New State Records and Additions to the Alien Terrestrial Arthropod Fauna in the Hawaiian Islands Author Matsunaga, Janis N. Author Howarth, Francis G. Author Kumashiro, Bernarr R. text Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 2019 51 1 1 71 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10832895 0073-134X 10832895 Josephiella n. sp. A (apparently undescribed) NEW STATE RECORD An agaonid wasp new to science was discovered causing galls on the stems of Ficus microcarpa . Terminal stems of affected trees appeared unhealthy with a sparse foliar canopy. Initial observers of this damage were under the assumption that the same species which causes leaf galling on F. microcarpa ( Josephiella microcarpae ) was also causing the galling on stems of the same plant. However, closer examination of the stem-galling wasps showed that while both the leaf-galler and the stem-galler are morphologically similar in many ways, this in fact may be a different species. Both leaf and stem-gallers can be found on the same plant. Jean-Yves Rasplus, co-author of the leaf-galling J. microcarpae , agreed that this could be an undescribed species and is currently working on its species description. Subsequent to the initial discovery of this stem-galler on Oahu in 2012, infested F. microcarpa were quickly noted on Hawaii and Maui. In May, 2016, galled F. microcarpa stems with exit holes were collected from Molokai and in July, 2017, from Kauai. However, material from these islands were too old and no adults could be recovered. Therefore, we do not list the collection data below, and in the list of new species we noted a question mark next to these islands until the adults are confirmed. Josephiella n. sp. A, along with Josephiella microcarpae , lobate lac scale ( Paratarchardina pseudolobata ), and other ficus-feeding species has contributed to the weakening of large banyan trees on Oahu. Collection records: OAHU , Manoa , 13.VII.2012 , ex. Ficus microcarpa stems, coll. D. Hulbert, det. J.-Y. Rasplus, 6.X.2012 . HAWAII , Hilo, 30.VII.2012 , ex. F. microcarpa stems, coll. C. Hirayama, L. Larish & S. Chun, det. B. Kumashiro, VIII.2012 . MAUI , Wailuku , 6.VIII.2012 , ex. F. microcarpa stems, coll. M. Fukada , VIII.2012 . Vouchers at HDOA.