Description of Two New Species of Baeocera Erichson (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scaphidiinae) from México Author López, Hugo Eduardo Fierros- text Journal Of The Kansas Entomological Society 2010 2010-09-30 83 3 201 207 journal article 10.2317/JKES0905.18.1 667e411c-326a-43ca-82ab-ae8c13780339 3483766 Baeocera pulchella Fierros-López new species ( Figs. 1–6 ) DIAGNOSIS: This species can be distinguished by the elytra with a transversal fascia, in addition to the following combination of characters: body elongate, slightly compressed laterally; third antennal segment shorter than fourth; scutellum covered by pronotal lobe; basal stria of elytron interrupted at humeral area; mesepimeron as long as most of the anapleural line; mesocoxal line parabolic; aedeagus symmetrical basal portion subequal in length to apical portion; apex of median lobe acute, slightly curved upright; parameres slender and slightly curved. DESCRIPTION: Length 1.7 mm . Coloration: Body ocherous, apical portion of pronotum lighter, elytron cream, with transverse red-brown fascia in middle of disc. Head: spherical, polished, shiny, with few punctures, clypeus with two lateral groups of whitish setae. Antenna ( Fig. 1 ) with second segment about same length as third and fourth combined; third and fourth segments subequal in length. Thorax: pronotum trapezoidal, wider at base, lateral borders with carina; inflexed at basal angles. Disc surface polished with few scattered punctures; microsculpture obsolete, at 50 magnification; scutellum hidden by pronotal lobe. Elytra elongated ( Fig. 2 ), widest at middle; basal stria interrupted at humeral area; discal punctuation more scattered than on pronotum; microsculpture obsolete; epipleura smooth, shining; metacoxal line parabolic ( Fig. 3 ), basal pits rounded, not extended laterally; mesepimeron long, covering almost all anapleaural line; mesosternum sparsely punctured; metasternum laterally widened near apex, surface with few punctures bearing decumbent setae; ventral area ornamented with punctures and setae; metepisternon wide, slightly widened at apex. Legs: long, slender; first three protarsomeres slightly expanded laterally, with abundant setae on ventral surface; mesotarsus with ventral setae. Abdomen: conical, with scattered punctures and few setae; microsculpture not evident; first visible ventrite with basal pits rounded, not expanded laterally. Aedeagus ( Figs. 4–6 ): length 0.49mm , symmetric, basal area bulbous, subequal in length to apical, apex of median lobe pointed, upright curved; internal sac with basal oval sclerite, flagellum with laminar ornamentation; parameres elongated, wider at apex, shorter than median lobe. ETYMOLOGY : The specific epithet name derives from the Latin word pulchella meaning ‘‘beautiful’’ and little, in reference to small size and showy coloration of this species. TYPE LOCALITY : El Floripondio , Municipality San Gabriel, Jalisco . DISTRIBUTION : Known only from Jalisco , México BIONOMICS : This species was collected in a fir-oak forest and cloud forest, by fogging rotten logs with sporophores of Trichia and Poria ; other scaphidiinae beetles associated were Baeocera gutierrezberaudi , Scaphisoma opochtli Fierros-López and one unidentified species of Toxidium . Figs. 1–6. Morphology of Baeocera pulchella new species . 1. Antenna; 2. Dorsal view of elytron; 3. lateral view of thorax; 4–6. Aedeagus. Scale bar equals 1 mm. VARIATION: ( 7 males , 1 female ). — length: male 1.7–1.92 mm , average (avg.) 1.8 mm , standar devation (stdv) ± 0.1 mm , female 1.86 mm ; pronotum: male 0.62–0.7 mm , avg. 0.7 mm ± stdv. 0., female 0.68 mm ; elytra: male 1.12–1.3 mm , avg. 1.2 mm , stdv ± 0.1 mm , female 1.18 mm . Elytral maculation varied in intensity and shape, from a wide transverse fascia to a small spot on the disc. MATERIAL EXAMINED : Holotype : male , labeled as follows: MÉXICO : Jalisco , San Gabriel , El Floripondio , bosque mesófilo de montaña , 2300 m , km 4 RMO Las Víboras , 19 Julio 2007 , 19 ° 37 ' N , 103 ° 37 ' O , ex tronco con micelio , H. E. Fierros- López col. - 1 male (holotype ) Paratypes : same data as holotype: 1 female ; same data except: km 6 R.M.O. Las Víboras , 9 Agosto 2007 , H. E. Fierros-López col. ( 1 male ); same data except: 23 Septiembre 2007 , ex Poria sp. y Trichia sp. ; H. E. Fierros- López col.- ( 5 males ) .