Review of the genus Hylcalosia Fischer (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae), with description of four new species from China Author Zhu, Jiachen Author Achterberg, Cornelis Van Author Chen, Xue-Xin text Zootaxa 2018 2018-08-29 4462 4 547 565 journal article 29383 10.11646/zootaxa.4462.4.7 604d73e2-d3e2-4673-a31d-8da79bc6d6c2 1175-5326 1441855 FFE1C5A9-E523-4027-A63C-76C487A3B1AF Hylcalosia poricrenalata sp. nov. Figs. 5–6 Type material . Holotype , ( ZJUH ), “ [SE. China :] Zhejiang , Longquan , Mt. Fengyang , 22–24.?.1982, Song Qisheng, No. 826585” . Paratype : 1♀ ( ZJUH ), Fujian , Mt. Meihua , 1100–1400 m , 23–24.?.1988, Fan Xiangjiang, No. 886654. Diagnosis. Body (except head) black ( Fig. 5A ); head transverse and head reddish-yellow; eye 1.2 × longer than temple in dorsal view ( Fig. 6I ); eye in lateral view 1.1 × higher than wide ( Fig. 6K ); frons mainly smooth, rugulose near antennal sockets and densely punctate laterally ( Fig. 6I ); vertex and temple smooth ( Fig. 6I ); face rather convex medially, densely and coarsely rugose-reticulate with transverse striation laterally ( Fig. 6J ); clypeus subtriangular, protruding forward, densely and finely reticulate-punctate ( Fig. 6J ); mandible rugose and with 4 teeth or lobes ( Fig. 6J ); notauli crenulated, distinctly impressed on disc, but absent posteriorly ( Fig. 6C ); mesoscutum smooth and with sparse setae anteriorly; medio-posterior depression short, densely crenulated ( Fig. 6C ); precoxal sulcus crenulate ( Fig. 6D ); metapleuron with dense punctures ( Fig. 6D ); surface of propodeum reticulate-rugose, areola absent ( Fig. 6E ); length of pterostigma 5.4 × as long as its maximum width ( Fig. 6A ); hind coxa finely punctate ( Fig. 5A ); metasoma longitudinally striate and some reticulate-rugosity between striae, length of first tergite 0.85 × its apical width ( Fig. 6F ); setose part of ovipositor sheath 0.6 × as long as fore wing (total visible sheath 0.7 ×), and 1.5 × as long as hind tibia ( Fig. 6H ). Description. , length of body 8.2 mm , of fore wing 7.7 mm . Head. Transverse, width of head 1.7 × its lateral length ( Fig. 6I ), and 1.5 × wider than mesoscutum; antenna incomplete, with 18 remaining segments, third segment (including annellus) 0.8 × longer than fourth segment, length of third and fourth segments 2.0 and 3.3 × their width, respectively ( Fig. 6G ); length of maxillary palp 1.4 × height of head; eye in dorsal view 1.2 × as long as temple ( Fig. 6I ); eye in lateral view 1.1 × higher than wide ( Fig. 6K ); frons mainly smooth, rugulose near antennal sockets and densely punctate laterally ( Fig. 6I ); vertex and temple smooth ( Fig. 6I ); OOL:diameter of ocellus:POL= 18:7:3; face 2.7 × wider than high, rather convex medially, densely and coarsely rugose-reticulate with transverse striation laterally ( Fig. 6J ); clypeus small, subtriangular, protruding forward, densely and finely reticulate-punctate ( Fig. 6J ); malar space absent; mandible with 4 teeth or lobes, enlarged apically, dorsal tooth enlarged, lobe-shaped ( Fig. 6L ), ventral tooth medium-sized and lobe-shaped, ventral carina protruding, middle tooth curved ( Fig. 6M ), medial length of mandible 1.7 × its maximum width. FIGURE 5. Hylcalosia poricrenulata sp. nov. , ♀, holotype, habitus, lateral aspect. Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma 1.6 × its height ( Fig. 6D ); pronope round and deep; medio-anteriorly and posteriorly pronotum distinctly crenulate ( Fig. 6D ); epicnemial area widely crenulate; precoxal sulcus long and crenulated, nearly complete but not reaching middle coxa; pleural sulcus crenulated ventrally; episternal scrobe medium-sized and round; metapleuron densely punctate ( Fig. 6D ); notauli crenulated, distinctly impressed on disc; mesoscutum smooth and with sparse setae anteriorly; medio-posterior depression short, densely crenulated; scutellar sulcus deep and narrow, with 5 short carinae, sulcus 4 × wider than its maximum length; scutellum smooth and rather flat, with long setose ( Fig. 6C ); surface of propodeum densely and coarsely reticulate-rugose, areola absent ( Fig. 6E ). Wings ( Figs 6 A-B). Pterostigma 5.4 × as long as its maximum width, r:3-SR:SR1 = 5:13:30; 1-SR+M slightly sinuate; SR1 straight; r nearly equal to the width of pterostigma; cu-a weakly antefurcal; 1-CU1:2-CU1 = 1: 20; 3- CU1 longer than CU1b; 2-SR:3-SR:r-m = 28:19:12; m-cu slightly postfurcal, sinuate and converging to 1-M posteriorly; first subdiscal cell 2.9 × as long as wide; M+CU1 sclerotized. Hind wing: M+CU: 1-M:1r-m = 30:16:13; m-cu weakly antefurcal. FIGURE 6 . Hylcalosia poricrenulata sp. nov. , ♀, holotype. A , fore wing; B, hind wing; C , mesosoma, dorsal aspect; D , mesosoma, lateral aspect; E , propodeum and first metasomal tergite, dorsal aspect; F , propodeum and metasoma, dorsal aspect; G , basal segments of antenna, lateral aspect; H , apex of ovipositor, lateral aspect; I , head, dorsal aspect; J , head, anterior aspect; K , head and palpi, lateral aspect; L , mandible, full view on first and second teeth; M , mandible, full view on third and fourth teeth; N , outer hind femur, hind tibia and hind tarsal claw, lateral aspect. Legs. Hind coxa finely punctate, without ventro-basal tubercle; tarsal claws moderately robust, longer than arolium ( Fig. 6N ); length of femur, tibia and basitarsus of hind leg 4.5, 6.5 and 5.0 × their width, respectively; apical appendages of hind tarsal segments absent, segments ventrally with dense bristles ( Fig. 6N ). Metasoma. First tergite moderately widened from base to apex, its apical width 1.7 × its basal width, length of first tergite 0.85 × its apical width, with distinct dorsal carinae fused in basal half, medially convex ( Fig. 6E ); dorsope present ( Fig. 6E ); median length of second tergite 0.75 × its basal width, 0.65 × its maximum posterior width, 1.07 × length of third tergite ( Fig. 6F ); combined length of second and third tergites 1.3 × maximum width; setose part of ovipositor sheath 0.6 × as long as fore wing (total visible sheath 0.7 ×), and 1.5 × as long as hind tibia ( Fig. 6H ). Colour. Black ( Fig. 5 ); head reddish yellow; pterostigma and veins brown; wing membrane slightly infuscated. Variation. Body length: 6.1–8.2 mm , length of fore wing 5.8–7.7 mm . Comparative diagnosis. This species is similar to H. hymaenei Belokobylskij , but differs by having a short and densely crenulated medio-posterior depression of mesoscutum ( versus simple and long in H. hymaenei ); vein cu-a of fore wing antefurcal ( versus postfurcal); second tergite of metasoma 1.1 × as long as third tergite ( versus distinct longer than third tergite); and hind coxa densely punctate ( versus smooth). Etymology . Named “ poricrenulata ” because of the crenulated medio-posterior depression: “porus” is Latin for “pit” and “crena” is Latin for “notch”.