMNH); Ajijic [N20.29955°, W103.26344°], W.J. Gertsch, 28.vii.1954, 1♀ 2 imm. (AMNH); Estancia de Biología “Chamela”, 8 km S Chamela [N19.42096°, W105.00405°], E.S. Ross and R.E. Stecker, 31. xii.1988, 1♀ (CAS 9060654); La Venta, W.J. Gertsch and J. Woods, 28.vii.1964, 9♀ 7 imm. (AMNH), 1♀ (AMNH); Plan de Barrancas [N21.04297°, W104.21055°], V. Roth and W. Gertsch, 4.viii.1956, 4♀ (AMNH); Volcán de Tequila, 2.5 mi. S of Tequila, on road to microwave tower [N20.78833°, W103.84139°, 1400m], V.F. Lee, 4.xi.1987, 1♀ (CAS 9057638); 3.5 mi. S of Tequila [N20.78833°, W103.84139°, 1430m], missing spermathecae, 1♀ (CAS 9057608); W side of Lake Sayula [N20.05905°, W103.54242°], W.J. Gertsch and J. Woods, 30.vii.1964, 10♀ 8 imm. (AMNH), 11♀ 3 imm. (AMNH); W.J. Gertsch and V. Roth, 3.viii.1956, 4♀ 7 imm. (AMNH). Nayarit: 15 miles N Tepic [N21.70074°, W105.05174°], W.J. Gertsch, 25.vii.1954, 2♀ 2 imm. (AMNH); Acaponeta [N22.49595°, W105.36289°], C.M. Bogert and H.E. Volkes, 20.xi.1939, 2♀ 1 imm. (AMNH); Ixtlan del Río [N21.90611°, W104.33278°], B. Malkin, 22.ix.1953, 1♀ (AMNH IFM-1542); Jesús María [N22.25584°, W104.51721°], 1–15.vii.1955, 1♀ (AMNH); La Mesa de Nayarit [N21.90611°, W104.33278°], 16–21.vii.1955, 1♀ 1 imm. (AMNH IFM-1513). Sinaloa: 2 miles N Piaxtla [N23.76973°, W106.71648°], W.J. Gertsch and J. Woods, 2.viii.1964, 1♀ 1 imm. (AMNH); 2 miles S Elota (N23.55°, W106.48°), J. and W. Ivie, 11. ix.1966, 1♀ (AMNH); 32 miles E Villa Unión [N23.32542°, W105.98716°], W.J. Gertsch and R. Hastings, 26.viii.1965, 1♀ (AMNH); 40 miles S Culiacán [N24.27277°, W107.07231°], W.J. Gertsch, 22.vii.1954, 1♀ (AMNH); 5 miles SW Culiacán [N24.6439°, W107.44357°], C.M. Bogert and H.E. Volkes, 26.xi.1939, 1♀ (AMNH IFM- 1639); Piaxtla river (N23.5°, W106.4°), W.J. Gertsch and W. Ivie, 16.v.1963, caught in the middle of an imaginal molt, 1♀ 2 imm. (AMNH).