Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea) in western Mexico. 7 Superfamily Platysceloidea. Family Oxycephalidae Author Gasca, Rebeca 0000-0002-9716-1964 El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Chetumal, Av. del Centenario km 5.5, Chetumal, Quintana Roo, 77014, Mexico. rebegasca @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9716 - 1964 & Currently retired. Author Hendrickx, Michel E. Laboratorio de Invertebrados Bentónicos, Unidad Académica Mazatlán, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, PO Box 811, Mazatlán, 82000 Sinaloa, Mexico. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-03-03 5105 2 219 236 journal article 20349 10.11646/zootaxa.5105.2.3 d9ad8d5b-dd70-4efe-8a01-76ea5babc6b8 1175-5326 6332529 2B46C765-C80B-437B-B8C2-95335D589E9F Streetsia mindanaonis ( Stebbing, 1888 ) Leptocotis mindanaonis Stebbing, 1888: 1598 . Streetsia mindanaonis .— Brusca, 1981: 13 (list), 33 (key), fig. 23e, g; Siegel-Causey, 1982: 365 (key), 370; Vinogradov et al ., 1996: 511 (key), 519‒521, fig. 225; García Madrigal, 2007: 158 (list); Guillén Pozo, 2007: 18 (key), 101‒103, fig. 35; Gasca, 2009: 89 (tab. 1); Lavaniegos & Hereu, 2009: 152 (appendix); Gasca et al ., 2012: 126 (tab. 1); Valencia & Giraldo, 2012: 1493 (tab. 1); Zeidler, 2016: 93 (passim), 96 (key). Material examined . 2M, 3F in three localities ( Fig. 5 ). TALUD V . St. 5 ( 22°00’57”N , 106°40’00”W ), December 13, 2000 , 1M , MN from surface to ca. 1400 m (TD> 1600 m (ICML-EMU-12977) . TALUD VI . St. 7 ( 22°21’39”N , 107°01’42”W ) , March 14, 2001,1M, 2F, MN from surface to 1305 m (TD, 2100 m ) (ICML-EMU-12978) . TALUD VII . St. 29 ( 25°17’31”N , 109°24’30”W ), June 8, 2001 , 1F , MN from surface to 1335 m (TD, 2080 m ) (ECOSUR-10562) . Distribution . Circumtropical, usually between 30°N and 30°S . In the eastern Pacific from Mexico to Colombia and Ecuador (García Madrigal 2007, Guillén Pozo, 2007 , Valencia & Giraldo 2012 , this study). Remarks . The five known species of Streetsia are distinguished mainly by the length of the double urosomite, the shape and structure of the gnathopod 2 and pereopod VI, and the cuticular pores on the epimeral plates. Another species of oxycephalid rarely collected. Also rare in the Gulf of California , where Siegel-Causey (1982) found it only in the southern Gulf, where our material was also collected ( Fig. 5 ). It has been found in the Mexican portion of the California Current by Lavaniegos & Hereu (2009) .