Revision of the Nearctic species of Gimnomera Rondani (Diptera: Scathophagidae) with morphological phylogeny and DNA barcodes Author Chagnon, Marie-Eve 0000-0001-7843-1060 Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Macdonald Campus, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, H 9 X 3 V 9, Canada & meh. chagnon @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7843 - 1060 Author Sinclair, Bradley J. 0000-0001-6413-1606 Canadian National Collection of Insects & Canadian Food Inspection Agency, OPL-Entomology, K. W. Neatby Bldg., C. E. F., 960 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON, K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada & bradley. sinclair @ canada. ca; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6413 - 1606 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-09-23 4853 3 369 403 journal article 8412 10.11646/zootaxa.4853.3.3 e1297bcb-24e9-4306-8210-068cc6f5f482 1175-5326 4410845 5542FC21-6790-4F20-BDCC-393899A5D89E Gimnomera cerea (Coquillett) ( Figs 3, 4 , 26 , 32 ) Scatophaga cerea Coquillett, 1908: 146 . Type locality: Orange Mts , New Jersey , USA . Gimnomera cerea : Vockeroth, 1965: 840 (new combination). Gimnomera atrifrons Malloch, 1920: 37 ( Vockeroth 1965: 840 ; new synonym). Megaphthalma wilcoxi Curran, 1933: 11 ( Vockeroth 1965: 840 ; new synonym). Diagnosis. This Nearctic species is characterized by the male terminalia with a triangular-shaped cercus with lateral protrusions and ear-shaped surstylus. The males of G. cerea are similar to G. incisurata , G. terrywheeleri and G. vockerothi based on body colour but are distinguishable by the differences in the male cercus: rectangular-shaped cercus in G. terrywheeleri and G. vockerothi ; triangular without lateral protrusions in G. incisurata . The surstylus is trough-shaped in G. incisurata and G. terrywheeleri and expanded-shaped in G. vockerothi . Redescription. Male. Body primarily yellow; pleura yellow; scutum yellow; entire body pruinose. Head with face black and gena yellow transitioning to black anteriorly; genal width 1⁄2 eye height; postgena yellow. Frontal vitta black; fronto-orbital plate black blending to yellow towards ocellar triangle; parafacial black (in rare cases male with face yellow, gena completely yellow, frontal vitta yellow, fronto-orbital plate yellow and parafacial yellow, male terminalia characters will designate species). Fronto-orbital plate with 2–3 inclinate frontal setae, 1 proclinate, 2 lateroclinate orbital setae, 1 pair of lateroclinate ocellar setae, 1 pair of divergent postocellar setae subequal in length to ocellar setae, 1 pair of inclinate paravertical setae, 1 long inclinate inner vertical setae, 1 long lateroclinate outer vertical setae. Gena with 2 supravibrissal setae not equal in size to vibrissa; 1 strong vibrissa; 3–7 variably lengthened subvibrissal setae, 1–2 subequal to vibrissa. Antenna with postpedicel black, about three times as long as pedicel; scape and pedicel black or yellow, pedicel with 1 stout seta along antennal seam; arista black and pubescent. Palpus yellow with black setae apically. Thorax with scutal setae black; acrostichal setulae biserial, finer and paler than dorsocentrals; 3–4 presutural and 3 postsutural dorsocentral setae; 2 posterior postpronotal