Gibocercus Szumik and Biguembia Szumik (Embioptera, Archembiidae): new species and the potentiality of female traits Author Pereyra, Veronica text Zootaxa 2017 2017-04-04 4317 2 338 354 journal article 32214 10.11646/zootaxa.4317.2.9 8e3d9e51-a799-4cc0-8196-04064b2efb21 1175-5326 884383 79Ef65Dd-Cd92-4D2D-A25C-4B825A4C5B6A Biguembia mirador n. sp. ( FigureS 21–26 ) Type material. Male holotype and one male paratype , Brazil : Maranhao , Mirador , Parque EStadual Mirador , BaSe de Generaldina , 06° 37’ 26’’ S 45° 52’ 09’’ W , 28-30-IX-2006 , J.A. Rafael & F.L. OliVeira , at light. DepoSited in INPA . Etymology. The Specific name referS to the type locality, Mirador National Park. Diagnosis. Biguembia mirador n. sp. can be diStinguiShed from the other SpecieS of the genuS by the Shape of the Submentum ( Fig. 22 ); 10R extremely globoSe; tipS of the 10Lp characteriStic of the genuS but quite Small (leSS than half of the width of 10Lp, inStead of longer than 10Lp). Male holotype . General coloration light brown. FirSt 9° antennomereS browniSh yellow; meSothorax and metathorax lighter than the reSt of the body. Total length 5.97 mm . Head almoSt rectangular ( Fig. 21 ), width/length = 0.80; OR = 0.59; Md with 3–2 inciSor teeth and 1–1 molar teeth; Mm diffuSe, Sm with anterior margin Strongly concaVe, with a Small conVexity ( Fig. 22 ), caudally conStricted ( Fig. 22 ). Forewing length 4.82 mm ; hindwing 4.10 mm . Wing VeinS Sc, R1, RS, Ma, Ma1, Cu and A conSpicuouS; Ma2 and Mp clearly not reaching the wing edge; Cua diffuSe. CroSS-VeinS in forewing aS followS, R1-RS: 3–5, RS-Ma1: 3, Ma-Mp: 1, Ma1-Ma2: 0–1. BaSitarSuS of hind leg narrow ( Fig. 23 ), length 0.27 mm , width/length = 0.30, medial bladder diameter/ baSitarSuS width 0.50 mm , medial bladder cloSe to the apex; 1 row of Setae on retrolateral face, 2–3 rowS on anterolateral face, 2 rowS on VentrobaSal face, 5–6 Setae between bladderS on retrolateral face ( Fig. 23 ). Terminalia ( FigS. 24–26 ) with tipS of 10Lp Subequal, inner tip with longitudinal keelS, outer tip not membranouS ( FigS. 24, 25 ). 10R well deVeloped, membranouS area Very Small; 10Rp2 coVered by 10Lp; 10Rp1 Shorter ( Fig. 24 ) but with a longitudinal keel. Inner node of Lpp well defined ( Fig. 26 ), Hp with tranSVerSe keelS. Longitudinal ratio of LC1/LC2 = 1.08, LC1dp quadrangular and Short, LC1dp/LC1width = 1.70; thuS, length of LCdp iS leSS than twice the width of LC1. Female . Unknown.