Taxonomic study of Gonia Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae) from China Author Hou, Peng Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China & Liaoning Key Laboratory of Evolution and Biodiversity, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China Corresponding authors, E-mails: dyangcau @ 126. com; 13478194638 @ 163. com Author Li, Xin Liaoning Key Laboratory of Evolution and Biodiversity, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China Corresponding authors, E-mails: dyangcau @ 126. com; 13478194638 @ 163. com Author Yang, Ding Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China Author Zhang, Chuntian Liaoning Key Laboratory of Evolution and Biodiversity, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China Corresponding authors, E-mails: dyangcau @ 126. com; 13478194638 @ 163. com text Zoological Systematics 2018 43 3 294 308 journal article 10.11865/zs.201823 2095-6827 5366575 7BA0E2F2-6E87-457C-BEBE-21758FF7EEF1 3.1.11 Gonia nigricoma Lee & Han, 2010 ( Figs 57‒60 ) Gonia nigricoma Lee & Han, 2010: 188 . Type locality: Korea , Wonju-si . Diagnosis. The species is different from other species by: frontal vitta dark orange; fronto-orbital plate yellowish; parafacial dark yellow; gena brown; upper occiput reddish yellow, occipital setulae dark brown to black; antenna black; palpus reddish yellow; frons of male about 5/9 of head width; the narrowest of parafacial in lateral view about 2.6 times as wide as 1st flagellomere; fronto-orbital plate with 3‒4 rows black setae; parafacial with 4 rows black setae; 2 pairs of proclinate orbital setae; 2 pairs of reclinate orbital setae; antenna with 1st flagellomere about 4 times as long as pedicel; 3 postpronotal setae, aligned; 4 katepisternal setae; scutellum brown, anterior margin 1/3 pale; tegula brown; basicosta reddish yellow; dorsum of vein R 4+5 with 8 setulae, reaching 1/2 as long as length of R 4+5 to r-m; the length between the bend of vein M and wing posterior margin about 1.5 times the length of vein M from crossvein dM-Cu to its bend; legs black except femora brown black; fore claw of male shorter than tarsomere 5; abdomen black, with ivory white pruinosity, syntergite 1+2 excavated to posterior margin, with median marginal setae in both sexes. Material examined. China : Liaoning . 1♂ , Benxi, Xinling, 18.IV.1964 , W.Q. Xue ( SYNU ) . Distribution. China ( Liaoning ), Korea . Remarks. The species is reported in China for the first time.