Saltmarsh flies of the genus Scorpiurus Parent from New Zealand (Insecta: Diptera: Dolichopodidae) Author Masunaga, Kazuhiro text Zootaxa 2017 2017-09-28 4324 3 581 591 journal article 31939 10.11646/zootaxa.4324.3.11 9434dfd7-7234-456a-b3d8-0bf7effeedf8 1175-5326 998370 5Ad3Bac2-6Fb1-447A-9A36-0Ab2E3013Abb Genus Scorpiurus Parent Scorpiurus Parent, 1932 : 161 ( nomen nudum ). Scorpiurus Parent, 1933 : 357 . Type species: Scorpiurus aenescens Parent, 1933 (by monotypy). Diagnosis. Medium- to large-sized flies of 3.1–5.3 mm in body length. Body metallic green in ground color, with grayish white pollinosity; first flagellomere long and triangular, arista apical; postgena with many long, white setae; acrostichal setae biserial, seven dorsocentral setae, scutellum with four long setae; fore coxa with many long, white setae on anterior surface. Description. Vertex not concave; occiput convex. Frons wide, ocellar tubercle distinctly raised and round, with 2 ocellar bristles and 2 minute postocellar setae. One pair of front-orbital bristles close to vertex. Face wider in females than males. Face, clypeus, and palpus with grayish pollinosity. Clypeus distinctly swollen. Postocular ciliation black, erect and thick. Palpus with black setae. Postgena with many long, white setae. Eyes widely dichoptic, covered with tiny white pubescence. Antenna black, first flagellomere long and triangular, tapered apically, with short setulae; arista apical without ornament. Mesonotum metallic green in ground color, with grayish white pollinosity. Chaetotaxy: thoracic bristles black; acrostichal setae well developed, short and biserial; 7 dorsocentral setae; one each of posthumeral, presutural, sutural, postsutural, supra-alar, and post-alar setae; 2 notopleural setae; scutellum with 4 strong setae; proepisternum with several long white setae. Legs: slender and simple; fore coxa with many long, white setae on anterior surface; middle and hind coxae with prominent outer black setae and long, white setae; tibiae with strong setae. Wing long, narrow and darkened, secondary sexual characters undeveloped. Calypter pale brown with pale brown fringe. Halter yellowish brown. Abdomen metallic green in ground color, with grayish white pollinosity. In Scorpiurus aenescens , posterior abdominal segments bent dorsally and hypopygium directed ventrally; anteroventral corners of tergum 5 digitiform and strongly curved anteriorly. Hypopygium well developed, pointing forward beneath tip of abdomen; male cercus long, with many long setae. Distribution . New Zealand .