New Atanatolica species from Ecuador (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae) Author Razuri-Gonzales, Ernesto Author Holzenthal, Ralph W Author Rios-Touma, Blanca text ZooKeys 2018 793 97 114 journal article 1313-2970-793-97 33EE04F50C2C4E63B130E0A508849BEA 33EE04F50C2C4E63B130E0A508849BEA Atanatolica andina sp. n. Figs 2, 8 Diagnosis. This new species is most similar to A. acuminata and A. dominicana from Ecuador and Dominica, respectively, based on the general structure of tergum X (i.e., subtriangular in shape, with digitate apicomesal processes). It differs from A. acuminata by the shorter, thicker apicomesal processes on tergum X, and the shorter and rounder apicolateral processes on tergum X; in lateral view, the apicolateral processes in A. andina sp. n. are much shorter than the apicomesal processes, whereas in A. acuminata , both processes are roughly equal in length and the apicolateral processes are accuminate. Additionally, the inferior appendages in A. andina sp. n. are inflated mesally in lateral view, but not in A. acuminata . From A. dominicana , it differs by having a much narrower and shallower mesal cleft on tergum X between the apicomesal processes. Additionally, the posteromesal margin of the inferior appendages in ventral view is rounder and more pronounced in A. andina sp. n., whereas in A. dominicana , this margin is straight. Description. Adult male. Forewing length 9.8 +/- 0.5 mm (n = 3). General color black, forewing membrane brown, covered in brown and white setae. Head with long, brown setae. Antennae with long, brown setae on scape and pedicel, flagellomeres with dark brown setae and ring of white setae basally. Maxillary palps brown, with long, brown hairs. Thorax black, with dark brown hairs. Forelegs brown, tarsomeres with white ring basally; mid legs dark brown with white setae; hind legs dark brown with white setae, interspersed with brown spines, increasing in thickness towards the tarsal segments. Tibial spur formula 0, 2, 2. Genitalia. Segment IX annular, short, with anterior margin sinuous, posterior margin slightly produced mesally (Figure 2A). Preanal appendages shorter than tergum X, slender, digitate, setose (Figure 2A, B). Tergum X slightly notched apicomesally, basal portion of tergum X membranous, with two pairs of sclerotized apical processes; apicomesal processes digitate and directed upwards in lateral view (Figure 2A); apicolateral processes much shorter than apicomesal processes, thumb-like, directed laterad in dorsal and caudoventral views (Figure 2B, D); apices with short spicules (Figure 2A, B, D). Inferior appendages with basal portion of first segment broad, setose, highly pigmented, mesal margin rounded, apical portion digitate, straight, slightly inflated subapically in ventral view (Figure 2C), covered with stout, spine-like setae on its mesal surface; second article short, rectangular (Fig. 2A, C). Phallic apparatus simple, without any processes; phallobase tubular; phallotremal sclerites complex, consisting of pair of elongated sclerites basally (very faint in the specimens examined), hooked sclerite subapically, and U-shaped sclerite apically (rectangular in lateral view); endothecal membranes trilobed (Figure 2E). Figure 2. Atanatolica andina sp. n., male genitalia. A Lateral B Segments IX and X, dorsal C Inferior appendage, ventral D Tergum X, caudoventral E Phallic apparatus, lateral (inset: phallic apparatus apex, ventral). Abbreviations: IX abdominal segment IX, X abdominal tergum X. Holotype male. ECUADOR: Napo: Reserva Ecologica Cayambe-Coca waterfall, rd. to Oyacachi, 0.32621S , 78.1505W , 3690 m, 26.ii.2012, B Rios-Touma , L Pita (UMSP) [UMSP000098741]. Paratypes. ECUADOR: Chimborazo: small roadside waterfall on Highway E-46 (via Riobamba - Macas), 2.17572S , 78.5047W , 3527 m, 2♂, 25.i.2015, R Holzenthal, B Rios-Touma (MECN); Napo: unnamed trib. to Oyacachi R., ca. 5.2 mi W of Oyacachi, 0.229504S , 78.0059W , 2823 m, 1♂, 24.ii.2012, B Gill (NMNH), unnamed tributary to Papallacta River, Hwy. E-28, ca. 1 km SW Papallacta, 0.38589S , 78.1435W , 3246 m, 8♂, 6♀, 25.i.2012, B Gill (NMNH), stream, 2.73 Km W Papallacta, Hwy. E-28, 0.534639S , 78.2254W , 3982 m, 8♂, 25.i.2012, B Kondratieff, B Gill (NMNH). Etymology. Named after the Andean ranges where the specimens were collected. Distribution. Napo and Chimborazo Provinces (Ecuador) (Figure 8). The species occurs at the highest elevation ever recorded for the genus.