Pheidole in the New World. A dominant, hyperdiverse ant genus. Author Wilson, E. O. text 2003 Harvard University Press Cambridge, MA book 20017 Pheidole gravida new species Types Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard. Etymology L gravida , laden, referring to the heavy-looking prpmesothorax. Diagnosis Similar in various respects to the species listed in the heading above. Major: yellow; center of midclypeus raised to a small point; frontal lobes extended slightly, and subangulate in side view; median ocellus or a small pit in ocellar location present, as shown; promesonotum massive, descending through a long, steep face to the metanotum; very faint antennal scrobe present; propodeal spines equilaterally triangular; postpetiolar node from above elliptical, 2X as broad as petiolar node. Minor: humerus denticulate and mesonotal convexity subangulate in dorsal-oblique view; propodeal spines reduced to denticles; anterior pronotal fringe and propodeal dorsum carinulate. Measurements (mm) Holotype major: HW 1.46, HL 1.60, SL 0.62, EL 0.18, PW 0.86. Paratype minor: HW 0.66, HL 0.70, SL 0.64, EL 0.14, PW 0.44. COLOR Major: reddish medium yellow. Minor: plain medium yellow. Range Known only from type locality. Biology Unknown. Figure Upper: holotype, major. Lower: paratype, minor. VENEZUELA: San Cristobal-La Florida Road, LaBlanca to Mundo Nuevo, Tachira, 1100 m (J. Lattke and W. L. Brown). Scale bars = 1 mm.