Taxonomic revision of the Oriental species of Notoxus (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) Author Kejval, Zbyněk text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2011 2011-12-09 51 2 627 673 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5329507 0374-1036 5329507 Notoxus assamensis Krekich-Strassoldo, 1913 ( Figs. 3–5 , 78 ) Notoxus assamensis Krekich-Strassoldo, 1913: 129 , Fig. 1 . Type locality. India , Assam , Sudiya. Type material examined. SYNTYPES : 1 J, ‘ Assam Sudiya [h] // [male sex mark] // Doherty [h] // 606906 [h] // Fry Coll.1905.100.[p] // TYPE [p; red label] // assamensis det. v.Krekich [h+p] // assamensis n.sp. Krek. [h]’ ( BMNH ) ; 1 ♀ , ‘ Assam (Sudiga?) [h] // [female sex mark] // TYPE [p; red label] // coll. Heberdey [p] // assamensis det. v.Krekich [p+h] // assamensis Krek. [h; black frame, ochraceous label]’ ( NHMW ) . Additional material examined. INDIA : UTTARAKHAND : 4 JJ 3 ♀♀ , Gangani , 1250 m , 13.– , M. Brancucci leg. ( NHMB ) ; 2 JJ 2♀♀ , Barkot , 1100–1200 m , 5.– , M. Brancucci leg. ( NHMB ) ; 2 JJ, Kharidy , 1300 m , , M. Brancucci leg. ( NHMB ) ; 1 J, ca 13 km NW of Nainital , Khairna Bridge env., 900–1000 m , 13.–17.vii.2003 , Z. Kejval & M. Trýzna leg. ( ZKDC ) . WEST BENGAL : 1 J 1 ♀ , Darjeeling Distr. , Renok , 7.–11.iv.1987 , C. J. Rai leg. ( NHMB ) . ARUNACHAL PRADESH : 1 ♀ , Dirang env., 27°21–23′N 92°13–16′E, 1550± 150 m , 1.– , L. Dembický leg. ( NHMB ) . NEPAL : JANAKPUR ZONE: 1 J, Tamba-Koshi-Khola, 900–1200 m , 5.– , C. J. Rai leg. ( NHMB ) ; 1J, Kabre to Tamba-Koshi-Khola, SE of Charikot , 1900– 900 m , , Pashang leg. ( ZKDC ) . Diagnosis. Larger, elongate species; body reddish brown, elytra in apical two thirds black and with two narrow, transverse, pale reddish bands ( Fig. 78 , the anterior band only vaguely indicated between reddish base and black rest of elytra); head with conspicuously large eyes; tempora nearly evenly narrowing posteriad; pronotal horn moderately long and wide, with wider apical and several smaller lateral lobules; horn crest distinctly raised, evenly lowering towards horn apex, its lateral margins feebly marked by series of somewhat coarser, distinctly spaced lobules / rugules; elytra more than twice as long as wide; punctation in basal half of elytra rather fine but distinct. Male characters (Renok, NHMB). Elytral apices nearly simple, at most moderately angled apically near slight gland opening; protibiae modified, slightly sinuous and moderately angulately produced on inner side close behind mid-length; abdominal sternum VII slightly flattened postero-medially, nearly simple, its posterior margin somewhat widely rounded in ventral view; tergum VIII forming narrow, arched sclerite, evenly rounded and finely setose posteriorly; aedeagus as figured ( Figs. 4, 5 ). Variation. Body length (J ) 3.6–4.3 mm . Moderately variable in shape (width) of pronotal horn; its lateral margins with 3–6 lobules on each side, apical lobule simply, widely rounded to moderately emarginate. Distribution. India : Assam , Arunachal Pradesh , Uttarakhand , West Bengal (Darjeeling Distr.); Nepal (KREKICH- STRASSOLDO 1913, TELNOV 2003, CHANDLER et al. 2008 ). Remarks. KREKICH- STRASSOLDO (1913) described Notoxus assamensis from two specimens deposited in the NHMW and BMNH. It is reliably known only from northern India and Nepal . The record from Vietnam by TELNOV (2005) is based on single female specimen, bearing data ‘Annam-Vinh 1910 // Indo Chine Coll. Dussault’, and re-identified here as N. donckieri (see below).