Revision of the genus Exochomoscirtes Pic (Coleoptera: Scirtidae: Scirtinae) 2598 Author Ruta, Rafał Author Yoshitomi, Hiroyuki text Zootaxa 2010 2010-08-31 2598 1 1 80 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2598.1.1 1175­5334 10095059 B7D2F686-CE7A-42AE-8395-4527E587C565 Exochomoscirtes luteosuturalis sp. nov. ( Figs. 5E , 12I , 32 ) Type material. Holotype , male ( NHM ): SULAWESI TENGAH : / Nr. Morowali , / Ranu River Area . / 27.i.– 20.iv.1980 ” [printed label]; “Vert. SerieS / 30m . actinic / code: 13.iii.80” [printed & handwritten label]; “ S.L. Sutton / C.J. Rees / B.M.1980-281” [printed label]; “509” [printed yellow label]. Diagnosis. The species is similar to E. jaechi sp. nov. , but dorsal pattern is more contrasting, sternite 9 is wider, with wide apical processes, and tegmen is very elongated. E. luteosuturalis can be distinguished from E. luteosuturaloides on the basis of wider sternite 9, tergite 8 with shorter apodemes and apical process of tergite 7, which is wide in E. luteosuturalis sp. nov. Description. Holotype , male. Body elongate oval, TL/EW 1.5, slightly flattened, covered with brownishblack setae. Head, pronotum and scutellum black, elytra brownish black with yellow maculation. Each elytron with a single oval yellow spot in basal portion, near anterior edge, and yellow adsutural portion in the posterior 3/4 length. Mouthparts yellow, antennomere 1 black, remaining brown. Ventrum and legs dark brown, metatibiae lighter, brownish. FIGURE 32. Exochomoscirtes luteosuturalis sp. nov. , male. A) sternite 9; B) tergite 8; C) tergite 9; D) tegmen; E) penis. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Head covered with small but dense punctures, separated by ca. 1.0 diameter. Eyes big, protuberant; head 1.9 wider than interocular space. Antennae filiform, antennomeres 2 and 3 of subequal lengths, antennomeres 4–11 as long as antennomeres 2 and 3 combined. Palpomeres of maxillary palpi only slightly widened. Pronotum slightly convex, covered with distinct punctation, punctures similar to those on the head, but sparser, separated by ca. 2.0 diameters, anterolateral corners nearly right-angled, somewhat obtuse, projecting anteriorly; lateral margins straight; posterolateral corners acute; base of pronotum subtrapezoidal, with incomplete margination along basal margin; PW/PL 2.8. Scutellum punctured as on pronotum, equilaterally triangular. Angle between pronotum and elytra not marked in dorsal outline. Elytra elongate oval, with slightly explanate lateral margins, widest in the middle, punctation stronger than on pronotum, punctures separated by ca. 1.0 diameter; humeri well marked; EL/EW 1.3; EL/PL 5.0; EW/ PW 1.4. Legs moderately long. Hind tibial spurs well developed, dorsal one subtly curved, unmodified, as long as tarsomere 1, and over twice as long as ventral one; ventral spur slightly curved. Ventrite 1 with sparse setation in mesal portion, ventrite 2 with basal row of big punctures. Apex of tergite 7 with a wide, transversely rectangular outgrowth. Apex of ventrite 5 very shallowly emarginated. Sternite 9 (L 0.45, W 0.23 ) oval, deeply emarginated at apex, apodemes fused basally, with several moderately long setae at apex. Tergite 8 (L 0.85, W 0.48 ) large, moderately sclerotized, bearing row of short setae on apical margin, apodemes short, diverging basally; tergite 9 (L 0.62, W 0.37 ) moderately sclerotized, apical portion large, with minute setae at apex, with a pair of short subparallel apodemes. Tegmen (L 0.50, W 0.43 ) well sclerotized, parameres straight, slightly widened at apices, mesal process moderately wide, longer than half length of parameres. Penis (L 0.47, W 0.18 ) moderately sclerotized, pala subtriangular, parameroids as long as pala. Female unknown (see note below). Measurements. Male (n = 1): TL 4.56, PL 0.80, PW 2.20, EL 4.00, EW 3.10. Distribution. Sulawesi . Etymology. Specific epithet referrs to the yellow elytral suture of male. Note. Several female specimens ( Fig. 12J–K ) resembling E. luteosuturalis and related species ( E. luteosuturaloides , E. jaechi ) were found in the collections: Female ( NHM ): “ INDONESIA : / SULAWESI UTARA, / Dumoga-Bone N. P. / November 1985 ” [printed label]; “at light” [printed label]; “ G. Mogogonipa / summit, 1008m ” [printed label]; “ R. Ent. Soc. Lond. / PROJECT WALLACE / B. M. 1985-10” [printed label]. Female ( SMNS ): “ VIETNAM : Buon-loi / 40 km N of Ankhe / Prov. Gia-lai Kontum / 12.– 19.6.1985 ”. Female ( NMW ): “S-VIETNAM / 40km NW An Khe / Buon Luoi , 620–750m ” [printed label]; “14°10’ N 108°30’ E / 28.3. – 12.4.1995 / Pacholatko & Dembicky” [printed label]. Female ( EUM ): “Bunsit, alt. 300m / Sabah , Is. Borneo / East MALAYSIA / 25 th Mar.1984 / N. KOBAYASHI leg.” [printed label] . According to present knowledge it is impossible to identify them to species level. Dorsal maculation is better developed than in male specimens of related species, although sutural stripe may be absent. The prehensor is very narrow, long (L=0.20), the distal portion hooked ( Fig. 33 ).