New and rare sponges from the deep shelf of the Alboran Island (Alboran Sea, Western Mediterranean) Author Sitjà, Cèlia Author Maldonado, Manuel text Zootaxa 2014 2014-01-31 3760 2 141 179 journal article 5941 10.11646/zootaxa.3760.2.2 1c3b88e8-5b57-422e-b030-ebbe65c9b246 1175-5326 4908941 E05CF7B1-8410-4482-AB7D-DC9833479CC3 Genus Jaspis Gray, 1867 Diagnosis. Encrusting or massive sponges without triaenes; choanosomal skeleton composed of oxeas irregularly interlaced, ectosomal skeleton formed by a layer of paratangential oxeas generally smaller than those in the choanosome; microscleres are euasters without a centrum; never being spherasters ( sensu Uriz 2002 ).