Hipposideridae Author Don E. Wilson Author Russell A. Mittermeier text 2019 2019-10-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats 227 258 book chapter http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3739808 b7e93c79-44a6-4d9c-8b78-dcb62033fb0d 978-84-16728-19-0 3739808 32. Horsfield’s Leaf-nosed Bat Hipposideros larvatus French: Phyllorhine de Horsfield / German: Horsfield-Rundblattnase I Spanish: Hiposidérido de Horsfield Other common names: Horsfield’s Roundleaf Bat , Intermediate Leaf-nosed Bat Taxonomy. Rhinolophus larvatus Horsfield, 1823 , Java , Indonesia . Hipposideros larvatus is in the larvatus species group. Clarification is needed of differentiating characters and geographic limits with H. grandis , particularly the taxon leptophyllus. Monotypic. Distribution. NE India , NE Bangladesh , S China (including Hainan I), mainland SE Asia, Sumatra (including Simeulue, Nias, and Mentawai Is), Borneo, Java, Kangean, Bali, and many offshore Is. Descriptive notes. Head-body 52-75 mm, tail 32-35 mm, ear 21-25 mm, hindfoot 7—12 mm , forearm 50—67 mm ; weight 15—23 g . Greatest skull lengths are 20-4— 22-8 mm, tibia 18-4—24-8 mm. Horsfield’s Leafnosed Bat is very similar to the Grand Leaf-nosed Bat (77. grandis ) but smaller. Ears are broad with pointed tip. There are three supplementary leaflets on each side of noseleaf. Posterior noseleaf is as broad as width of anterior leaf. Thickened and swollen structure behind posterior leaf is well defined in males. Pelage is dark gray-brown to orange-reddish brown. In skull, rostral chambers are well inflated. Sagittal crest is well developed. C1 and C1 are large. Chromosomal complement has 2n = 32 and FN = 60. Habitat. Horsfield’s Leaf-nosed Bat forages in the forest understory, and at edges and gaps in the vegetation. Food and Feeding. Horsfield’s Leaf-nosed Bat feeds on insects in the forest understory. Breeding. As in many other Hipposideros , females were usually found pregnant in March—May and lactating in April-July. Young were sighted attached to females at the roost in April-June. Activity patterns. Horsfield’s Leaf-nosed Bat can be found roosting in limestone or sandstone caves or man-made underground tunnels. Echolocation calls typically have F components terminating with a FM tail. The range of the frequency of the F part can be variable between populations (89-100 kHz). Movements, Home range and Social organization. Horsfield’s Leaf-nosed Bat forms small to very large colonies of up to 800 individuals, in caves. It is often found in the same cave with other species; for example, in Thailand it is found together with the Diadem Leaf-nosed Bat (77. diadema ), Pendlebury’s Leaf-nosed Bat (77. pendleburyi ), and the Great Himalayan Leaf-nosed Bat (77. armigef). Local movements of this species have been observed in several places in Myanmar and Thailand . Colonies are usually dramatically reduced, or totally missing from the known roosts from December to April, the bats returning in May orJune; this may reflect movements to the breeding colony. Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on 77ze IUCN Red List, but some populations could be at risk locally due to cave-bat hunting by local people. Horsfield’s Leaf-nosed Bat is a common species in limestone habitats, and populations appear to be generally stable. It is recorded in several protected areas. Bibliography. Bates, Bumrungsri, Suyanto, Molur & Srinivasulu (2008), Corbet & Hill (1992), Francis (2008a), Kitchener & Maryanto (1993), Lekagul & McNeely (1988), Simmons (2005).