setae; two rows of 11–17 (more than 10) erect, often stout setae on anterior portion of postpronotum and scutum ( Fig. 26 ); 1 presutural intra-alar seta, 2 notopleural setae, 0 postsutural intra-alar setae, 2 postsutural supra-alar setae, 2 postalar setae. Pleura with 1 black proepisternal seta or 2 pale setae; 1–2 yellow proepimeral setae; 2 posterior anepisternal setae and several long anepisternal setulae, 1–2 black, remaining pale; 1 posterodorsal katepisternal seta; anterior half of anepisternum and anepimeron bare, katepisternum with setulae ventrally. Wing (length 3.3–3.8 mm ) clear, lightly infuscate; R 1 with singular row of 9–11 setulae on apical 1⁄4 above; CuA+CuP ends just before wing margin. Halter white. Legs entirely yellow. Fore femur with long, white ventral pile; 3 posterodorsal setae on apical 1⁄3. Fore tibia with 1 preapical dorsal seta; 1 posterior seta on apical 1⁄3 and 1 preapical posterior seta; 1 posterodorsal and 1 anterodorsal seta at mid-length. Mid femur with long, white ventral pile; 3 anterodorsal setae on apical 1⁄2; 1 preapical posterodorsal and 1 preapical dorsal seta. Mid tibia with 1 mid posterodorsal, 1 mid anterodorsal, 1 preapical dorsal, 1 preapical anterodorsal and 1 preapical posterior seta; 1 stout, apical ventral seta. Hind femur with long, white ventral pile; 3 anterodorsal setae on apical 1⁄2 and 1 preapical anterior seta. Hind tibia with 2 anterodorsal setae on basal 1⁄2; 1 mid posterodorsal, 1 preapical dorsal and 1 preapical anterodorsal seta; 1 stout apical ventral seta. Tarsi with short, white ventral pile. Abdominal tergites yellow, with pale setulae over surface. Abdominal sternites also yellow. Sternite 5 with 2 small processes; outer margin with short, black peg-like setae. Terminalia ( Figs 3, 4 ) with epandrium yellow; surstylus yellow; cercus yellow; hypandrium yellow. Surstylus long, extending beyond cercus; trough-shaped with indent facing cercus; terminal end broad and paddle-like with 2 lobes; in lateral view dorsal lobe larger than ventral lobe; in posterior view dorsal lobe folded over ventral lobe to produce trough-shape; outer edge of lobes darkened. Cercus triangular, fused apically; rounded projection laterally on either side of cercus, projections covered with setulae. Pregonite slender at apex and slightly expanded apically with 4 long, thick setae. Postgonite slender and positioned dorsally to pregonite; apical end curved anteriorly. Female. Similar to male, except head with face yellow; frontal vitta yellow; fronto-orbital plate yellow and parafacial yellow. Abdominal tergites with black stripe posteriorly. Terminalia as in generic diagnosis; membrane between tergites and sternites 7 and 8 with long, dark spines. Type material examined. Gimnomera cerea : HOLOTYPE , labelled: “ Orange Mts / NJ”; “ May ”; “TypeNo./ 11511/ U.S. N.M. [red label]”; “ Gymnomera / cerea/ Coq ”; “USNMENT 01234683 [data matrix]” ( USNM ). PARATYPE : “Roxboro,/ V .13 Pa.”; “Det. by/ Coq’ 11’ t / Coll. by/ Hapbeck”; “AllotypeNo/ 11511/ U.S. N.M. [red label]”; “cerea/ Det. 1965 Coq./ J. R . Vockeroth”; “USNMENT 01295550 [data matrix]” ( 1♂ , USNM ) [label data on paratype does not match description in Coquillett (1908) ]. Gimnomera atrifrons : HOLOTYPE , labelled: “ INHS / Insect Collection/ 