New species of the spider genus Exocora Millidge, 1991 (Araneae: Linyphiidae) from Brazil Author Lemos, Yuji Author Brescovit, Antonio D. text Zootaxa 2013 3599 3 261 278 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3599.3.4 a94f5762-5cf8-43e1-b8dd-7029ee157de4 1175-5326 224180 8570920B-EAC4-48A6-A831-6463682B36D1 Exocora medonho new species Figs. 8 A–D; 9A–F; 15D; 16D; 17 Type : Holotype 1ɗ, from Floresta da Cicuta ( 22°31'S , 44°06'W ), Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , 11–18/VI/ 2001 , Equipe Biota col. ( IBSP 143759). Paratype : 2ɗ5Ψ, Floresta da Cicuta ( 22°31'54''S ; 44°06'27''W ), Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , 11–18/VI/2001 , Equipe Biota col. ( IBSP 143751, 143752, 143762, 143755, 143762). FIGURE 6. Exocora ribeiroi n. sp. , male palp (A, B), epigynum (C, D): A, retrolateral; B, prolateral; C, ventral; D, dorsal. Scale bars 0.1mm. FIGURE 7. Exocora ribeiroi n. sp. , male habitus (A, B), male tibia I macroseta (C), female habitus (D, E), female tibia I macroseta (F). A, D, dorsal; B, E, lateral; C, F, dorsal. Scale bars 0.5mm in C and F; 1mm in other images. FIGURE 8. Exocora medonho n. sp. , male palp (A, B), epigynum (C, D): A, retrolateral; B, prolateral; C, ventral; D, dorsal. Scale bars 0.1mm. FIGURE 9. Exocora medonho n. sp. , male habitus (A, B), male tibia I macroseta (C), female habitus (D, E), female tibia I macroseta (F). A, D, dorsal; B, E, lateral; C, F, dorsal. Scale bars 0.5mm in C and F; 1mm in other images. Etymology: The species epithet is a name taken in apposition and refers to a nickname of Igor Cizauskas. Diagnosis: Males of Exocora medonho n. sp. differ from other Exocora (except E. nogueirai n. sp. and E. una n. sp. ) by the shape of lamella characteristica, longer than wide and more rounded at the proximal part, with a simple and curved anterior extension, and by the straight embolic membrane ( Figs 8 A, B). Females are diagnosed by the shape of epigynal dorsal plate, with a constriction in the middle of anterior margin, by the simple curved copulatory duct, and by the presence of a membranous sac, that surrounds each spermatheca ( Figs 8 C, D; 15D; 16D). Description: Male ( Holotype IBSP 143759): Total length 1.5. Carapace 0.74 long, 0.62 wide. Carapace yellowish with lateral dark markings in a "V" shape. Sternum 0.4 long, 0.42 wide, yellowish with slight darkening of the margins. Clypeus 0.14 high. Chelicerae promargin with 2 teeth, retromargin with 3 teeth. Abdomen yellowish with dark markings, concentrated near the spinnerets, and some white spots on the abdomen ( Figs 9 A, B). Eyes diameter and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.08, PME 0.07, PLE 0.07, AME-AME 0.01, PME-PME 0.05, AME-ALE 0.02, PME-PLE 0.02. Eyes grouped and projected above the clypeus. Ocular area with thick bristles ( Figs 9 A, B). Coxa IV separation 1.4 times their width. Femur I/II/III/IV 0.76/0.74/0.52/0.68; patella I 0.22; tibia I 0.72; metatarsus I 0.76; tarsus I 0.44. Legs yellowish with brown markings along the articles. Tibia I prolateral macroseta thick and sinuous ( Fig. 9 C). TmI 0.18. Palpal tibia without apophysis. Protegulum present. Embolus long and filiform, origin posteriorly, curves to the ectal side and runs anteriorly, getting into the lamella characteristica. Embolic membrane long, projected anteriorly ( Figs 8 A, B). Female ( Paratype IBSP 143762): Total length 1.8. Carapace 0.66 long, 0.56 wide. Sternum 0.38 long, 0.42 wide. Clypeus 0.12 high. Chelicerae promargin with 3 teeth, retromargin with 4 teeth. Body color pattern as in male. Abdomen with white spots larger and more conspicuous ( Figs 9 D, E). Eyes diameter and interdistances: AME 0.05, ALE 0.08, PME 0.08, PLE 0.09, AME-AME 0.01, PME-PME 0.04, AME-ALE 0.02, PME-PLE 0.02. Eyes in a group, less projected and fewer bristles in the ocular area than in the male ( Fig. 9 D, E). Coxa IV separation 1.66 times their width. Femur I/II/III/IV 0.7/0.7/0.52/0.68; patella I 0.22; tibia I 0.64; metatarsus I 0.64; tarsus I 0.42. Legs as in male. Tibia I prolateral macroseta thinner and straight than in male ( Fig. 9 F). TmI 0.19. Epigynum with ventral plate prominent ( Figs 8 C; 15D). Spermathecae rounded. Copulatory ducts originating from the posterior part of spermatheca, presents only one single turn in the ventral direction. Copulatory opening at mesal side. Fertilization ducts originating from posterior part of the spermathecae, running mesally ( Figs 8 D; 16D). Variation: Males (n=4): Total length 1.36–1.56; carapace length 0.64–0.74; carapace width 0.54–0.6; femur I length 0.72–0.82. Females (n=10): Total length 1.38–1.9; carapace length 0.62–0.68; carapace width 0.54–0.6; femur I length 0.64–0.74. Distribution: Known only for type-locality ( Fig. 17 ). Material examined (N=17): BRASIL , Rio de Janeiro: Volta Redonda, Floresta da Cicuta, ( 22°31'54''S ; 44°6'27''W ), 5ɗ12Ψ, 11–18/VI/2001 , Equipe Biota col. ( IBSP 143754, 143756–143761).