Three new species of foetid Gymnopus in New Zealand Author Cooper, Jerry A. Author Leonard, Pat L. text MycoKeys 2013 7 31 44 journal article 1314-4049-7-31 Gymnopus ceraceicola sp. nov. Diagnosis. Gymnopus ceraceicola is distinguished from related New Zealand species by the combination of pruinose, central stipe and dark pileus. Macromorphology. Pileus 5-20 mm, generally broadly convex to applanate, but sometimes campanulate when young, brick to purplish chestnut, minutely felty, radially furrowed and striate towards the margin, margin slightly fimbriate. Lamellae cream, creamy yellow to vinaceous buff, waxy, adnate. Lamellae present, in series of three : intercalated short/long/short. Stipe central, cartilaginous, 10-20 x 1-2 mm, equal, brown vinaceous, sometimes paler towards apex or base, always entirely finely pruinose. Stipe base insititious and always associated with a thin waxy to chalky cream layer of partially gelatinised hyphae covering the substrate. This layer is often extensive, with a distinct margin, and often green with algal cells. Fruitbodies with garlic/rotten cabbage smell, especially when crushed. Micromorphology. Pileipellis a partially gelatinised radially arranged clamped cutis of smooth hyphae to 5 µm diameter, with brown extra-cellular encrustation. Epidermal layer to 140 µm . Subepidermis of thick glassy-walled non-gelatinised smooth hyaline hyphae, weakly dextrinoid. Basidia clavate to 40 x 8 µm . Sterigmata to 7 µm , 4-spored. Basidioles cylindrical, tapering towards apex, 40 x 4 µm . Spores hyaline, lacrymoid, 7.9 +/- 1 x 4.5 +/- 0.6 µm , Q = 1.8 +/- 0.1 including apiculus. Cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia not observed. Stipitipellis a cutis of brown parallel hyphae, to 5 µm wide. Caulocystidia smooth, hyaline, agglutinated into fascicles. Habitat . Colonies of a few to hundreds of fruitbodies on bark of fallen, dead branches and twigs, especially Nothofagus . Distribution. Broadly distributed and common in both North and South Islands of New Zealand. Etymology. Ceraceicola, indicating association with a basal waxy layer, although this feature is common to the three species described here. Notes. Sequence data indicate variability in the taxon but the morphological details are constant and we choose to recognise a single species. New Zealand records of Gymnopus (Micromphale) foetidum and Gymnopus (Micromphale) brassicolens are attributable to Gymnopus ceraceicola . Authentic New Zealand material of these two species has not been identified. Gymnopus brassicolens has paler pileus colours, non-gelatinized pileipellis, cheilocystidia and pileipellis elements with lateral projections, and larger basidiospores. Gymnopus foetidus is macroscopically similar but does not possess the agglutinate fascicles of caulocystidia of Gymnopus ceraceicola . Specimens examined. New Zealand, North Island: PDD 40852, on dead wood, Anawhata Rd., Waitakare Ranges, Collector P.R. Johnston & G. Samuels, 9 June 1981. PDD 80771, on dead wood of Beilschmiedia tawa , Erua Forest, Taupo, Collector J.A. Cooper (JAC9334), 4 April 2005. PDD 87382, on dead wood of Nothofagus fusca , Mt Holdsworth, Gentle Annie Track, Wairarapa, Collector J.A. Cooper (JAC10294), 11 May 2007. PDD 87483, on wood, Mt Holdsworth, Donnelly Flat Loop Track, Wairarapa, Collector G. Gates & D. Ratkowsky (JAC10395), 7 May 2007. PDD 87424, on dead bark of Nothofagus , Mt Holdsworth, Gentle Annie Track, Wairarapa, Collector J.A. Cooper (JAC10336), 11 May 2007. PDD 95544, on bark of Nothofagus fusca , Rimutaka Forest Park, Wellington, Collector J.A. Cooper (JAC11093), 14 May 2009. PDD 95545, on bark of dead branch of Nothofagus fusca , Rimutaka Forest Park, Wellington, Collector J.A. Cooper (JAC11094), 14 May 2009. New Zealand, South Island: PDD 76357, on dead twig of Nothofagus , Canaan Road Track, Nelson, Collector P.L. Leonard, 30 April 2002. PDD 96730, on dead wood, Wangapeka, Nelson, collector P.L. Leonard (PL126406), 14 April, 2006. PDD 90101=TENN 061068, on bark, vicinity of Seddonville, Charming Creek Track, Nelson, Collector R.H. Petersen (RHP 13063), 11 May 2006. PDD 76358, on bark on dead branch of Nothofagus menziesii , Lake Daniels Track, Nelson, Collector P.L. Leonard (PL189402), 2 April 2002. PDD 95459, on bark of dead branch of Nothofagus solandri , Kowai Bush, Springfield, Mid Canterbury, Collector J.A. Cooper (JAC11005), 2 May 2009. PDD 95462, on bark of dead branch of Nothofagus solandri , Kowai Bush, Springfield, Mid Canterbury, Collector J.A. Cooper (JAC11008), 2 May 2009. HolotypePDD 87181, on dead branch of Nothofagus fusca , Hinewai Reserve, Akaroa, Mid Canterbury, Collector J.A. Cooper (JAC10084), 3 June 2006. PDD 87661, on dead twigs of Leptospermum scoparium , Government Track, Waipori Falls Road, Dunedin, Collector K. Soop (JAC10817), 12 May 2008. PDD 96636, on dead wood of Nothofagus solandri , Lake Hauroko, Fiordland, Collector P. White (JAC12522). 7 May 2012. PDD 90119=TENN061007, on twigs, Vicinity of Te Anau, Kepler Track from Rainbow Reach, Fiordland, Collector K.W. Hughes (KWH12891), 30 April 2006. PDD 90132=TENN060986, vicinity Manapouri, Borland Lodge, Nature Track, Fiordland, Collector R.H. Petersen (RHP12871), 29 April 2006. Figure 2. Gymnopus ceraceicola Holotype, PDD 87181. Fruitbodies. Figure 3. Gymnopus ceraceicola Holotype, PDD 87181. A Spores (KOH) B Agglutinated fascicles of caulocystidia on stipe (KOH).