238, 600 [white label]”; “St Anthony Park/ Minn/ Lugger/”; “ TYPE / Gimnomera / atrifrons/ Malloch [red label]”; “ Gimnomera / atrifrons/ Mall type” ( INHS ). Megaphthalma wilcoxi : PARATYPE , labelled: “ Megaphthalma / PARATYPE / wilcoxi / Curran./ No.”; “ Aneroid Lk , Ore./ Blue Mts. / 7500 ft. elev./ July 23, 1929 ”; “ H. A. Scullen / Coll.”; “ Megaphthalma / wilcoxi/ Curran” ( WSU ) . Additional material examined. CANADA . Alberta : Calgary [ 51°06′20.8′′N 114°06′09.2′′W ], 11.vii.1962 , W. R . Mason ( 1♂ , CNC ) ; Jumping Pd. Cr. West of Calgary [ 51°03′58.1′′N 114°32′57.2′′W ], , W. R . M. Mason ( 1♂ , CNC ) ; Snow Cr. Pass , Banff NP [ 51°29′39.8′′N 115°56′00.8′′W ], 28.vii.1962 , K.C. Hermann ( 1♂ , CNC ) ; Sunshine Lodge , Banff [ 51°29′39.8′′N 115°56′00.8′′W ], 15.viii.1962 , W. R . M. Mason ( 1♀ , CNC ) . British Columbia : Manning Pk [ 49°06′53.7′′N 120°51′20.7′′W ], , H.J. Teskey ( 1♂ , CNC ) ; Stagleap PPk, 49°03.52′N 117°02.44′W , 18.vii.2015 , B.J. Sinclair ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; University British Columbia , Carey Centre [ 49°16′34.3′′N 123°13′08.2′′W ], 9500 ft , 6.v.1950 , A.H. Sturtevant ( 1♀ , USNM ) . Ontario : Griffith [ 45°14′38.5′′N 77°09′58.7′′W ], , B.E. Cooper ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; same data except, ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; Lambton Co. , Pinery PPk [ 43°15′15.5′′N 81°49′55.9′′W ], 4– , D. Caloren & J. Skevington ( 1♀ , DEBU ) ; Lambton Co. , Pinery , pine trail [ 43°02′13.8′′N 82°11′46.5′′W ], 20.v.1999 , I. Carmichael ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; Petawawa [ 45°53′49.6′′N 77°17′02.6′′W ], 28.v.1959 , J. R . Vockeroth ( 30♀ , CNC ) ; same data except, ( 4♀ , 1♂ , CNC ) ; Tobermory, Dunks Bay [ 45°14′54.1′′N 81°38′55.4′′W ], , S.A. Marshall ( 1♀ , DEBU ) ; Waterloo Reg. , Blair , RARE , Resource House , 43°22′53′′N 80°20′28′′W , 25–29.v.2006 , D.K.B. Cheung ( 1♀ , DEBU ) ; Waterloo Reg. , Blair , RARE , The Dells , 43°22′55′′N 80°20′32′′W , 25–29.v.2006 , D.K.B. Cheung ( 1♀ , 2♂ , DEBU ) ; Waterloo Reg. , Blair , RARE , The Dells , 43°22′55′′N 80°20′32′′W , 29.v.– , D.K.B. Cheung ( 2♂ , DEBU ) . Québec : Gatineau Pk , Champlain Lookout [ 45°30′29.2′′N 75°53′51.6′′W ], 1100 ft , , J. R . Vockeroth ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; Gatineau Pk , King Mt , 45°29′N 75°51′W , 24.v.2012 , B.J. Sinclair ( 1♀ , barcoded, CNC ) ; Gatineau Pk , Old Chelsea [ 45°32′32.6′′N 75°52′05.8′′W ], , H.J. Teskey ( 4♀ , CNC ) , same data except, 5.v.1987 ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; Indian House [ 56°15′00.4′′N 64°41′56.1′′W ], 12.vii.1954 , W. R . Richards ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; King Mt. [Gatineau Pk], [ 45°29′22.8′′N 75°51′43.4′′W ], , P.W. Arntfield ( 6♀ , LEM ; 1♂ , CNC ) ; same data except, ( 1♀ , LEM ) ; King Mt. , Gatineau Pk , 15.v.1985 , T . Saigusa ( 2♂ , KUMF ) ; Mt. St. Hilaire [ 45°33′18.3′′N 73°09′32.1′′W ], , J.G. Chillcott ( 2♀ , CNC ) ; Mt. St. Hilaire [ 45°33′18.3′′N 73°09′32.1′′W ], 500–700 ft , , J. R . Vockeroth ( 14♀ , 1♂ , CNC ; 1♀ , DEBG ) ; same data except, ( 2♀ , CNC ) ; same data except, 950 ft , 12.v.1965 ( 1♂ , CNC ) ; Old Chelsea [Gatineau Pk], [ 45°32′32.6′′N 75°52′05.8′′W ], emerged. xii.1958 , J. R . Vockeroth ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; same data except, ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; same data except, emerged xii.1959 ( 1♂ , CNC ) ; same data except, 25.v.1960 ( 58♀ , 2♂ , CNC ) ; same data except, emerged v.1960 ( 1♂ , CNC ) ; same data except, ( 1♂ , CNC ) ; same data except, ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; same data except, 3.vii.1969 ( 1♂ , CNC ) ; same data except, 14.v.1987 ( 4♀ , CNC ) ; same data except, 16.v.1991 ( 15♀ , 2♂ , CNC ; 1♀ , barcoded, CNC ) ; same data except, ( 1♀ , DEBU ) ; Old Chelsea [Gatineau Pk], [ 45°32′32.6′′N 75°52′05.8′′W ], 24.v.1989 , B. Landry ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; Old Chelsea [Gatineau Pk], [ 45°32′32.6′′N 75°52′05.8′′W ], , P.W. Arntfield ( 7♀ , LEM ) ; Summit King Mt. , Old Chelsea [ 45°29′22.8′′N 75°51′43.4′′W ], 1150 ft , , J. R . Vockeroth ( 3♀ , 1♂ , CNC ) ; same data except, 14.v.1990 ( 1♀ , 1♂ , CNC ) ; Summit King Mt. , Old Chelsea [ 45°29′22.8′′N 75°51′43.4′′W ], 26.v.1970 , D.M. Wood ( 8♀ , CNC ) . USA . Alaska : Starrigavan , Sitka [ 57°07′59.0′′N 135°21′56.2′′W ], emerged , G.C.D. Griffiths ( 11♀ , 1♂ , CNC ) . Colorado : Echo Lake , Mt. Evans [ 39°39′37.4′′N 105°35′52.4′′W ], 13.vii.1961 , W. R . M. Mason ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; Nederland [ 39°57′41.1′′N 105°30′38.6′′W ], 28.vii.1961 , J. R . Stainer ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; Niwot Ridge , Ward [ 40°03′34.2′′N 105°35′47.8′′W ], 4.vii.1961 , W. R . Mason ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; Summit Lake , Mt. Evans [ 39°35′54.8′′N 105°38′25.0′′W ], 10.vii.1961 , W. R . M. Mason ( 1♀ , CNC ) . Idaho : Latah Co. , Moscow Mt , 46°48.162′N 116°49.552′W , , B.J. Sinclair ( 1♀ , CNC ) ; same data ( 2♀ , barcoded, CNC ) . Massachusetts : Hampshire Co. , Belchertown , Scarborough Brook Cons. Area [ 42°21′01.2″N 72°26′04.31″W ], , em 23–31.iii, 19.iv.2019 , C.S. Eiseman ; ex. Pedicularis canadensis ( 2 ♀ , 4 ♂ , CNC ) . Michigan : Emmet Co. [ 45°31′33.6′′N 84°54′23.3′′W ], 27.v.1960 , R . & K. Dreisbach ( 1♀ , CNC ) . New Jersey : Orange Mts [ 40°44′N 74°17′W ], May , Weidt ( 1♂ , CNC ) . New York : Garrison [ 41°22′46.9′′N 73°56′26.1′′W ], 6.v.1923 , A.H. Sturtevant ( 1♀ , USNM ) ; 6 Mile Creek , Ithaca [ 42°26′37.9′′N 76°30′07.6′′W ], 5.v.1951 , J.C. Martin ( 1♀ , CNC ) . Oregon : Clackamas Co. , Mt. Hood NF, Still Ck Rd , 45°17.879′N 121°53.276′W , 8.vii.2013 , B.J. Sinclair ( 1♀ , barcoded, CNC ) . Utah : Laketown [ 41°49′31.8′′N 111°19′21.2′′W ], , F.C. Harmston ( 1♀ , CNC ) . Virginia : Mountain Lake , Giles Co. [ 37°21′21.8′′N 80°32′12.9′′W ], 19.v.1965 , J.G. Chillcott ( 5♀ , CNC ) . Washington : Mt. Spokane , 47°54.339′N 117°06.599′W , 12.vii.2012 , B.J. Sinclair ( 1♂ , CNC ) . Wyoming : Teton Pass [ 43°29′53.8′′N 110°57′19.2′′W ], 16.vii.1961 , J.G. Chillcott ( 1♀ , CNC ) . Distribution. The western population of this species is found along the western Cordillera, from Alaska extending as far south as Colorado . The eastern population occurs primarily in southern Québec, Ontario and south into the USA as far as Virginia ( Fig. 32 ). Remarks. This species was reared from Pedicularis canadensis L. in Massachusetts and Québec , in addition to Virginia ( Neff 1968 ).