Hydromedusae of the Agulhas Current Author Buecher, Emmanuelle Author Goy, Jacqueline Author J, Mark Author Gibbons text African Invertebrates 2005 2005-12-31 46 27 69 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.7909936 2305-2562 7909936 Euphysora abaxialis Kramp, 1962 Euphysora abaxialis : Kramp 1962: 309 , figs 2–4; 1968: 15, fig. 29. Description: Three small and damaged specimens from three samples. Dome-shaped umbrella with rounded apex, taller than broad, without apical projection ; up to 1.4 mm in height. Exumbrella surface smooth, with patch of small papillae at apex. Mesoglea slightly thick. Velum narrow. Peripheral canal and four narrow radial canals present, latter with smooth margin; with neither centripetal nor apical canals . With four perradial marginal tentacle bulbs arising from umbrella margin ; with only one tentacle , arising from enlarged basal bulb . Tentacle hollow , long , unbranched , without terminal knob but with cnidocyst clusters swollen , distributed in single row abaxially . Manubrium globular, filling almost entire bell cavity; not extending beyond velum, not connected to radial canals by mesenteries. Mouth simple, circular, without lips; without gastric peduncle. Without ocelli on bulb of marginal tentacles. Without cnidocyst tracks on exumbrella. Gonads entirely encircling the manubrium, smooth. Material examined: H5031. Comments: Twelve species are considered valid by Bouillon and Boero (2000 b ). Aside from the three species described here, two others (Kramp 1961) have been recovered in the west Indian Ocean: E . furcata Kramp, 1948 has been recorded off East Africa (Kramp 1957) and E . normani (Browne, 1916) has been found off Chagos (Browne 1916). The former of these species is characterised by having a twice-bifurcated tentacle opposite another fairly long tentacle; the latter species has a high, conical apical projection and three lateral, and one large terminal, cnidocyst clusters on the single long tentacle. Distribution: Tropical and subtropical waters the Indo-West Pacific. This is the first record from the west Indian Ocean. Neritic.