Schismatothelinae spiders (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae) from Colombia: four new species and an approach to their diversity Author Valencia-Cuéllar, Dayana Author Perafán, Carlos Author Guerrero, Roberto J. Author Guadanucci, José Paulo Leite text Zootaxa 2019 2019-01-21 4545 4 548 562 journal article 27672 10.11646/zootaxa.4545.4.6 05dc4b2b-842a-409e-a90c-fe171c3bfbc7 1175-5326 2618325 EBED3255-7335-4AA7-9332-7B3B8272099F Schismatothele weinmanni Guadanucci, Perafán & Valencia-Cuéllar sp. nov. ( Figs 25–35 ) Type material. COLOMBIA : Holotype male, ICN-Ar 8360, Cachipay , Cundinamarca , 1600 masl , 13.XI.2001 , D. Weinmann leg . Paratypes : 2 females , ICN-Ar 8361 and MZSP 28410 , same data as holotype ; 1 male , ICN-Ar 6837, same locality as holotype, 27.II.2010 , C. Perafán leg . ; 1female , ICN-Ar 8363, same locality as holotype, 09.XI.1999 , D. Weinmann leg. ; 1 female , ICN-Ar 8362, Quebrada El Zancudo , La Vega , Cundinamarca , 1200 masl , 12.VIII.2004 , D. Weinmann leg. ; 1 female , SMF , La Mesa , Cundinamarca , 1200 masl , 10.VIII.2004 , D. Weinmann leg . ; 1 male , ICN-Ar 8364, La Mesa , Cundinamarca , 1200 masl , 15.IV.2009 , D. Weinmann leg. ; 1 male , SMF , Sasaima , Cundinamarca , 1200 masl , 19.X.1997 , H.R. Casallas leg . ; 1 male , ICN-Ar 6967, Vereda la Cabaña , Zipacón , Cundinamarca , 1500 masl , VIII.2011 , D. Luna & C. Romero leg . ; 1 male , MZSP , 16.XI.2001 , San Francisco , Cundinamarca , D. Weinmann leg. Etymology. The specific epithet is a noun in the genitive in honor of Dirk Weinmann, for his contribution to the knowledge of the tarantulas fauna of Colombia . Diagnosis. Males of S. weinmanni sp. nov. can be distinguished from those of other species by the shape of the male palpal bulb, which bears a paraembolic apophysis, flat and rounded at the tip ( Figs 25, 27 ), with small ridges on the dorsal surface, near the embolus and embolus pointing forward ( Figs 25–28 ); spines on the retrolateral face of palpal tibia arranged on two groups, 3–4 small spines on apical tibia and two strong spines at the mid-length ( Fig. 30 ). Females differ from those of other species with spermathecae composed of two portions: two dorsal digitiform receptacles and a ventral heavly sclerotized crest ( Figs 32–34 ). Description. Holotype male (ICN-Ar 8360). Color (in alcohol): carapace dark brown, legs and sternum brown, abdomen grey without marks. Total length: 15.8. Chelicerae basal segment: length 2.2. Carapace elongated: length 7.1, width 5.9. Abdomen: length 6.8. Clypeus absent. Eye tubercle slightly elevated, sub-rectangular: length 1.1, width 1.5. Anterior eye row slightly procurved, posterior recurved. Eyes and interdistances: AME 0.32, ALE 0.42, PME 0.28, PLE 0.22, AME–AME 0.18, AME–ALE 0.12, ALE–ALE 0.86, PME–PME 0.72, PME–PLE 0.08, PLE–PLE 1.1, AME–PME 0.04, ALE–PLE 0.16. Thoracic fovea straight, narrow, deep: width 0.84. Chelicerae basal segment with 9 well-developed teeth on furrow promargin, and a group of ca. 12 small teeth on proximal area of furrow. Intercheliceral tumescence absent. Maxillae with more than 100 cuspules, located on anterior inner corner. Labium