Descriptions of some vertebrate remains from the Fort Union beds of Montana Author Cope, E. D. text Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1876 28 248 261 journal article 25997 10.5281/zenodo.3371111 87e60a32-5002-431d-b24e-2b0dd43b67fb 3371111 Myledaphus bipartitus , gen. et sp.nov. Char . Gen . - Crowns of the teeth molar in character, truncate, wider than long, standing table-like on the root. The latter partakinig of the shape of the crown, short, straight, split equally and at right angles to the greatest diameter of the tooth. The crowns form a pavement having a regularly hexagonal outline. Their composition is different in the halves on each side of a line which divides the crown equally, running in the long direction. On one side the dentine is striate at right angles to the long diameter; the structure is not distinguishable by the hand lens on the opposite side of the line. The affinities of this genus cannot now be stated, but the form of the root recalls the Elosmobranchii , and that of the crown , some of the rays. Char . Specif. -The staining on opposite sides of the line that divides the crown, is different, on the one paler than on the other. The face of the crown is nearly plane, and its border is vertical and overhangs the root all round in a narrow ledge; it is vertically striate, as is also the root. The antero-posterior diameter exceeds the transverse, and the facets are subequal, and are continued less perfectly on the root. The fissure of the latter does not reach the base of the crown.
Measurements. M.
Length of tooth .0053
Diameter of crown antero-posterior .0060 transverse.0045
Long diameter of root .0050
Length of root .0030
Discovered by Charles H. Steinberg .