An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of South Africa Author Ebert, David A. Author Wintner, Sabine P. 0000-0001-7350-5999 Author Kyne, Peter M. 0000-0003-4494-2625 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-03-17 4947 1 1 127 journal article 7365 10.11646/zootaxa.4947.1.1 74dc998a-dc7a-4b02-b43c-a2064c9c6dc2 1175-5326 4614567 7F3B4794-65CF-4691-A330-78A423F2606F Mobula kuhlii (Müller & Henle, 1841 ) Shortfin Devil Ray Cephaloptera kuhlii Valenciennes in M̹ller & Henle, 1841: 185 , pl. 59 (left). Lectotype : MNHN 0000-1596. Type locality: India . Local synonymy : Mobula kuhlii : Barnard, 1925: 86 , fig. 2, pl. 5; Barnard, 1959: 28 , fig. 8, pl. 4; Compagno et al ., 1989: 116 , pl.; Compagno, 1999: 118 ; Ebert & van Hees, 2015: 148 ; Weigmann, 2016: 982 ; White & Last, 2016c: 745 , fig. 33.4; Stevens et al ., 2018: 86 , figs. Mobula diabolus : Smith, 1943: 75 ; Smith, 1949a: 72 , fig. 87; Compagno, 1986: 135 , fig. 29.2. South Africa voucher material : SAIAB 4361, SAIAB 7883, SAIAB 7884, SAIAB 12821, SAIAB 13337, SAIAB 44353, SAIAB 75577, SAIAB 75578, SAIAB 75579, SAIAB 207689. South African distribution : Port Alfred (EC) to northern KZN. Remarks : The specific identification in Barnard (1925) was provisional based only on the color of a specimen cast and the fact that M. kuhlii had previously been recorded in Zanzibar . The proportions of the cephalic lobes in the drawing ( Barnard, 1925 : pl. 5) are suggestive of M. kuhlii (see Notarbartolo di Sciara et al. , 2020 , fig. 3). See Remarks under M. eregoodoo for relationship with that species. Conservation status : EN (2020).