The recent apple snails of Africa and Asia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Ampullariidae: Afropomus, Forbesopomus, Lanistes, Pila, Saulea): a nomenclatural and type catalogue. The apple snails of the Americas: addenda and corrigenda Author Cowie, Robert H. text Zootaxa 2015 3940 1 1 92 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3940.1.1 5013eaff-bb37-4be3-a1ea-43c11d0cf5d1 1175-5326 288204 B5D45D1B-4B52-4F0B-8AF6-B587F8857475 speciosa Ampullaria speciosa Philippi, 1849b : 18 [1852a: 40, pl. 11, fig. 2]. Type material —possible syntypes : MNHNCL 15900 (2 opercula, old number 61.042), ZMB 1323 ( Köhler & Glaubrecht 2006: 210 ). Type locality —“ India orientalis ” [error; possibly Cape Guardafui, Somalia ( Philippi 1852a : 41 ; Brown 1980 : 47 , 1994, 55; Köhler & Glaubrecht 2006 : 210 )]. Distribution —“Practically the whole of eastern tropical Africa” ( Alderson 1925: 98 ), but restricted to Somalia , northern Kenya and southeastern Ethiopia , teste Pain (1949b: 69) and Brown (1965 : 44 , 1980: 47, 1994: 55), followed by Köhler & Glaubrecht (2006: 211) . Remarks . Pila , teste Pain (1949b: 69) and Brown (1965 : 44, 1980: 47, 1994: 55), followed by Köhler & Glaubrecht (2006: 210) . sphaerica Ampullaria sphaerica Deshayes, 1830a : 30 . Type material —location(s) unknown [not found in MNHN or NHMUK (cf. Dance 1986 : 210 , 217)]. Type locality —“Pondichéri” [the locality of one of Deshayes’ specimens (that of M. Marmin), which he presumed to be the locality of the others; locality of Sowerby’s shell, referenced by Deshayes, unknown]. Remarks . In addition to the shells of Deshayes (1830a: 30) the shell illustrated by G.B. Sowerby I (1822: pl. [184], figs. 1, 2) and referenced by Deshayes is part of the type series. By implication, rugosa G.B. Sowerby I non Lamarck (considered a species of Pila based on Sowerby’s illustration of the calcified operculum) was considered by Swainson (1822a: pl. 119), Deshayes (1830a: 30) and Prashad (1925: 70) to be a misidentification of rugosa Lamarck (synonym of urceus Müller , a species of Pomacea , teste Cowie & Thiengo (2003: 74)) rather than the proposal of a new name. Swainson proposed the name corrugata for Sowerby’s shell, prior to Deshayes’ proposal of sphaerica . Synonym of corrugata Swainson , teste Philippi (1851: 7) and Martens (1857: 209), followed here. sphaerica Ampullaria globosa var. sphaerica Hanley & Theobald, 1874: 46 , pl. 113, fig. 4. Type material syntype : UMZC I.104725 (1 spm., with label “figured in Conch. Indica CXIII, f. 4”) [not found in Leeds Museum or NHMUK ( Coan & Kabat 2012: 325 )]. Type locality —“Moradabad”. Remarks . Junior primary homonym of sphaerica Deshayes. Variety of globosa Swainson , teste G.B. Sowerby III (1910: 58) and Preston (1915: 97) . Synonym of globosa Swainson , teste Nevill (1877: 1) and Prashad (1923 : 587, 1925: 71), followed here. stoliczkana Ampullaria Stoliczkana Nevill, 1877 : 11 . Type material —possible syntypes : NZSI 2420 (1 spm., considered a holotype in NZSI), NZSI M 25079/5 (7 spms., considered paratypes in NZSI). Type locality —“Penang”. Remarks . Nevill (1877: 11) noted 7 spms. but subsequently ( Nevill 1885: 7 ) listed only 6; the reason that there are now 8 considered as type material in NZSI requires further research. Variety of conica Wood , teste G.B. Sowerby III (1910: 50) and Alderson (1925: 78) . Synonym of scutata Mousson , teste Low et al . (2013 : 56) and Ng et al . (2014: 34), followed here. + stuhlmanni Ampullaria erythrostoma Var. stuhlmanni Martens, 1897a: 155 –156, text fig. Type material syntypes : ZMB 109527 (1 spm.), ZMB 111742 (1 spm.), the additional syntypes not found. Type locality —“Albert-Nyansa, an der