Taxonomy of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae) from China (IV), with descriptions of twelve new species Author Zhu, Xiaoju 0000-0002-4590-8480 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & zxjyouxiang @ 126. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4590 - 8480 Author Wang, Shuxia College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China text Zootaxa 2022 2022-01-10 5087 4 501 521 journal article 2713 10.11646/zootaxa.5087.4.1 a938e30b-d777-4a74-b755-b26b340cb049 1175-5326 5832792 349C9ABC-6970-4332-AD94-816918E7535E Meleonoma dilatilobata sp. nov. ( Figs 11 , 23 , 33 ) D12F2CC2-FEFD-4047-A5A5-DB609F157D29 Type material. CHINA , Henan : Holotype , Baotianman , 1200 m , 27. V .2006 , leg. JM Lv & X Zhang , slide No. ZXJ19366 . Paratypes : 3♂ 1♀ , 20‒23. V .2006 , leg. X Zhang & JM Lv , other same data as holotype, slide Nos. ZXJ18185 , ZXJ19625 . Diagnosis. The new species is similar to M. puncticulata Wang, 2020 ( In Zhu et al ., 2020 ) in the male genitalia. It can be distinguished by the uncus rounded at apex, the sacculus bilobed at apex and the cornutus absent. In M. puncticulata , the uncus is pointed at apex, the sacculus is not bilobed at apex and the cornutus is present ( Zhu et al ., 2020: 152 , Fig. 18 ). Description. Adult ( Fig. 11 ). Forewing length 7.0– 7.5 mm . Head yellow, tipped with black on vertex and occiput. Labial palpus pale yellow, with scattered black scales, second palpomere with a black ring at apex. Antenna pale yellow; scape with scattered black scales, flagellum annulated with black on dorsal surface. Thorax pale yellow, tipped with black; tegula pale yellow, mixed with black basally. Forewing ground color pale yellow, covered with black and yellowish-brown scales, with a black spot at base; costal margin with a black sub-triangular spot at middle; plical spot small, black, at distal 1/3 of fold; discal and discocellular spots black, discal spot placed at middle of cell, discocellular spots doubled, at anterior and posterior angles; fringe yellow, tipped with black. Hindwing and fringe blackish grey, fringe tipped with black. Legs yellow; on ventral surface, coxa of foreleg with scattered black scales, femur black, tarsus with basal four tarsomeres black except yellow at base of basal tarsomere and at apices, femur of midleg black apically, tarsus with basal four tarsomeres black except yellow at apices, femur of hindleg with scattered black scales, tarsus with scattered black scales; all tibiae black except yellow at middle and at apex respectively. Male genitalia ( Fig. 23 ). Uncus with basal 3/4 uniformly wide, distal 1/4 slightly narrower, rounded at apex. Tegumen narrowed medially, produced posterolaterally; lateral arm narrowed anteriorly, obtuse at apex. Valva narrow at base, widened to basal 1/3, evenly wide from basal 1/3 to rounded apex, bent inward; costa banded, evenly wide in basal 3/4, narrowed in distal 1/4, reaching before tip of costal margin; transtilla bilobed: dorsal lobe clavate, narrowed toward middle, pointed at apex, ventral lobe slender, curved. Sacculus sub-quadrate basally, with an ovate sclerite basally on dorsal margin; bilobed distally: dorsal lobe longer, roundly dilated distally, ventral lobe shorter, digitate, half length of dorsal lobe; ventral margin folded in basal 2/5, concave beyond 2/5. Saccus shorter than uncus, wide at base, narrowed to apex, with a papilliform apex. Juxta U-shaped. Aedeagus 5/8 length of valva, wide basally, tapered distally, with sclerites and fine wrinkles in distal 1/5; cornutus absent. Female genitalia ( Fig. 33 ). Papilla analis sub-rectangular, setose on dorsal surface.Apophyses posteriores twice as long as apophyses anteriores. Eighth tergite sub-trapezoidal, straight on posterior margin, slightly concave on anterior margin. Eighth sternal plate very short, crescent, lined with long setae on posterior margin. Lamella antevaginalis with ventral surface circular, shallowly concave medially on posterior margin; dorsal surface sub-rectangular, trapezoidally concave medially on anterior margin. Antrum cup-shaped, extended posterolaterally. Ductus bursae membranous, widened to corpus bursae; appendix bursae from middle of ductus bursae; ductus seminalis arising from lateral margin of appendix bursae. Corpus bursae ovate; signa represented by two verrucous pads at posteror 1/3 laterally. Distribution. China ( Henan ). Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin dilatus and lobatus , referring to the roundly dilated dorsal lobe of the sacculus.