Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 11. Passeriformes: Parulidae, Drepanididae, Vireonidae, Icteridae, Fringillinae, Carduelinae, Estrildidae, And Viduinae Author LeCroy, Mary text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2013 2013-09-26 2013 381 1 155 http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1206/832.1 journal article 7647 10.1206/832.1 85bd2c66-f9f0-4172-8d82-2e8841cd354a 0003-0090 4611863 Munia bichenovii pallescens Mathews Munia bichenovii pallescens Mathews, 1912a: 429 ( New South Wales ). Now Taeniopygia bichenovii bichenovii (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827) . See Mayr et al., 1968: 359 ; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 763–764 ; Dickinson, 2003: 733 ; and Payne, 2010: 357–358 . LECTOTYPE : AMNH 720312 , adult female, collected at Bourke , 30.06S , 145.56E ( USBGN , 1957), New South Wales , Australia , in April 1893 , from T. Thorpe. From the Mathews Collection (no. 7322) via the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: In the original description, Mathews gave the type locality and the range of pallescens as New South Wales but did not give his catalog number. AMNH 720312 bears, in addition to the original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a ‘‘ Figured’ ’ label, indicating that it served as the model for Mathews (1925: 191 , pl. 564 (middle fig.), opp. p. 189), where the figured female from Bourke and collected in April 1893 is said to be the type of pallescens . The above specimen, the only Bourke specimen collected in April 1893 , is thereby designated the lectotype . Paralectotypes are: Bourke , AMNH 720311 (Mathews no. 7323), male, May 1893 , AMNH 720313 (7321), female, May 1895 , both received from T. Thorpe ; New South Wales , AMNH 720314 (3505), undated, but cataloged prior to the publication of the description .