Ampithoidae (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from New Zealand Author Peart, Rachael A. Author Loerz, Anne-Nina text ZooKeys 2018 733 25 48 journal article 1313-2970-733-25 121ED4602B814911B147A3D6AB04652D Exampithoe taylori Hughes & Peart, 2015 Exampithoe taylori Hughes & Peart, 2015: 563-566, figs 4-6. Ampithoe sp. - J.L Barnard, 1972: 45, fig. 15. Type material. Holotype: male, 11.5 mm, 4 slides, NIWA 94663, Leigh, New Zealand, 36°17'28.76"S , 174°48'10.81"E , coll. R. Taylor, 16 September 2002. Paratypes: 2 males, AM P. 88414, same location as holotype. Additional material examined. NIWA 94664, 1 male, 9 mm; NIWA 94665, 1 female, 8 mm; NIWA 94666, 1 female, 7 mm; NIWA 94667, 1 female, 10 mm; NIWA 94668, 1 female, 8 mm; NIWA 94669, 1 male, 8 mm; NIWA 94670, 1 male, 7 mm; AM P.92556, 11 females, 15 males, Nordic Cove, Leigh, New Zealand, 36°17'28.76"S , 174°48'10.81"E , 1-3 m, on Dictyota kunthii , coll. Richard Taylor, 31 Dec 2009. NIWA 7022, 1 female, 6.4 mm, station E979, Huaroa Pt. Whangaparaoa Peninsula, Auckland Province, New Zealand, 36.59°S 175.84°E , shore collection, coll. J.L. Barnard, 16 Feb 1968. Diagnosis. Male: Eye prominent. Antenna 1 slightly shorter than antenna 2. Epistome and upper lip, in situ, directed straight down, perpendicular to the head. Lower lip outer plate entire. Mandible molar reasonably well developed and triturating, palp slender and three-articulate, article three distally rounded. Maxilla 1 palp well developed. Pereopods weakly setose. Gnathopod 1 weakly sexually dimorphic; coxa slightly produced anteriorly; basis anteroventral lobe prominent; propodus subrectangular, anterodistal setose lobe absent, palm acute and convex, defining tooth and robust seta absent; dactylus subequal in length to palm. Gnathopod 2 slightly narrower and slightly longer than gnathopod 1, weakly sexually dimorphic; basis anteroventral lobe medium sized and setose; carpus elongated, subtriangular; propodus shorter than carpus, propodus narrow, anterodistal lobe absent, palm acute and convex, without defining tooth, but with a defining robust seta; dactylus subequal in length to palm. Pereopods 3 and 4 similar in size and shape; basis expanded and glandular; merus slightly expanded, lobe small and reduced. Pereopod 5 basis ovoid; distal articles slender; propodus weakly prehensile. Pereopods 6 and 7 similar in shape to each other, increasing in length; distal articles slender; propodus weakly prehensile. Epimeron 3 posteroventral corner rounded without tooth. Uropod 1, in situ, reaching to the end of uropod 2, peduncle distoventral spur absent. Uropod 2 peduncle without rounded lateral distoventral process. Uropod 3 broad, peduncle with two distal robust setae and 1 marginal robust seta; rami short; outer ramus with two recurved robust setae, lateral patch of denticles; inner ramus with robust and slender distal setae. Telson subtriangular with reduced, small cusps, denticles absent, with lateral and apical setae. Female: Similar to male. Remarks. Known from northern New Zealand only. This species has similarities, but more significant differences to E. plumosa sp. n. These differences are discussed in the remarks above. Material examined from J.L. Barnard (1972) identified as Ampithoe sp. has been examined and identified as Exampithoe taylori . Distribution. Leigh and Whangaparaoa, North Island, New Zealand.