Catalogue of distribution of lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) from the Brazilian Amazonia. IV. Alopoglossidae, Gymnophthalmidae Author Ribeiro-Júnior, Marco A. Author Amaral, Silvana text Zootaxa 2017 4269 2 151 196 journal article 33001 10.11646/zootaxa.4269.2.1 24db334d-8e18-4158-a02b-84e08c9fefd3 1175-5326 581975 DDD8F72E-C27A-4B0F-82EA-17B01B93ED9C Gymnophthalmus underwoodi Grant, 1958 Type-locality. Barbados, B.W.I. Pertinent taxonomic references. Grant (1958), Hoogmoed (1973), Vanzolini (1976), Cunha (1981), Cole et al. (1989, 1990, 1993), Martins (1991a), Schwartz & Henderson (1991), Vanzolini & Carvalho (1991), Hoogmoed et al. (1992), Ávila-Pires (1995), Yonenaga-Yassuda et al. (1995), Carvalho (1997), Kizirian & Cole (1999), Benozzati & Rodrigues (2003), Goicoechea et al . (2016). Distribution and habitat. Gymnophthalmus underwoodi occurs in northern South America and Lesser Antilles, in Brazil , French Guiana , Suriname , Guyana , Venezuela , Trinidad and Tobago , Barbados , Dominica , Guadeloupe , and Saint Vincent and Grenadines ( Fig. 10 ). In Brazilian Amazonia it is known from the states of Amazonas and Roraima , along the Negro River and the Branco river system. Gymnophthalmus underwoodi is parthenogenetic (only females known), terrestrial, and diurnal, inhabits primary open forests, transition areas of lowland forest and open vegetation, river beaches, and perianthropic situations, where it is mainly found in sunny places among leaf litter, but also in grass and sandy open soil (Hoogmoed 1973; Ávila-Pires 1995; Yonenaga- Yassuda et al . 1995; Vitt & Zani 1998; Caldwell & Vitt 1999; Fields & Horrocks 2011).