A new species and new data of Cosmodiscus Sloan, 1907 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichinae) from the Philippines Author Anichtchenko, Alexander Author Medina, Milton Norman text Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 2023 23 1 125 128 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apjon.2024.100532 journal article 10.59893/bjc.23(1).015 1407-8619 13203694 Cosmodiscus shavrini Anichtchenko, sp. nov. Material. Holotype , male: “ Philippines , Mindanao , Araibo , / Pantukan , Campostela Valley , / 900m , Candalaga Mts. / 7°16’35.3N 128°10’12.8E , / 4.5.2019 , Shavrin A. V . leg.” ( DUBC ) . Paratypes . 1 male : “ Panamokan , Bukidnon , Mindanao / July 2014 ” ( PNM ) ; 1 female : “ Masara , Compostela Valley , Mindanao / January 2015 ” ( DUBC ) . 126 Diagnosis. New species is similar to C. platynotus (Bates, 1873) by its uniformly black body color, but easily distinguishable by strongly transverse pronotum, with maximum width at the middle and not dentate humeri, i.e. in C. platynotus pronotum trapezoidal, and broadest distinctly behind the middle and humeri slightly dentate. By the transverse shape of pronotum, new species is similar with C. brunneus Darlington, 1962 , known from New Guinea . It can be differentiated by concave anterior margin of pronotum, with anteriorly prominent angles, and by completely rounded posterior angles of pronotum, i.e. in C. brunneus anterior margin straight, anterior angles of pronotum not prominent and posterior angles obtuse but distinct ( Darlington, 1962 ). Description . BL = 5.9 – 6.1 mm . Body ( Fig. 1 ) shiny black, explanate lateral margins of pronotum, reflexed lateral margin of elytra, legs, antennae, mouthparts and labrum yellow. Ventral side black, except for redmiddle of pro-, meso- and meta-sternum. Dorsal microsculpture meshed, very superficial, almost obsolete on head, strongly transverse on pronotum and elytra, granulate in marginal groove of the latter, not well traceable on pronotal disc. Head with abruptly prominent eyes and a nearly imperceptible neck constriction on sides. HW/PW = 0.56 – 1.57. Frontal sulci short, deep, very slightly diverging based, disappearing on a level with anterior supraocular setae. Mandibles short, laterally rounded. Labrum truncate, weakly concave at middle. Antennae reaching pronotal base. Pronotum strongly transverse, PW/PL = 1.6 – 1.61. Sides evenly rounded, lateral margins slightly reflexed, borderline between explanate margins and disc obliterate basally. Margins finely beaded throughout except basally, apical bead very distinct, medially flat and much wider than laterally. Base truncate and gently trisinuate; basal angles obtuse and rounded. Basal sulci moderately deep, indistinctly converging basally, much shallow basally. Apical margin rather deeply concaved between obtuse and rounded apical angles. Median line fine, nearly entire, obliterate just basally. Disc convex and smooth; anterior and lateral margins, and interval between basal sulci irregularly and very shallowly rugate; basal angles slightly convex and smooth. vatedin apical third and toward lateral margin. Scutellar setigerous pores present, on base of stria II, slightly removed back from basal margin with distance of diameter of pore or so. Discal pore indistinct. Stria VII with two apical setae. Umbilicate series consist of 15 setigerous pores (6 humeral, 1 lateral and 8 apical). Prosternum, proepisterna and abdominal sterna smooth. Anterior margin of mesoepisterna, metepisterna and metasternum densely shallowly punctate. Anterior margin of abdominal sternites IV–VI with pair of setae; sternite III asetose. Prosternum without median groove, prosternal process convex and apically beaded. Legs. Protarsomeres I-IV of males symmetrically dilated; in females protarsomeres I and II modified, with internal angle strongly extended forward. Protibia with three latero-apical spines. Metafemur bisetose. Mesotibia with four spiniform anterolateral setae, inner setal brush consisting of 7+1 setae; metatibia with two spiniform seta at middle of external ridge. First meso- and metatarsomere 1 externally sulcate. Fig. 1. Habitus of Cosmodiscus shavrini Anichtchenko, sp. nov. (holotype). Scale bar 1mm. Elytra wide, EL/EW =1.36 – 1.38, slightly wider than pronotum, EW/PW =1.09 – 1.16, almost parallel-sided in basal 3/4, widest behind middle; slightly sinuated before apices; apices rounded combined. Humeri rounded, without humeral tooth. Striae entire, deep, minutely punctate, much deeper apically and toward lateral margin. Intervals moderately convex, more ele- Male genitalia ( Fig. 2 ). Genital ring ( Fig. 2a ) with short triangular process. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig. 6b) in overall appearance similar with other species of the genus, i.e. the basal part is curved at a right angle slightly before the middle of its length, apex slightly curved down in lateral view, internal sac without sclerotized pieces. Right paramere elongate and narrow, left paramere large and rounded. Etymology. Named after Dr. Alexey Shavrin, best friend and colleague, a specialist in Staphylinidae , who caught this species during one of our joint expeditions in the Philippines . 127 president Roy G. Ponce; to the Research, Innovation, and Extension (RIE) Division of DOrSU; to Jose (SirToto) Letchoncito, Jr. for the assistance in acquiring our GP at DENR XI. To Nestor Badilla, ourlocal guide in Maragusan, Davao de Oro. To our good friends who accompany us in the field, Dexter Patalita, and Alexey Shavrin to whom the species is named. Fig. 2. Male genitalia of Cosmodiscus shavrini Anichtchenko, sp. nov. Scale bar 1mm. a – genital ring; b – median lobe of aedeagus; c – left paramere; d – right paramere. Scale bar 1mm. Distribution . Known from Mindanao only.