sub-quadrate: length0.7, width 1.4, with about 140 cuspules. Labiosternal junction narrow in middle with two well-developed lateral mounds. Sternum rounded: length 3.1, width 3.1; with three pairs of oval sigilla separated by its diameter from the edge. Superior tarsal claws without teeth. Tarsal scopulae: I and II entire with longitudinal band of conical setae, III and IV divided by longitudinal band of conical setae. Metatarsal scopulae extent: I on distal 3/4, II on more than distal half, III on distal half, IV on less than half. Clavate tarsal trichobothria about in two rows, each with ca. 10 trichae, interspersed with filiform trichobothria of different sizes. Tarsus IV cracked. Palpal bulb with elongated tegulum, short embolus pointing forward and paraembolic apophysis flat ( Figs 25– 28 ). Cymbium with two asymmetric lobes, retrolateral larger and wider; prolateral lobe elongated and laterally flattened; retrolateral lobe with a small distal retrolateral protrusion/bulge ( Fig. 30 ). Palpal tibia swollen, with short spines separated in two groups, one apical group with 3–4 spines, and other at tibia mid-length with two strong spines ( Fig. 30 ). Tibial spur I ( Fig. 31 ): prolatero-ventral spur with two branches, on same mound; retrolateral branch slightly curved, slender, with a small spine inserted subapically, prolateral branch shorter and with contiguous spine. Metatarsus I bends retrolaterally to tibial spur. Leg formula 4123. Palpal and legs segments lengths (femur/ patella/ tibia/ metatarsus/ tarsus / total): palp 3.2/ 1.8/ 2.8/ –/ 1.8/ 9.6; leg I 5.5/ 3.1/ 3.8/ 3.8/ 2.5/ 18.7; leg II 4.5/ 2.6/ 2.8/ 2.9/ 2.2/ 15; leg III 3.8/ 2.3/ 2/ 2.9/ 1.8/ 12.8; leg IV 5.3/ 2.5/ 3.6/ 4.9/ 2.5/ 18.8. Spination (proximal to distal): cymbium and tarsi without spines. Palp: femur 0; patella 0; tibia (r) 6 megaspines. Legs I: femur (d) 0-p1-p1, (v) 0, (p) 0, (r) 0;patella 0; tibia (d) 0, (v) 0-1-0, (p) 0, (r) 0; metatarsus (d) 0, (v) 0-1-ap1, (p) 0, (r) 0. II: femur (d) 0-0-p1, (v) 0, (p) 0, (r) 0;patella 0; tibia (d) 0, (v) 0-1-ap2, (p) 0, (r) 0;metatarsus (d) 0, (v) 0-1-ap1, (p) 0, (r) 0.III: femur (d) 0-0-r1, (v) 0, (p) 0, (r) 0;patella (d) 0, (v) 0, (p) 1, (r) 0; tibia (d) 0, (v) 0-1-ap3, (p) 0-2-0, (r) 0-0-1; metatarsus (d) 0, (v) 0-2-ap4, (p) 1-1-1, (r) 0-1- 1.IV : femur (d) 0-0-r1, (v) 0, (p) 0, (r) 0; tibia (d) 0, (v) 0-1-ap3, (p) 0-1-0, (r) 1-0-1; metatarsus (d) 0, (v) 0-2-ap3, (p) 1-1-1, (r) 0-1-1.20). Female (ICN-Ar 8361). Color (in alcohol): as in male. Total length: 23.0. Chelicerae basal segment: length 3.9. Carapace elongated: length 8.2, width 6.4. Abdomen: length 11.6. Clypeus absent. Eye tubercle slightly elevated, sub-rectangular: length 1.1, width 1.6. Anterior eye row slightly procurved, posterior recurved. Eyes and interdistances: AME 0.36, ALE 0.5, PME 0.34, PLE 0.32, AME–AME 0.12, AME–ALE 0.14, ALE–ALE 0.96, PME–PME 0.8, PME–PLE 0.06, PLE–PLE 1.28, AME–PME 0.06, ALE–PLE 0.14. Thoracic fovea slightly procurved, narrow, deep: width 0.98. Chelicerae basal segment with 9–10well-developed teeth on furrow promargin, and group of ca. 16–20 small teeth on proximal area of furrow. Intercheliceral