New genera of Palaeotropical Xyleborini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) based on congruence between morphological and molecular characters Author Hulcr, Jiri text Zootaxa 2010 2717 1 33 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.199742 be7d7bf2-2d4f-49b1-9ae2-b04fee1b0e9b 1175-5326 199742 Fortiborus indigens (Schedl) , comb. n. Xyleborus indigens Schedl, 1955 Cyclorhipidion indigens (Schedl) : Wood and Bright, 1992 Specimens examined. New Guinea ( holotype , NHMW). Comments. This species has a unique elytral declivity which is surrounded by a large elevated lateral sulcus with numerous pointed tubercles, the declivity appears deeply excavated.