Trachodon mirabilis
, Leidy.
Teeth pointed above; margins smooth. |
Trachodon (Pteropelyx) selwyni
, Lambe.
Teeth rounded oval above,' margins smooth or with the faintest indications of oblique transverse striaz. Fig. 2,
plate III
Trachodon (Pleropelyx) marginatus
, Lambe.
Teeth rounded above; with a marginal sculpture. Figs. 5 and
plate IV
Pteropelyx grallipes
, Cope.
Teeth rounded above; with a border sculpture. Fig. 7,
plate IV
Trachodon (Pteropelyx) altidens
, Lambe.
Teeth of small size, long in proportion to the breadth, and pointed above; with a border sculpture near theapex. Fig. 4,
plate IV