tumescence absent. Maxillae with more than 100 cuspules, located at anterior inner corner. Labium sub-quadrate: length 1.1, width 1.9, with about 160 cuspules. Labio-sternal junction narrow in middle with two well-developed lateral mounds. Sternum rounded: length 3.6, width 3.8; with three pairs of oval sigilla separated its diameter from edge. Superior tarsal claws without teeth. Tarsal scopulae: I entire with longitudinal band of conical setae; II–IV divided by longitudinal band of conical setae. Metatarsal scopulae extent: I on distal 3/4, II on more than distal half, III on distal half, IV on less than half. Clavate tarsal trichobothria about in two rows, each with ca. 10 trichae, interspersed with filiform trichobothria of different sizes. Tarsus IV not cracked. Spermathecae composed of two portions, dorsal and ventral ( Figs32–35 ); dorsal portion with two digitiform receptacles pointing ectally; ventral portion with heavely sclerotized crest higher than two dorsal receptacles. Leg formula 4123. Palpal and legs segments lengths (femur/ patella/ tibia/ metatarsus/ tarsus / total): palp 3.7/ 2.3/ –/ 2.1/ 10.2; leg I 5.3/ 3.3/ 3.4/ 3/ 2.3/ 17.3; leg II 4.5/ 2.7/ 2.6/ 2.5/ 1.9/ 14.2; leg III 3.9/ 2.7/ 2/ 2.7/ 1.9/ 13.2; leg IV 5 / 3/ 3.3/ 4.4/ 2.3/ 18. Spination (proximal to distal): tarsi without spines. Palp: femur 0; patella 0; tibia (v) ap3. Leg: I: femur 0; patella 0; tibia 0; metatarsus (d) 0, (v) 0-1-ap1, (p) 0, (r) 0.Leg II: femur 0; patella 0; tibia 0; metatarsus (d) 0, (v) 0- 1-ap1, (p) 0, (r) 0.Leg III: femur 0; patella (d) 0, (v) 0, (p) 1, (r) 0; tibia (d) 0, (v) ap2, (p) 0-0-1, (r) 0-0-1; metatarsus (d) 0, (v) 0-2-ap3, (p) 1-1-1, (r) 0-1-1.Leg IV: femur 0; patella 0; tibia (d) 0, (v) 0-0-ap2, (p) 0, (r) 0-0-1; metatarsus (d) 0, (v) 0-3-ap2, (p) 1-1-1, (r) 0-1-1. Variation. A medial curvature may be present on ventral portion (crest), that varies from moderate to well marked; this ventral portion does not seem to comprise a receptacle, since there is no openness to the outside. Morphological variations of the spermathecae female and receptacle of sub-adult female on figure 35. FIGURES 25–31 . Schismatothele weinmanni sp.nov. , holotype male (ICN-Ar 8360). 25–28. Palpal bulb, ventral (25), prolateral (26), retrolateral (27), dorsal (28) views. 29. Carapace. 30. Cymbium and palpal tibia, retrolateral view. 31. Leg I, tibial spur, ventro-prolateral view. Circle shows the retrolateral protrusion/bulge on cymbium. Scale bars = 1mm. FIGURES 32–34 . Schismatothele weinmanni sp. nov. , paratype female (ICN-Ar 8361). Spermathecae, anterior (32), dorsal (33), ventral (34) views. Scale bars = 1mm. FIGURES 35 . Schismatothele weinmanni sp. nov. , female spermathecae variations. Given them a, b, c. Last box (d) sub-adult female. Distribution and natural history. E. weinmanni sp. nov. is known only in the Cundinamarca Department , Colombia , in the municipalities Cachipay, La Vega, La Mesa, Sasaima and Zipacón (La Cabaña), between 1200 at 1500 masl ( Fig. 37 ). These localities are on the western slope of the Eastern Cordillera, and have relatively humid environments with an annual mean temperature about 24°C.