Review of the flat bug subfamily Calisiinae from Japan, with description of a new genus and four new species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) Author Heiss, Ernst Entomology Research Associate, Tiroler Landesmuseum, 2 a Josef Schraffl Strasse, A- 6020 Innsbruck, Austria Author Shimamoto, Shusuke Laboratory of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture, 1737 Funako, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa, Japan Author Nagashima, Seidai Itami City Museum of Insects, 3 - 1 Koyaike, Itami-shi, Hyogo, Japan text Zootaxa 2024 2024-03-27 5432 1 54 68 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5432.1.4 1175-5326 10898520 102FEF9D-51B0-49AF-A226-37B2D6E55925 Nipponocalisius ishikawanus sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–2 , 11 , 17–18 , 26 , 30–31 , 33A–C ) Calisius sp. : Tawara (1977: 6 fig. 18, 7), Tomokuni & Ishikawa (2002: 171 fig. 1E, 173), Maehara (2014: 103 ; 2016: 26 , 27 fig. 4). Nipponocalisius ishikawanus : Heiss (2023: 111) . Unavailable name. Type material. Holotype ( ): Japan , Honshu , Hyogo- / Pref., Nishinomiya-shi / Mt. Kabuto-yama / 30 July 2007 / Seidai Nagashima // ( TUA ) . Paratypes : 1 ♂ 1 ♀ collected with holotype ( TUA ) ; 3 ♂♂ 8 ♀♀ : Japan , Hyogo Prov. / Nishinomiya-shi / Kabutoyama-cho / 23 III 2008 Seidai Nagashima leg. // ( CEHI , ICMI , TUA ) ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ : Japan , Honshu , Hyogo- / Pref. , Nishinomiya-shi / Mt. Kabuto-yama / 30 July 2007 / Seidai Nagashima // ( TUA ) ; 1♂ 1♀ : Tochigi-ken , / Ashikaga / Koshidoko-pass / 22.XI.2015 / Satoshi Maehara // ( TUA ) ; 1 ♀ : Ome Hill / Ome city, Tokyo / VI.18.1963 / Coll. M. Fukasawa // ( TUA ) ; 3 ♀♀ : Nippon , Kanagawa-ken / Hadano-si , Yakunimi-yama / 35°21'N 139°10'–11'E / 6 VII 2014 / O. Saitoh // ( TUA ) ; 1 ♀ : Japan , Honshu / Mie-ken , Tsu-shi / Tsushi-koen Park / 14.IX.1958 / Chikao Okawa leg. // ( NARO ) ; 1 ♂ : Japan , Nara Pref / Nara-shi , Takamado- / yama, 28 May 2017 / Katsumi Akita leg. // ( TUA ) ; 4 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ : Japan , Wakayama / Ohtoh , Maenokawa / 1989.06.07 / S. Gotoh leg. // ( TUA ) ; 1 ♀ ( Fig. 31b–c ): Hachijo Is. , JPN / Yasaki , Mitsune / 50 m alt. / 4.VII.2001 / M. Tomokuni leg. // NSMT-IHe 61435 // Calisius sp. Seidai Nagashima det. 2002 // ( NMNT ) ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ : Japan , Shikoku / Pref. Tokushima / Mt. Shibakoya-yama / 15 V 1992 N.Garner // ( CEHI ) ; 1 ♀ : Shikoku , Tosa (= Kochi Pref. ) / Matsubagawa / VII.8.1961 / M. Miyatake // ( EUMJ ) ; 1 ♂ : Kuroson , Kochi / 29.VII.1960 / N.Ohbayashi // ( NMNT ) ; 1 ♂ : Japan , Tsushima Is. / Mine-machi , Kaijin-jinja / 03. Jun. 2018 / Reo Ito leg. // ( TUA ) ; 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ : Japan , Tsushima Is. / Izuhara-machi , Tsutsu / Tatsura-yama / 04. Jun. 2018 / Reo Ito leg. // ( TUA ) ; 1 ♂ : Japan , Tsushima Is. / Mehoro / 14 VII1969 / S. Miyamoto // Calisius longiceps n. sp. [unpublished name] // ( KUM ) ; 1 ♂ : Japan , Tsushima Is. / Mehoro / 14 VII1969 / S. Miyamoto // ( KUM ) ; 1 ♀ : Goto Is. / Sanohara / Nakadomari I. / 20.IV.1972 / S. Kinoshita // ( EUMJ ) ; 1 ♂ : Kyushu / Kyogatake / Saga Pref / 3–4.VIII.1974 / Y. Notsu leg. // ( EUMJ ) ; 2 ♀♀ : Shroyama , Saeki / Oita Pref , Kyushu / 1.VIII.1974 / T. Nakane lgt. // ( NMNT ) ; 3 ♂♂ 5 ♀♀ : Japan , Kyushu / Oita-ken , Bungo-ohno-shi / Kiyokawa-machi , Mt. Ondake-san / 26.VIII.2014 / T. Miyake leg. // ( TUA ) ; 2 ♀♀ : Japan , Ōita Pref. / Saiki-shi , Ume , Minami- / tabaru, Takadoya-jinja / 17. Jun. 2016 / Reo Ito leg. // ( TUA ) ; 1 ♂ ( Fig. 30b–c ): 1973.VII.1 / Mt. Osuzu-yama [in Miyazaki Pref. ] / Satoru Tawara leg. [written in Japanese] // 2.XI.1975 received [written in Japanese ] // Calisius sp. // ( KUM ) ; 2 ♂♂ : Japan , Miyazaki Pref. / Miyakonojō-shi / Natsuo-chō / 21. Jun. 2019 / Reo Ito leg. // ( TUA ) . All specimens are provided with type labels. Diagnosis. This species differs from other congeners by the long antennae and antennal segment III being as long as IV. Description. Macropterous; general habitus and morphology as of other species of this genus; color stramineous with darker brown patches on deltg II–VII and anterior part of scutellar disk; scutellum with a pale patch of inverted V-shape ( Fig. 1 ). Head. Distinctly longer than wide (29:22); clypeus medially elevated, genae anterolaterally dilated and laminate; antennae 1.35 times as long as width of head, antennal segment III as long as IV, length of antennal segments I: II:III:IV = 5:6:9:9; vertex with a double longitudinal row of tubercles at middle and a transverse row on posterior margin. Pronotum. Wider than long (46:26), posterior lobe roundly elevated, lateral margins converging anteriorly with three larger tubercles on anterior lobe and few smaller ones on posterior lobe, disk with two pairs of distinct carinae. Scutellum. Basal triangular elevation with two pairs of large tubercles overlapping pronotum and two smaller ones at middle; lateral margins tuberculate along excision for exposed lateral margin of corium reaching deltg V, granulate posteriorly, median carina with one row of tubercles, surface of disk with flat punctures. Abdomen. Lateral margins of deltg II–VII with a double row of round tubercles, the posterior one yellowish, both anterior ones dark brown; tergite VIII with exposed transverse sclerite; spiracles II–VI ventral, VII–VIII lateral. Genitalia. Paramere blade as in Fig. 26 . Female. Basically as male but of larger size; exposed transverse sclerite of tergite VIII present. Measurements. ♂♂ (n = 5): body length 2.85–3.10 mm , width of abdomen 1.20–1.35 mm ; ♀♀ (n = 5): body length 3.25–3.45 mm , width of abdomen 1.40–1.60 mm . Etymology. Named after our friend Tadashi Ishikawa , an excellent student of Heteroptera and collector of two new species described in this paper, in appreciation of his support and generous donation of specimens. Ecology. Several specimens were collected on Quercus spp. ( Fagaceae ) ( Fig. 33A–C ). Distribution. Nipponocalisius ishikawanus sp. nov. is the only calisiine so far known from the main islands of Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu) and its outlying islands (Hachijo Island of the Izu Islands, Tsushima Island, Goto Islands) ( Fig.34 ). Remarks. Calisius sp. illustrated by Tawara (1977: Fig. 30a ) and Tomokuni & Ishikawa (2002: Fig. 31a ) pertains to this new species; their voucher specimens were examined ( Figs. 30b, 31b ). The unavailable name Nipponocalisius ... ishikawanus , mentioned by Heiss, pertains to this new species.