Südwestseite bei Kassenye” [southwestern side of Lake Albert near Kassenye], “Kassesse in Karagwe”, “Albert- Edward-See... bei Katarenga an der Südwestseite” [southwestern side of Lake Edward, near Katarenga]. Distribution —Lakes Albert and Kyoga, Victoria Nile ( Pain 1961: 11–12 ) and Lake Edward ( Dartevelle & Schwetz 1947 : 15, 17; Köhler & Glaubrecht 2006 : 211). Remarks . The placement of this taxon by Martens (1897a: 155) as a variety of erythrostoma Reeve is in error as the latter is a South American species ( Cowie & Thiengo 2003 : 63; Köhler & Glaubrecht 2006 : 211). The two large specimens from “Albert-Nyanza” and the one from “Kassesse in Karagwe” (Martens 1897a: 155) were not found by Köhler & Glaubrecht (2006: 211) . The parenthetical “ type Stuhlmann” in the tables of shell dimensions given by Pain (1952: 289, 1961: 13) is here considered as referring to the type locality and not to be lectotype designations. Treated as a distinct species by Pilsbry & Bequaert (1927: 182–183) and Dartevelle & Schwetz (1947: 32) , but a subspecies of ovata Olivier , teste Pain (1952: 288, 1961: 13) and Mandahl-Barth (1954: 45) , followed here, all in Pila . Form of ovata Olivier , teste Brown (1980: 45) , though not so listed by Brown (1994: 54) . subampullacea Ampullaria turbinis var subampullacea Nevill, 1885 : 6 . Type material syntypes : NZSI (2 spms., not found in 2014), H. Crosse collection (1 spm., not found in MNHN in 2014). Type locality —“Perak” [Peninsular Malaysia ]. Remarks . Annandale (1920a: 19) indicated a “Type-specimen” (NZSI “2427 M”) but whether this was one of the two specimens deposited by Nevill has not been definitively determined. Neither it nor other material identifiable as Nevill’s types were found in NZSI in 2014. Var iety or race of turbinis Lea , teste G.B. Sowerby III (1910: 61) and Annandale (1920a: 5) , respectively. Synonym of ampullacea Linnaeus , teste Paetel (1888: 481) and Brandt (1974: 49) , followed here. subglobosa Ampullaria turbinis var. subglobosa Nevill, 1885 : 6 . Type material syntypes : NZSI (4 spms., not found in 2014). Type locality —“Java (?)”, “Possibly from Siam ” [ Thailand ]. Remarks . Synonym or variety of turbinis Lea , teste Paetel (1888: 482). Variety of turbinis Lea , teste G.B. Sowerby III (1910: 61). Synonym of turbinis Lea , teste Annandale (1920a: 15) . Possibly a senior synonym of dalyi Blanford, teste Alderson (1925: 65) . Synonym of ampullacea Linnaeus , teste Brandt (1974: 49) , followed here. subscutata Ampullaria subscutata Mousson, 1882 : 46 , pl. 3, fig. 6. Type material syntypes : RBINS MT 1156/1 (2 spms.), RBINS MT 1156/2 (4 spms.); possible syntypes : ZMZ 564075 (2 spms.). Type locality —“ Madagascar ; Maravare, à la latitude de Farafanga, dans la partie orientale de l’île”. Remarks . Valid species, teste G.B. Sowerby III (1910: 61), Kobelt (1912b: 57) and Alderson (1925: 91) . Synonym of cecillei Philippi, teste Starmühlner (1969: 119) and Fischer & Vukadinovic (1974: 349) , followed here. The names subsulcata of Paetel (1888: 482) and of Kobelt (1909: 91) are considered incorrect subsequent spellings of subscutata Mousson and therefore unavailable ( Code , Art. 33.3). sumatrensis Ampullaria sumatrensis Philippi, 1852b : 28 [1852a: 59, pl. 19, figs. 1, 2]. Type material —location unknown. Type locality —“der Fluss Danu-luar in Sumatra” [Danu-luar river, Sumatra]; “Java?”. Remarks . Synonym of ampullacea Linnaeus , teste G.B. Sowerby III (1910: 56), Kobelt (1912b: 76), Habe (1964: 49; as “ ampullaria ”) , Brandt (1974: 49) and Ng et al . (2014: 32). Recorded from Perak (Paetel 1888: 481), throughout peninsular Malaysia (de Morgan 1885 : 418) and in Cambodia (Dautzenberg & Fischer 1905: 427).